
来源:互联网 发布:算法,对任意的数组排序 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 10:14


Status有一个cosnt char* state_,为了节省内存,分为3个部分使用,意义如下:

  • state_[0..3]为消息的长度
  • state_[4]为消息的类型
  • state_[5..]为错误的消息
  const char* state_;  enum Code {    kOk = 0,    kNotFound = 1,    kCorruption = 2,    kNotSupported = 3,    kInvalidArgument = 4,    kIOError = 5  };


  // Return a success status.  static Status OK() { return Status(); }  // Return error status of an appropriate type.  //yanke:构造函数:对于每一种Error,都有一个构造函数  static Status NotFound(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {    return Status(kNotFound, msg, msg2);  }  static Status Corruption(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {    return Status(kCorruption, msg, msg2);  }  static Status NotSupported(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {    return Status(kNotSupported, msg, msg2);  }  static Status InvalidArgument(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {    return Status(kInvalidArgument, msg, msg2);  }  static Status IOError(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {    return Status(kIOError, msg, msg2);  }


//yanke:将Slice转为Status的构造函数Status::Status(Code code, const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2) {  assert(code != kOk);  const uint32_t len1 = msg.size();  const uint32_t len2 = msg2.size();  //判断第二个字符串是不是为0,如果不为0,则长度为len1+len2+2,为了加入": "  //  const uint32_t size = len1 + (len2 ? (2 + len2) : 0);  char* result = new char[size + 5];//state_长度包含前5个字符  memcpy(result, &size, sizeof(size));//首先存入长度  result[4] = static_cast<char>(code);//然后存入错误码  memcpy(result + 5, msg.data(), len1);//最后复制错误信息,分2部:第一步复制msg的内容  if (len2) { //第二部:看mgs2是不是有信息,如果没有就不用管,如果有,要继续复制。    result[5 + len1] = ':';//开始复制:先加入':'和' '    result[6 + len1] = ' ';    memcpy(result + 7 + len1, msg2.data(), len2);//复制msg2的内容。  }  state_ = result;}


inline Status::Status(const Status& s) {  state_ = (s.state_ == NULL) ? NULL : CopyState(s.state_);}inline void Status::operator=(const Status& s) {  // The following condition catches both aliasing (when this == &s),  // and the common case where both s and *this are ok.  if (state_ != s.state_) {    delete[] state_;    state_ = (s.state_ == NULL) ? NULL : CopyState(s.state_);  }}


const char* Status::CopyState(const char* state) {  uint32_t size;  memcpy(&size, state, sizeof(size));       //state的前4位保存长度信息,先提取出来放入size中  char* result = new char[size + 5];        //为新的Status开辟空间。size+5为state的长度  memcpy(result, state, size + 5);          //然后开始复制  return result;}


  Code code() const {    return (state_ == NULL) ? kOk : static_cast<Code>(state_[4]);  }

转为string。格式为:“错误码:” + “错误信息”

//yanke:Status转为stringstd::string Status::ToString() const {  if (state_ == NULL) {    return "OK";  } else {    char tmp[30];    const char* type;    switch (code()) {      case kOk:        type = "OK";        break;      case kNotFound:        type = "NotFound: ";        break;      case kCorruption:        type = "Corruption: ";        break;      case kNotSupported:        type = "Not implemented: ";        break;      case kInvalidArgument:        type = "Invalid argument: ";        break;      case kIOError:        type = "IO error: ";        break;      default:        snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Unknown code(%d): ",                 static_cast<int>(code()));        type = tmp;        break;    }    std::string result(type);    uint32_t length;    memcpy(&length, state_, sizeof(length));    result.append(state_ + 5, length);    return result;  }}
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