
来源:互联网 发布:java分解质因数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 17:23
动态联编是指程序联编推迟到运行时进行,所以又称为晚期联编。switch 语句和 if 语句是动态联编的例子。
<2>基类的成员函数在派生类重载:根据参数的特征加以区分;使用“ :: ”加以区分;根据类对象加以区分


#include<iostream>#include<cstring>using namespace std ;class  A_class{      char name[20] ;    public :    void  put_name( char * s ) { strcpy_s( name, s ) ; }                    void  show_name() { cout << name << "\n" ; }};class  B_class  : public  A_class{      char phone_num[ 20 ] ;    public :    void  put_phone( char * num )  { strcpy_s ( phone_num , num ) ; }                    void  show_phone()  { cout << phone_num << "\n" ; }};int main(){  A_class  * A_p ; //基类指针        A_class  A_obj ;   B_class   B_obj ;     A_p = & A_obj ;        A_p -> put_name( "Wang xiao hua" ) ;   A_p -> show_name() ;     A_p = & B_obj ;//基类指针指向派生类对象   A_p -> put_name( "Chen ming" ) ;     A_p -> show_name() ; //调用从基类继承的成员函数   B_obj.put_phone ( "5555_12345678" );//用派生类对象调用派生类的成员函数   ( ( B_class * ) A_p ) -> show_phone() ;//对基类指针强类型转换调用派生类的成员函数}
#include<iostream>#include<cstring>using namespace std ;class Date{ public:       Date( int y, int m, int d )   { SetDate( y, m, d ); }       void SetDate( int y, int m, int d ) { year = y ; month = m ; day = d ; }       void Print() { cout << year << '/' << month << '/' << day << "; " ; }  protected :    int year , month , day ;} ;class DateTime : public Date{ public :       DateTime( int y, int m, int d, int h, int mi, int s ) : Date( y, m, d ) { SetTime( h, mi, s ); }       void SetTime( int h, int mi, int s )  { hours = h;  minutes = mi;  seconds = s; }       void Print()         { ( ( Date * ) this ) -> Print();//对 this 指针作类型转换调用基类成员函数,等价于Date :: Print();             cout << hours << ':' << minutes << ':' << seconds << '\n' ;          }  private:    int hours , minutes , seconds ;  };int main()   { DateTime dt( 2009, 1, 1, 12, 30, 0 ) ;      dt.Print() ;   }
冠以关键字 virtual 的成员函数称为虚函数
#include<iostream>using namespace std ;class  Base{ public :       Base(char xx)  { x = xx; }                      void who()  { cout << "Base class: " << x << "\n" ; }   protected:    char x;} ;class  First_d : public  Base{ public :       First_d(char xx, char yy):Base(xx)  { y = yy; }                      void who()  { cout << "First derived class: "<< x << ", " << y << "\n" ; }   protected:    char y;} ;class  Second_d : public  First_d{ public :      Second_d( char xx, char yy, char zz ) : First_d( xx, yy ) { z = zz; }       void who()  { cout << "Second derived class: "<< x << ", " << y << ", " << z << "\n" ; }   protected:    char z;} ;int main(){ Base  B_obj( 'A' ) ;   First_d F_obj( 'T', 'O' ) ;  Second_d S_obj( 'E', 'N', 'D' ) ;   Base  * p ;   p = & B_obj ;    p -> who() ;//基类指针访问基类函数   p = &F_obj ;     p -> who() ;//基类指针访问基类函数   p = &S_obj ;     p -> who() ;//基类指针访问基类函数   F_obj.who() ;                //通过对象调用成员函数   ( ( Second_d * ) p ) -> who() ;//基类指针做类型转换}
#include<iostream>using namespace std ;class  Base{ public :       Base(char xx)  { x = xx; }                      virtual void who()  { cout << "Base class: " << x << "\n" ; }//基类定义虚函数,使得派生类的重定义版本默认为虚函数   protected:    char x;} ;class  First_d : public  Base{ public :       First_d(char xx, char yy):Base(xx)  { y = yy; }                      void who()  { cout << "First derived class: "<< x << ", " << y << "\n" ; }//虚函数   protected:    char y;} ;class  Second_d : public  First_d{ public :      Second_d( char xx, char yy, char zz ) : First_d( xx, yy ) { z = zz; }       void who()  { cout<<"Second derived class: "<<x<<", "<<y<<", "<<z<<"\n" ; }//虚函数  protected:    char z;} ;int main(){ Base  B_obj( 'A' ) ;   First_d F_obj( 'T', 'O' ) ;  Second_d S_obj( 'E', 'N', 'D' ) ;   Base  * p ;   p = & B_obj ;    p -> who() ;//由于who()的虚特性随着p指向不同对象,this指针作类型转换执行不同实现版本    p = &F_obj ;     p -> who() ;//由于who()的虚特性随着p指向不同对象,this指针作类型转换执行不同实现版本    p = &S_obj ;     p -> who() ;//由于who()的虚特性随着p指向不同对象,this指针作类型转换执行不同实现版本 }



析构函数可以是虚的。虚析构函数用于指引 delete 运算符正确析构动态对象 
#include<iostream>//普通析构函数在删除动态派生类对象的调用情况using namespace std ;class A { public:        ~A(){ cout << "A::~A() is called.\n" ; } } ;class B : public A { public:        ~B(){ cout << "B::~B() is called.\n" ; }} ;int main() { A *Ap = new B ;    B *Bp2 = new B ;    cout << "delete first object:\n" ;    delete Ap;//析构由基类指针建立的派生类对象只析构了基类没有调用派生类析构函数    cout << "delete second object:\n" ;    delete Bp2 ;//析构由派生类指针建立的派生类对象正确调用派生类析构函数(先析构派生类再析构基类)}
#include<iostream>//虚析构函数在删除动态派生类对象的调用情况using namespace std ;class A { public:       virtual ~A(){ cout << "A::~A() is called.\n" ; } } ;class B : public A { public:        ~B(){ cout << "B::~B() is called.\n" ; }} ;int main() { A *Ap = new B ;    B *Bp2 = new B ;    cout << "delete first object:\n" ;    delete Ap;//正确调用派生类构造函数,释放所有资源    cout << "delete second object:\n" ;    delete Bp2 ;} 
纯虚函数说明形式:virtual  类型  函数名(参数表)= 0 ;
class  point { /*……*/ } ;class  shape ; // 抽象类{ point  center ;  public :  point  where ( ) { return  center ; }  void  move ( point p ) {center = p ; draw ( ) ; }  virtual  void  rotate ( int ) = 0 ; // 纯虚函数  virtual  void  draw ( ) = 0 ;// 纯虚函数} ;shape  x ;// error,抽象类不能建立对象shape  *p ;// ok,可以声明抽象类的指针,不能建立抽象类型存储空间shape  f ( ) ;// error, 抽象类不能作为函数返回类型void  g ( shape ) ;// error, 抽象类不能作为传值参数类型shape  & h ( shape &) ;// ok,可以声明抽象类的引用
class  point { /*……*/ } ;class  shape ; // 抽象类{ point  center ;      ……  public :  point  where ( ) { return  center ; }  void  move ( point p ) { center = p ; draw ( ) ; }  virtual  void  rotate ( int ) = 0 ; // 纯虚函数  virtual  void  draw ( ) = 0 ;// 纯虚函数} ;class  ab_circle : public  shape{       int  radius ;    public :   void  rotate ( int ) { } ;} ;  
ab_circle 类仍为抽象类,ab_circle :: draw ( ) 、ab_circle :: rotate ( ) 也是纯虚函数
要使 ab_circle 成为非抽象类,必须作以下说明:
class  ab_circle : public  shape
{    int  radius ;
     public :  
     void  rotate ( int ) ;
     void  draw ( ) ;
} ;  

并提供 ab_circle :: draw ( )和ab_circle :: rotate ( int )的定义

class figure{ protected : double x,y;  public:    void set_dim(double i, double j=0) { x = i ;  y = j ; }                 virtual void show_area() = 0 ;};class triangle : public figure{ public :      void show_area()       { cout<<"Triangle with high "<<x<<" and base "<<y <<" has an area of "<<x*0.5*y<<"\n"; }};class square : public figure{ public:      void show_area()         { cout<<"Square with dimension "<<x<<"*"<<y <<" has an area of "<<x*y<<"\n"; }};class circle : public figure{ public:    void show_area()    { cout<<"Circle with radius "<<x;       cout<<" has an area of "<<3.14*x*x<<"\n";    }};#include<iostream>using namespace std ;#include"figure.h"int main() { triangle t ;//派生类对象    square s ;    circle c;    t.set_dim(10.0,5.0) ;    t.show_area();    s.set_dim(10.0,5.0) ;    s.show_area() ;    c.set_dim(9.0) ;    c.show_area() ; }#include<iostream>using namespace std ;#include"figure.h"int main(){ figure *p;// 声明抽象类指针   triangle t;   square s;   circle c;   p=&t;   p->set_dim(10.0,5.0); // triangle::set_dim()   p->show_area();   p=&s;   p->set_dim(10.0,5.0);// square::set_dim()   p->show_area();   p=&c;   p->set_dim(9.0);// circle::set_dim()   p->show_area();}

#include<iostream>//使用抽象类引用using namespace std ;class Number{ public :      Number (int i) { val = i ; }                    virtual void Show() = 0 ;  protected:  int val ;};class Hex_type : public Number{ public:    Hex_type(int i) : Number(i) { }             void Show()  { cout << "Hexadecimal:" << hex << val << endl ; }};class Dec_type : public Number{ public:    Dec_type(int i) : Number(i) { }             void Show()  { cout << "Decimal: " << dec << val << endl ; }};class Oct_type : public Number{ public:    Oct_type(int i) : Number(i) { }             void Show()  { cout << "Octal: " << oct << val << endl ; }};?void fun( Number & n )// 抽象类的引用参数{  n.Show() ; }?int main(){ Dec_type n1(50);   fun(n1);// Dec_type::Show()   Hex_type n2(50);   fun(n2);// Hex_type::Show()  Oct_type n3(50);   fun(n3);// Oct_type::Show()} 
class Employee{ public:       Employee(const long,const char* );       virtual ~Employee();////虚析构函数       const char * getName() const;       const long getNumber() const;       virtual double earnings() const=0;//纯虚函数,计算月薪       virtual void print() const;             //虚函数,输出编号、姓名protected:       long number;// 编号       char * name;// 姓名};class Manager : public Employee{ public:       Manager(const long , const char *, double =0.0);       ~Manager() { }       void setMonthlySalary(double);// 置月薪       virtual double earnings() const;// 计算管理人员月薪       virtual void print() const;// 输出管理人员信息  private:      double monthlySalary ;//私有数据,月薪};class HourlyWorker : public Employee{ public:       HourlyWorker(const long, const char *, double=0.0, int =0 );       ~HourlyWorker(){}       void setWage(double);// 置时薪       void setHours(int);// 置工时       virtual double earnings() const; // 计算计时工月薪       virtual void print() const;// 输出计时工月薪  private:      double wage;      double hours;};class PieceWorker : public Employee{ public:       PieceWorker(const long , const char *, double =0.0, int =0 );       ~PieceWorker() { }       void setWage ( double ) ;       void setQuantity ( int ) ;       virtual double earnings() const;       virtual void print() const;  private:       double wagePerPiece;// 每件工件薪金       int quantity;// 工件数};void test1(){ cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint) << setprecision(2) ;   Manager m1 ( 10135, "Cheng ShaoHua", 1200 ) ;   Manager m2 ( 10201, "Yan HaiFeng");   m2.setMonthlySalary ( 5300 ) ;   HourlyWorker hw1 ( 30712, "Zhao XiaoMing", 5, 8*20 ) ;   HourlyWorker hw2 ( 30649, "Gao DongSheng" ) ;   hw2.setWage ( 4.5 ) ;   hw2.setHours ( 10*30 ) ;   PieceWorker pw1 ( 20382, "Xiu LiWei", 0.5, 2850 ) ;   PieceWorker pw2 ( 20496, "Huang DongLin" ) ;   pw2.setWage ( 0.75 ) ;   pw2.setQuantity ( 1850 ) ; // 使用抽象类指针,调用派生类版本的函数   Employee *basePtr;    basePtr=&m1;     basePtr->print();   basePtr=&m2;     basePtr->print();   basePtr=&hw1;   basePtr->print();   basePtr=&hw2;   basePtr->print();   basePtr=&pw1;   basePtr->print();   basePtr=&pw2;   basePtr->print();} 
void test2()//用指针数组构造异质数组{ Employee * employ[6] ;//数组元素是基类指针,建立不同派生类对象  int i;  employ[0] = new Manager( 10135, "Cheng ShaoHua", 1200 ) ;  employ[1] = new Manager( 10201, "Yan HaiFeng",5300 ) ;  employ[2] = new HourlyWorker( 30712, "Zhao XiaoMing", 5, 8*20 ) ;  employ[3] = new HourlyWorker( 30649, "Gao DongSheng", 4.5, 10*30 ) ;  employ[4] = new PieceWorker( 20382, "Xiu LiWei", 0.5, 2850 ) ;  employ[5] = new PieceWorker(20496, "Huang DongLin", 0.75, 1850) ;  cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed|ios::showPoint) << setprecision(2) ;  for( i = 0; i < 5; i ++ )     employ[i] -> print() ;  for( i = 0; i < 5; i ++ )     cout << employ[i]->getName() << "  " << employ[i] -> earnings() << endl ;//利用多态性访问不同派生类成员函数}

class Employee//动态异质链表{ public:       Employee(const long,const char* );       virtual ~Employee();       const char * getName() const;       const long getNumber() const;       virtual double earnings() const=0;       virtual void print() const;       Employee *next ;                        // 增加一个指针成员  protected:       long number;       char * name;};void AddFront( Employee * &h, Employee * &t )// 在表头插入结点{ t->next = h ;  h = t ; }?void test3()// 测试函数{ Employee * empHead = NULL , * ptr;   ptr = new Manager( 10135, "Cheng ShaoHua", 1200 );// 建立第一个结点   AddFront( empHead, ptr ) ;// 插入表头   ptr = new HourlyWorker( 30712, "Zhao XiaoMing", 5, 8*20 );// 建立第二个结点   AddFront( empHead, ptr );  // 插入表头   ptr = new PieceWorker ( 20382, "Xiu LiWei", 0.5, 2850 );// 建立第三个结点   AddFront( empHead, ptr ) ;// 插入表头   ptr = empHead ;                             // 使用基类指针遍历链表   while( ptr )  { ptr -> print() ;    ptr = ptr -> next ; } // 遍历链表,输出全部信息   ptr = empHead ;   while( ptr ) // 遍历链表,输出姓名和工资    { cout << ptr -> getName() << "  " << ptr -> earnings() << endl ;       ptr = ptr -> next ;    }}
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