
来源:互联网 发布:手机打开php文件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:03
/* $Id: 101270 2015-06-25 11:31:10Z klaus $ *//* Small sample/testcase which demonstrates that the same source code can * be used to connect to the webservice and (XP)COM APIs. *//* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */import org.virtualbox_5_0.*;import javax.swing.*;import java.util.List;import java.util.Arrays;//import java.math.BigInteger;public class TestVBoxFive{    private static void processEvent(IEvent ev)    {        System.out.println("got event: " + ev);        VBoxEventType type = ev.getType();        System.out.println("type = " + type);        switch (type)        {            case OnMachineStateChanged:            {                IMachineStateChangedEvent mcse = IMachineStateChangedEvent.queryInterface(ev);                if (mcse == null)                    System.out.println("Cannot query an interface");                else                    System.out.println("mid=" + mcse.getMachineId());                break;            }        }    }    static class EventHandler    {        EventHandler() {}        public void handleEvent(IEvent ev)        {            try {                processEvent(ev);            } catch (Throwable t) {                t.printStackTrace();            }        }    }    private static void testEvents(VirtualBoxManager mgr, IEventSource es)    {        // active mode for Java doesn't fully work yet, and using passive        // is more portable (the only mode for MSCOM and WS) and thus generally        // recommended        IEventListener listener = es.createListener();        es.registerListener(listener, Arrays.asList(VBoxEventType.Any), false);        try {            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)            {                System.out.print(".");                IEvent ev = es.getEvent(listener, 500);                if (ev != null)                {                    processEvent(ev);                    es.eventProcessed(listener, ev);                }                // process system event queue                mgr.waitForEvents(0);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        es.unregisterListener(listener);    }    private static void testEnumeration(VirtualBoxManager mgr, IVirtualBox vbox)    {        List<IMachine> machs = vbox.getMachines();        for (IMachine m : machs)        {            String name;            Long ram = 0L;            boolean hwvirtEnabled = false, hwvirtNestedPaging = false;            boolean paeEnabled = false;            boolean inaccessible = false;            try            {                name = m.getName();                ram = m.getMemorySize();                hwvirtEnabled = m.getHWVirtExProperty(HWVirtExPropertyType.Enabled);                hwvirtNestedPaging = m.getHWVirtExProperty(HWVirtExPropertyType.NestedPaging);                paeEnabled = m.getCPUProperty(CPUPropertyType.PAE);//                String osType = m.getOSTypeId();//                IGuestOSType foo = vbox.getGuestOSType(osType);            }            catch (VBoxException e)            {                name = "<inaccessible>";                inaccessible = true;            }            System.out.println("VM name: " + name);            if (!inaccessible)            {                System.out.println(" RAM size: " + ram + "MB"                        + ", HWVirt: " + hwvirtEnabled                        + ", Nested Paging: " + hwvirtNestedPaging                        + ", PAE: " + paeEnabled);            }        }        // process system event queue        mgr.waitForEvents(0);    }    private static boolean progressBar(VirtualBoxManager mgr, IProgress p, long waitMillis)    {        long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + waitMillis;        while (!p.getCompleted())        {            // process system event queue            mgr.waitForEvents(0);            // wait for completion of the task, but at most 200 msecs            p.waitForCompletion(200);            if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= end)                return false;        }        return true;    }    private static void testStart(VirtualBoxManager mgr, IVirtualBox vbox)    {        IMachine m = vbox.getMachines().get(0);        String name = m.getName();        System.out.println("\nAttempting to start VM '" + name + "'");        if(name.contains("Android")){            System.out.println("------------------------------");            ISession session = mgr.getSessionObject();            IProgress p = m.launchVMProcess(session, "gui", "");            progressBar(mgr, p, 10000);            session.unlockMachine();            // process system event queue            mgr.waitForEvents(0);        }    }    private static void getDispalyInfo(VirtualBoxManager mgr, IVirtualBox vbox){        System.out.println("\nvbox Dispaly Info:");        long screenId = 0;        IMachine m = vbox.getMachines().get(0);        ISession session = mgr.getSessionObject();        m.lockMachine(session, LockType.VM);        IConsole console = session.getConsole();        IProgress p = console.powerUpPaused();        progressBar(mgr, p, 10000);        IDisplay display = console.getDisplay();        MainView mainView = new MainView();        IFramebuffer framebuffer = new IFramebuffer(mainView);//        framebuffer.notifyUpdate(100L, 100L, 20L, 20L);        display.attachFramebuffer(screenId, framebuffer);        IFramebuffer framebufferOut = display.queryFramebuffer(screenId);        System.out.println("framebuffer:"+ framebufferOut);        byte vboxAddress = 0;        display.getTypedWrapped().drawToScreen(screenId, vboxAddress, 100L, 100L, 20L, 20L);//        Holder<Long> w = new Holder<>();//        Holder<Long> h = new Holder<>();//        Holder<Long> pix = new Holder<>();//        Holder<Integer> x = new Holder<>();//        Holder<Integer> y = new Holder<>();//        Holder<GuestMonitorStatus> status = new Holder<>();//        display.getScreenResolution(screenId, w, h, pix, x, y, status);////        session.unlockMachine();////        System.out.print("w:" + w.value + " h:" + h.value + " pix:" + pix.value + " x:" + x.value + " y:" + y.value);//        testStart(mgr, vbox);    }    static void testMultiServer()    {        VirtualBoxManager mgr1 = VirtualBoxManager.createInstance(null);        VirtualBoxManager mgr2 = VirtualBoxManager.createInstance(null);        try {            mgr1.connect("http://i7:18083", "", "");            mgr2.connect("http://main:18083", "", "");            IMachine m1 = mgr1.getVBox().getMachines().get(0);            IMachine m2 = mgr2.getVBox().getMachines().get(0);//            String name1 = m1.getName();//            String name2 = m2.getName();            ISession session1 = mgr1.getSessionObject();            ISession session2 = mgr2.getSessionObject();            IProgress p1 = m1.launchVMProcess(session1, "gui", "");            IProgress p2 = m2.launchVMProcess(session2, "gui", "");            progressBar(mgr1, p1, 10000);            progressBar(mgr2, p2, 10000);            session1.unlockMachine();            session2.unlockMachine();            // process system event queue            mgr1.waitForEvents(0);            mgr2.waitForEvents(0);        } finally {            mgr1.cleanup();            mgr2.cleanup();        }    }    private static void testReadLog(VirtualBoxManager mgr, IVirtualBox vbox)    {        IMachine m =  vbox.getMachines().get(0);        long logNo = 0;        long off = 0;        long size = 16 * 1024;        while (true)        {            byte[] buf = m.readLog(logNo, off, size);            if (buf.length == 0)                break;            System.out.print(new String(buf));            off += buf.length;        }        // process system event queue        mgr.waitForEvents(0);    }    private static void printErrorInfo(VBoxException e)    {        System.out.println("VBox error: " + e.getMessage());        System.out.println("Error cause message: " + e.getCause());        System.out.println("Overall result code: " + Integer.toHexString(e.getResultCode()));        int i = 1;        for (IVirtualBoxErrorInfo ei = e.getVirtualBoxErrorInfo(); ei != null; ei = ei.getNext(), i++)        {            System.out.println("Detail information #" + i);            System.out.println("Error mesage: " + ei.getText());            System.out.println("Result code:  " + Integer.toHexString(ei.getResultCode()));            // optional, usually provides little additional information:            System.out.println("Component:    " + ei.getComponent());            System.out.println("Interface ID: " + ei.getInterfaceID());        }    }    private static void  showMainView(){        JFrame frame = new JFrame("MainForm");        JPanel panel_main = new MainForm().panel_main;        frame.setContentPane(panel_main);        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);        frame.pack();        frame.setVisible(true);    }    public static void main(String[] args)    {        showMainView();//        System.out.println("java.library.path: " + System.getProperties().get("java.library.path") + "\n");        VirtualBoxManager mgr = VirtualBoxManager.createInstance("/Applications/");//        VirtualBoxManager mgr = VirtualBoxManager.createInstance(null);        boolean ws = false;        String  url = null;        String  user = null;        String  passwd = null;        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)        {            if (args[i].equals("-w"))                ws = true;            else if (args[i].equals("-url"))                url = args[++i];            else if (args[i].equals("-user"))                user = args[++i];            else if (args[i].equals("-passwd"))                passwd = args[++i];        }        if (ws)        {            try {                mgr.connect(url, user, passwd);            } catch (VBoxException e) {                e.printStackTrace();                System.out.println("Cannot connect, start webserver first!");            }        }        try        {            IVirtualBox vbox = mgr.getVBox();            if (vbox != null)            {                System.out.println("VirtualBox version: " + vbox.getVersion() + "\n");                testEnumeration(mgr, vbox);                testReadLog(mgr, vbox);//                getDispalyInfo(mgr, vbox);                testStart(mgr, vbox);//                testEvents(mgr, vbox.getEventSource());////                System.out.println("done, press Enter...");//                int ch =;            }        }        catch (VBoxException e)        {            printErrorInfo(e);            System.out.println("Java stack trace:");            e.printStackTrace();        }        catch (RuntimeException e)        {            System.out.println("Runtime error: " + e.getMessage());            e.printStackTrace();        }//        catch ( e)//        {//            e.printStackTrace();//        }        // process system event queue        mgr.waitForEvents(0);        if (ws)        {            try {                mgr.disconnect();            } catch (VBoxException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        mgr.cleanup();    }}
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