
来源:互联网 发布:二叉树的反转Java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:21
















































































1. 主线函数

1.0 ComputeCorrespondence

void ComputeCorrespondence()    {        CShape sh = m_frame[frame_ref].input_image.Shape();        //1.计算m_frame_xxx, m_disp_xxx, disp_step, disp_n, m_match_outside        //只考虑disp_step==1的情况,所以可进行以下简化        //且后文件将除m_disp_n外的所有m_frame_xxx和m_disp_xxx都去掉        m_frame_diff = 1;// frame_match - frame_ref;        m_frame_diff_sign = 1;// (m_frame_diff > 0) ? 1 : -1;        m_disp_num = 1;// disp_step < 1.0f ? 1 : ROUND(disp_step);        m_disp_den = 1;// disp_step < 1.0f ? ROUND(1.0 / disp_step) : 1;        m_disp_step_inv = 1;// m_disp_den / (float)m_disp_num;        m_disp_step = disp_step;// m_disp_num / (float)m_disp_den;        m_disp_n = disp_n = disp_max-disp_min + 1;// int(m_disp_step_inv * (disp_max - disp_min)) + 1;        //disp_step = m_disp_step;        //disp_n = m_disp_n;        // Special value for border matches        int worst_match = sh.nBands * ((match_fn == eSD) ? 255 * 255 : 255);        int cutoff = (match_fn == eSD) ? match_max * match_max : abs(match_max);        m_match_outside = __min(worst_match, cutoff);    // trim to cutoff        //2.设置左右图像        m_reference.ReAllocate(sh);        CopyPixels(m_frame[frame_ref].input_image, m_reference);        m_matching.ReAllocate(sh);        CopyPixels(m_frame[frame_match].input_image, m_matching);        //3.设置标准视差图像        sh.nBands = 1;        m_true_disparity.ReAllocate(sh);   // ground truth        ScaleAndOffset(m_frame[frame_ref].truth_image, m_true_disparity, 1.0f / disp_scale, disp_min);        //4.生成浮点视差图像        sh.nBands = 1;        m_float_disparity.ReAllocate(sh);        m_float_disparity.ClearPixels();        //5.生成整型视差图像        sh.nBands = 1;        m_disparity.ReAllocate(sh);        // winning disparities        //6.生成代价函数图像        sh.nBands = m_disp_n;// number of disparity levels        m_cost.ReAllocate(sh);             // raw matching costs (# bands = # disparities)        //if (evaluate_only){暂且略去}        //7.执行算法        clock_t time0 = clock();        PreProcess();   // see StcPreProcess.cpp        RawCosts();     // see StcRawCosts.cpp        Aggregate();    // see StcAggregate.cpp        Optimize();     // see StcOptimize.cpp        Refine();       // see StcRefine.cpp        clock_t time1 = clock();    // record end time        total_time = (float)(time1 - time0) / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;        //8.生成并设置深度图像        sh.nBands = 1;        m_frame[frame_ref].depth_image.ReAllocate(sh);        m_frame[frame_ref].depth_image.ClearPixels();      // set to 0 if we just reallocated        ScaleAndOffset(m_float_disparity, m_frame[frame_ref].depth_image, disp_scale, -disp_min * disp_scale + 0.5);        //9.        CopyPixels(m_frame[frame_ref].input_image, m_reference);    }
1.1 PreProcess

 void PreProcess() 2     { 3         for (int iter = 0; iter < preproc_blur_iter; iter++) 4         { 5             ConvolveSeparable(m_reference, m_reference, ConvolveKernel_121, ConvolveKernel_14641, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1, 1); 6             ConvolveSeparable(m_matching, m_matching, ConvolveKernel_121, ConvolveKernel_14641, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1, 1); 7         } 8         //Currently, we only support iterated binomial blur, to clean up the images a little. 9         //This should help sub-pixel fitting work better, by making image shifts closer to a Taylor series expansion,10         //but will result in worse performance near discontinuity regions and in finely textured regions.11         //Other potential pre-processing operations (currently not implemented),might include:12         //(1)bias and gain normalization13         //(2)histogram equalization (global or local)14         //(3)rank statistics pre-processing15     }

1.2 RawCosts

void RawCosts()    {        CShape sh = m_reference.Shape();        int cols = sh.width;        int rows = sh.height;        int cn = sh.nBands;        fprintf(stderr, match_fn == eAD ? "\nmatch_fn=AD, match_max=%d\n" : (match_fn == eSD ? "\nmatch_fn=SD, match_max=%d\n" : "\nmatch_fn=unknown, match_max=%d\n"), match_max);        int cutoff = (match_fn == eSD) ? match_max * match_max : abs(match_max);        for (int d = 0; d < disp_n; d++)        {            int disp = -(disp_min + d);//计算取不同视差值的代价(一个视差值对应一个cost的通道)            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)            {                uchar *ref = &m_reference.Pixel(0, i, 0);                uchar *match = &m_matching.Pixel(0, i, 0);                float *cost = &m_cost.Pixel(0, i, d);                for (int j = 0, jj = 0; j < cols; j++, jj += disp_n)//m_cost的通道数为disp_n                {                    //1.肯定为错误匹配则代价无穷大                    if ((j + disp) < 0)                    {                        cost[jj] = m_match_outside;                        continue;                    }                    //2.否则计算AD代价或SD代价                    int  diff_sum = 0;//多通道则是所有通道代价之和                    uchar *pixel0 = &ref[j*cn];                    uchar *pixel1 = &match[(j + disp)*cn];                    for (int k = 0; k < cn; k++)                    {                        int diff1 = (int)pixel1[k] - (int)pixel0[k];                        int diff2 = (match_fn == eSD) ? diff1 * diff1 : abs(diff1);                        diff_sum = diff_sum + diff2;                    }                    cost[jj] = __min(diff_sum, cutoff);                }            }        }    }

1.2.1 PadCosts

void PadCosts()    {    // fill the outside parts of the DSI        CShape sh = m_cost.Shape();        int cols = sh.width;        int rows = sh.height;        for (int d = 0; d < m_disp_n; d++)        {            int disp = -(disp_min + d);            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)            {                float* cost = &m_cost.Pixel(0, i, d);                for (int j = 0, jj = 0; j < cols; j++, jj += disp_n)//m_cost的通道数为disp_n                    cost[jj] = ((j + disp) < 0) ? m_match_outside : cost[jj];            }        }    }

1.3 Aggregate

void Aggregate()    {        // Save the raw matching costs in m_cost0;        CopyPixels(m_cost, m_cost0);        //1.Perform given number of iteration steps        for (int iter = 0; iter < aggr_iter; iter++)            switch (aggr_fn)            {                case eBox:                    if (verbose == eVerboseSummary && iter < 1) fprintf(stderr, ", box=%d", aggr_window_size);                    BoxFilter(m_cost, m_cost, aggr_window_size, aggr_window_size, true);//可以用cv::boxFilter()代替                    break;                case eASWeight:                    if (verbose == eVerboseSummary && iter < 1) fprintf(stderr, ", AdaptiveWeight (box=%d gamma_p=%g gamma_s=%g color_space=%d )", aggr_window_size, aggr_gamma_proximity, aggr_gamma_similarity, aggr_color_space);                    LASW(m_cost,        // initial matching cost                        m_cost,            // aggregated matching cost                        m_reference,        // reference image                        m_matching,        // target image                        aggr_window_size,    // window size - x                        aggr_window_size,    // window size - y                        aggr_gamma_proximity,    // gamma_p                        aggr_gamma_similarity,    // gamma_c                        aggr_color_space,    // color space                        aggr_iter            // iteration number (aggregation)                        );                    iter = aggr_iter;                    break;                default:                    throw CError("CStereoMatcher::Aggregate(): unknown aggregation function");            }        //2.Simulate the effect of shiftable windows        if (aggr_minfilter > 1)    MinFilter(m_cost, m_cost, aggr_minfilter, aggr_minfilter);        //3.Pad the outside costs back up to bad values        PadCosts();    }

1.3.1 MinFilter

 {2         //略3     }

1.4 Optimize

void Optimize()    {        // Select the best matches using local or global optimization         // set up the smoothness cost function for the methods that need it        if (opt_fn == eDynamicProg || opt_fn == eScanlineOpt || opt_fn == eGraphCut || opt_fn == eSimulAnnl || opt_fn == eBPAccel || opt_fn == eBPSync)        {            if (verbose == eVerboseSummary) fprintf(stderr, ", smooth=%g, grad_thres=%g, penalty=%g", opt_smoothness, opt_grad_thresh, opt_grad_penalty);            SmoothCostAll();        }         switch (opt_fn)        {        case eNoOpt:      // no optimization (pass through input depth maps)               if (verbose == eVerboseSummary)  fprintf(stderr, ", NO OPT");            break;         case eWTA:        // winner-take-all (local minimum)                   if (verbose == eVerboseSummary) fprintf(stderr, ", WTA");            OptWTA();            break;         case eGraphCut:     // graph-cut global minimization            if (verbose == eVerboseSummary)   fprintf(stderr, ", GC");            OptWTA();       // get an initial labelling (or just set to 0???)            OptGraphCut();  // run the optimization            break;         case eDynamicProg:  // scanline dynamic programming                if (verbose == eVerboseSummary)    fprintf(stderr, ", DP (occl_cost=%d)", opt_occlusion_cost);            OptDP();        // see StcOptDP.cpp            break;         case eScanlineOpt:  // scanline optimization                if (verbose == eVerboseSummary)  fprintf(stderr, ", SO");            OptSO();       // see StcOptSO.cpp            break;         case eSimulAnnl:  // simulated annealing            if (verbose == eVerboseSummary)  fprintf(stderr, ", SA");            OptWTA();           // initialize to reasonable starting point (for low-T gradient descent)            OptSimulAnnl();    // see StcSimulAnn.cpp            break;         case eBPAccel:            OptBP();  // run the optimization            break;         case eBPSync:            OptBPSync();  // run the optimization            break;         default:            throw CError("CStereoMatcher::Optimize(): unknown optimization function");        }         if (final_energy < 0.0f)        {            if (!m_cost.Shape().SameIgnoringNBands(m_smooth.Shape()))                SmoothCostAll();            float finalEd, finalEn;            CStereoMatcher::ComputeEnergy(finalEd, finalEn);            final_energy = finalEd + finalEn;        }    }

1.4.1 SmoothCostOne

float SmoothCostOne(uchar *pixel1, uchar *pixel2, int cn)    {        float tmp = 0.0;        for (int k = 0; k < cn; k++)        {            float tm = int(pixel1[k]) - int(pixel2[k]);            tmp += tm*tm;        }        tmp = tmp/(cn - (cn > 1));//归一化为单通道, ppm图像的通道为4        tmp = sqrt(tmp);        return (tmp < opt_grad_thresh) ? (opt_smoothness*opt_grad_penalty) : opt_smoothness;    }

1.4.2 SmoothCostAll

void SmoothCostAll()    {    //calculate smoothness costs for DP and GC        CShape sh = m_cost.m_shape;        sh.nBands = 2;//分为垂直和水平平滑代价        m_smooth.ReAllocate(sh, false);        int rows = sh.height;        int cols = sh.width;        int cn = m_reference.m_shape.nBands;        char *im_data0_cr = m_reference.m_memStart;        char *im_data0_dw = im_data0_cr + m_reference.m_rowSize;        char *smooth_data0 = m_smooth.m_memStart;        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++, im_data0_cr += m_reference.m_rowSize, im_data0_dw += m_reference.m_rowSize, smooth_data0 += m_smooth.m_rowSize)        {            uchar *im_data1_cr = (uchar*)im_data0_cr;            uchar *im_data1_dw = (uchar*)((i < rows - 1) ? im_data0_dw : im_data0_cr);            float *smooth_data1 = (float*)smooth_data0;            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++, im_data1_cr += cn, im_data1_dw += cn, smooth_data1 += 2)            {                smooth_data1[0] = (i < rows - 1) ? SmoothCostOne(im_data1_cr, im_data1_dw, cn) : 0;                smooth_data1[1] = (j < cols - 1) ? SmoothCostOne(im_data1_cr, im_data1_cr + cn, cn) : 0;            }        }    }

1.4.3 ComputeEnergy

static void ComputeEnergy(CFloatImage& m_cost, CFloatImage& m_smooth, CIntImage& m_disparity, float& dataEnergy, float& smoothEnergy)    {        int cols = m_cost.m_shape.width;        int rows = m_cost.m_shape.height;        int cn1 = m_cost.m_shape.nBands;        int cn2 = m_smooth.m_shape.nBands;        float sum1 = 0.0f;        float sum2 = 0.0f;        char *disp_data0_cr = m_disparity.m_memStart;        char *disp_data0_dw = disp_data0_cr + m_disparity.m_rowSize;        char *datacost_data0 = m_cost.m_memStart;        char *smoothcost_data0 = m_smooth.m_memStart;        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++, disp_data0_cr += m_disparity.m_rowSize, disp_data0_dw += m_disparity.m_rowSize, datacost_data0 += m_cost.m_rowSize, smoothcost_data0 += m_smooth.m_rowSize)        {            int *disp_data1_cr = (int*)disp_data0_cr;            int *disp_data1_dw = (int*)((i < rows - 1) ? disp_data0_dw : disp_data0_cr);            float *datacost_data1 = (float*)datacost_data0;            float *smoothcost_data1 = (float*)smoothcost_data0;            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++, datacost_data1 += cn1, smoothcost_data1 += cn2)            {                int d = disp_data1_cr[j];                sum1 = sum1 + datacost_data1[d];                sum2 = sum2 + ((i < rows - 1 && d != disp_data1_dw[j]) ? smoothcost_data1[0] : 0);//水平平滑代价                sum2 = sum2 + ((j < cols - 1 && d != disp_data1_cr[j + 1]) ? smoothcost_data1[1] : 0);//垂直平滑代价            }        }        dataEnergy = sum1;        smoothEnergy = sum2;        //float GC_scale = (1 << 30) / (256 * 256);        //GC_scale = (1 << 30) / (sum1 + sum2);    }

1.5 Refine

void Refine()    {    //Refine the matching disparity to get a sub-pixel match        if (opt_fn != eNoOpt) ScaleAndOffset(m_disparity, m_float_disparity, disp_step, disp_min);//无优化则跳过        if (refine_subpix == 0 || disp_n < 3)  return; //不进行提纯        for (int i = 0; i < m_cost.m_shape.height; i++)        {            float *cost = &m_cost.Pixel(0, i, 0);            int   *disp = &m_disparity.Pixel(0, i, 0);            float *fdisp = &m_float_disparity.Pixel(0, i, 0);            for (int j = 0; j < m_cost.m_shape.width; j++, cost += disp_n)            {                //Get minimum, but offset by 1 from ends                int d_min = disp[j] + (disp[j] == 0) - (disp[j] == disp_n - 1);                //Compute the equations of the parabolic fit                float c0 = cost[d_min - 1];        //a*(d-1)^2+b*(d-1)+c=c0                float c1 = cost[d_min];            //a*(d  )^2+b*(d  )+c=c1                float c2 = cost[d_min + 1];        //a*(d+1)^2+b*(d+1)+c=c2                float a = 0.5 * (c0 - 2.0 * c1 + c2);    //解得a=c2-2*c1+c0, 对称轴=-b/2*a=d-(c2-c0)/(4*a)                float b = 0.5 * (c2 - c0);                if (a <= 0.0 || a < 0.5 * fabs(b))    continue;                //Solve for minimum                float x0 = -0.5 * b / a;                float d_new = m_disp_step * (d_min + x0) + disp_min;                fdisp[j] = d_new;            }        }    }
2.1 BoxFiter

1 {2     //与cv::boxFilter一致3 }

2.2 LASW

void LASW(CFloatImage &srcCost, CFloatImage &dstCost, CByteImage &im0, CByteImage &im1, int xWidth, int yWidth, float proximity, float similarity, int color_space, int diff_iter){    int frm_total = im0.m_shape.width*im0.m_shape.height;    int win_radius = (int)(xWidth / 2.0);    int win_total = xWidth*yWidth;    //0.分配所需空间    double **Lab0 = new double *[frm_total];    double **Lab1 = new double *[frm_total];    float **rawCostf = new float *[frm_total];    float **dstCostf = new float *[frm_total];    float **sw0f = new float *[frm_total];    float **sw1f = new float *[frm_total];    for (int i = 0; i < frm_total; i++)    {        Lab0[i] = new double[3];        Lab1[i] = new double[3];        rawCostf[i] = new float[srcCost.m_shape.nBands];        dstCostf[i] = new float[srcCost.m_shape.nBands];        sw0f[i] = new float[win_total];        sw1f[i] = new float[win_total];    }    //1.计算Lab图像并    for (int i = 0, index = 0; i<im0.m_shape.height; i++)        for (int j = 0; j<im0.m_shape.width; j++, index++)        {            double R, G, B;            R = im0.Pixel(j, i, ((im0.m_shape.nBands - 1) == 3) ? 0 : 0);            G = im0.Pixel(j, i, ((im0.m_shape.nBands - 1) == 3) ? 1 : 0);            B = im0.Pixel(j, i, ((im0.m_shape.nBands - 1) == 3) ? 2 : 0);            RGB2Lab(R, G, B, Lab0[index][0], Lab0[index][1], Lab0[index][2]);            R = im1.Pixel(j, i, ((im1.m_shape.nBands - 1) == 3) ? 0 : 0);            G = im1.Pixel(j, i, ((im1.m_shape.nBands - 1) == 3) ? 1 : 0);            B = im1.Pixel(j, i, ((im1.m_shape.nBands - 1) == 3) ? 2 : 0);            RGB2Lab(R, G, B, Lab1[index][0], Lab1[index][1], Lab1[index][2]);        }    //2.取得原始代价    for (int i = 0, index = 0; i<srcCost.m_shape.height; i++)        for (int j = 0; j < srcCost.m_shape.width; j++, index++)            for (int k = 0; k<srcCost.m_shape.nBands; k++)                rawCostf[index][k] = (float)srcCost.Pixel(j, i, k);    //3.计算自适应权重    calcASW(Lab0, sw0f, proximity, similarity, win_radius, im0.m_shape.width, im0.m_shape.height);    calcASW(Lab1, sw1f, proximity, similarity, win_radius, im0.m_shape.width, im0.m_shape.height);    //4.求和自适应权重    for (int u = 0; u<diff_iter; u++)    {        aggrASW(sw0f, sw1f, rawCostf, dstCostf, srcCost.m_shape.nBands, win_radius, im0.m_shape.width, im0.m_shape.height);        for (int k = 0; k<frm_total; k++)            memcpy(rawCostf[k], dstCostf[k], sizeof(float)*srcCost.m_shape.nBands);    }    //5.返回结果    for (int i = 0, index = 0; i<dstCost.m_shape.height; i++)        for (int j = 0; j<dstCost.m_shape.width; j++, index++)            for (int k = 0; k<dstCost.m_shape.nBands; k++)                ((float*)dstCost.PixelAddress(j, i, 0))[k] = dstCostf[index][k];    //6.删除分配的空间    for (int i = 0; i < frm_total; i++)    {        delete Lab0[i];        delete Lab1[i];        delete rawCostf[i];        delete dstCostf[i];        delete sw0f[i];        delete sw1f[i];    }}

2.2.1 RGB2Lab

void RGB2Lab(double &R, double &G, double &B, double &L, double &a, double &b){    double X = 0.412453*R + 0.357580*G + 0.189423*B;    double Y = 0.212671*R + 0.715160*G + 0.072169*B;    double Z = 0.019334*R + 0.119193*G + 0.950227*B;    double Xo = 244.66128;    double Yo = 255.0;    double Zo = 277.63227;    double tm1 = X / Xo; tm1 = (tm1 > 0.008856) ? pow(tm1, 0.333333333) : (7.787*tm1 + 0.137931034);    double tm2 = Y / Yo; tm2 = (tm2 > 0.008856) ? pow(tm2, 0.333333333) : (7.787*tm2 + 0.137931034);    double tm3 = Z / Zo; tm3 = (tm3 > 0.008856) ? pow(tm3, 0.333333333) : (7.787*tm3 + 0.137931034);    L = 116 * tm2 - 16;    a = 500 * (tm1 - tm2);    b = 200 * (tm2 - tm3);}

2.2.2 calcASW

void calcASW(double **Lab, float **SW, double proximity, double similarity, int win_radius, int cols, int rows){    int frm_total = cols*rows;    int win_total = (2 * win_radius + 1)*(2 * win_radius + 1);    //0.先清零    for (int i = 0; i<frm_total; i++)        memset(SW[i], 0, sizeof(float)*win_total);    //1.计算自适用权重    for (int i = 0, index = 0; i<rows; i++)    //计算index点的领域点(共win_total个)相对index点的自适应权重,        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++, index++)    //每个自适应权重占用SW的一个通道,索引越小的通道对应越左上角的点            for (int y = -win_radius, k = 0; y <= win_radius; y++)//依次从左到右从上到下计算领域点相对于index点的自适应权重, k表示第k个领域点            {                int ii = i + y;                if (ii < 0 || ii >= rows)//此行领域点越界,所以对应的权重都为0                {                    for (int x = -win_radius; x <= win_radius; x++, k++)                        SW[index][k] = 0;//可用menset加快处理                    continue;                }                for (int x = -win_radius; x <= win_radius; x++, k++)                {                    if (SW[index][k] > 0)    //之前的循环已经计算则无需再计算                        continue;                    int jj = j + x;                    if (jj < 0 || jj >= cols)//此领域点越界,所以对应的权重为0                    {                        SW[index][k] = 0;                        continue;                    }                    double L1 = Lab[index][0];                    double a1 = Lab[index][1];                    double b1 = Lab[index][2];                    int index1 = ii*cols + jj;//领域点坐标                    double L2 = Lab[index1][0];                    double a2 = Lab[index1][1];                    double b2 = Lab[index1][2];                    double weight_prox = exp(-sqrt((double)(y*y + x*x)) / proximity);                    double weight_simi = exp(-sqrt((L1 - L2)*(L1 - L2) + (a1 - a2)*(a1 - a2) + (b1 - b2)*(b1 - b2)) / similarity);                    SW[index][k] = (float)(weight_prox*weight_simi);                    SW[index1][win_total - 1 - k] = SW[index][k];//得到A相对O权重的同时也得到O相对A权重                }            }}

2.2.3 aggrASW

void aggrASW(float **SW0, float **SW1, float **rawCost, float **dstCost, int cn, int win_radius, int cols, int rows){    for (int i = 0, index = 0; i<rows; i++)        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++, index++)            for (int d = 0; d<cn; d++)//处理第d个通道            {                int index1 = j - d;//右图像上匹配点的坐标                if (index1<0) index1 = index1 + cols;                else if (index1 >= cols) index1 = index1 - cols;                index1 = i*cols + index1;//右图像上匹配点的坐标                double weight_sum = 0;                double cost_sum = 0;                for (int y = -win_radius, k = 0; y <= win_radius; y++)//k表示第k个领域点                {                    int ii = i + y;                    if (ii<0) ii = ii + rows;                    if (ii >= rows) ii = ii - rows;                    for (int x = -win_radius; x <= win_radius; x++, k++)                    {                        int jj = j + x;                        if (jj<0) jj = cols + jj;                        else if (jj >= cols) jj = jj - cols;                        double weight = SW0[index][k] * SW1[index1][k];//权重之积                        weight_sum = weight_sum + weight;                        int index_k = ii*cols + jj;//index_k表示第k个领域点                        cost_sum = cost_sum + rawCost[index_k][d] * weight;                    }                }                dstCost[index][d] = (float)(cost_sum / weight_sum);            }}

3.1 OptWTA

void CStereoMatcher::OptWTA(){    CShape sh = m_cost.Shape();    int cols = sh.width;    int rows = sh.height;    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)    {        float* cost = &m_cost.Pixel(0, i, 0);        int*   disp = &m_disparity.Pixel(0, i, 0);        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++, cost += disp_n)//m_cost的通道数为disp_n        {            int best_disp = 0;            float best_cost = cost[0];            for (int d = 1; d < disp_n; d++)            if (cost[d] < best_cost)            {                best_cost = cost[d];                best_disp = d;            }        disp[j] = best_disp;        }    }}

3.2 OptSO

void OptSO()    {    // scanline optimization        int cols = m_cost.m_shape.width;        int rows = m_cost.m_shape.height;        int endcol = cols - 1;        int rowElem = cols*disp_n;        char *datacost_data0 = m_cost.m_memStart;        char *smoothcost_data0 = m_smooth.m_memStart;        char *disparity_data0 = m_disparity.m_memStart;        float *sumcost_data0 = (float*)malloc(rowElem*sizeof(float));//存储每一列的每一视差(通道)的最优结果        int *position_data0 = (int*)malloc(rowElem*sizeof(int));//存储每一列取得最优结果时对应的前一列哪个索引的视差(通道)        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++, datacost_data0 += m_cost.m_rowSize, smoothcost_data0 += m_smooth.m_rowSize, disparity_data0 += m_disparity.m_rowSize)//对每一行        {            float *datacost_data1 = (float*)datacost_data0;            float *smoothcost_data1 = (float*)smoothcost_data0;            int *position_data1 = position_data0;            float *sumcost_data1 = sumcost_data0;            //1.初始化第一列            for (int d = 0; d < disp_n; d++)            {                position_data1[d] = -1;                sumcost_data1[d] = datacost_data1[d];            }            datacost_data1 += disp_n; position_data1 += disp_n; sumcost_data1 += disp_n;//定位第二列            //2.用动态归划处理后续列            for (int j = 1; j < cols; j++, datacost_data1 += disp_n, position_data1 += disp_n, sumcost_data1 += disp_n, smoothcost_data1 += 2)//对每一列            {                for (int d1 = 0; d1 < disp_n; d1++)//对每一通道(视差)                {                    sumcost_data1[d1] = COST_MAX; //当前列当前通道的最小匹配代价                    position_data1[d1] = -1; //最小匹配代价对应前一列的哪个通道(视差)                                        for (int d0 = 0; d0 < disp_n; d0++)//对前一列的每一通道(视差)                    {                        float tm = datacost_data1[d1]; //当前列当前通道(视差)的原始代价                        tm = tm + sumcost_data1[d0 - disp_n];//前一列的每一通道(视差)的最小匹配代价                        tm = (d0 != d1) ? (tm + smoothcost_data1[1]) : tm;//两通道(视差)间的平滑代价(第二通道才是水平方向的平滑代价)                        if (tm < sumcost_data1[d1])                        {                            sumcost_data1[d1] = tm;                            position_data1[d1] = d0;                        }                    }                }            }            //3.在尾列查看最优结果(指针来源与前面不相关)               position_data1 -= disp_n;            sumcost_data1 -= disp_n;            float best_cost = COST_MAX;            int best_disp = 0;            for (int d = 0; d < disp_n; d++)                if (sumcost_data1[d] < best_cost)                {                    best_cost = sumcost_data1[d];                    best_disp = d;                }            //4.回溯(从尾列到首列)            int *disparity_data1 = (int*)disparity_data0;            for (int x = endcol; x >= 0; x--, position_data1 -= disp_n)            {                disparity_data1[x] = best_disp;                best_disp = position_data1[best_disp];            }        }        free(sumcost_data0);        free(position_data0);    }

3.3 OptDP

void OptDP()           {    //dynamic programming stereo (Intille and Bobick, no GCPs)        float ocl = opt_occlusion_cost;        float ocr = opt_occlusion_cost;        int occ = -9999; // marker for occluded pixels (use 0 if you want to leave occluded pixels black)        int cols = m_cost.m_shape.width;        int rows = m_cost.m_shape.height;        int state0[7] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2 };//前一点的状态        int state1[7] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0 };//当前点的状态        int colElem = disp_n * 3;//每点的基元数=通道数*状态数        int left = -colElem, diag = -colElem - 3, up = 3;        int steps[7] = { left, left, diag, diag, up, up, left };//不同状态时最优的前一点的位置与当前点的跨度          int dleft = -disp_n, ddiag = -disp_n - 1, dup = 1;        int disp_step[7] = { dleft, dleft, ddiag, ddiag, dup, dup, dleft };//不同状态时视差的跨度        int border0[7] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 }; //视差为0时没有左下角的前一点        int border1[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; //视差为max没有同列的上一点        int rowElem = cols * colElem;        char *datacost_data0 = m_cost.m_memStart;        char *smoothcost_data0 = m_smooth.m_memStart;        char *disparity_data0 = m_disparity.m_memStart + (cols - 1) * m_disparity.m_pixSize;//视差是从最后列开始计算的        int *position_data0 = (int*)malloc(rowElem*sizeof(int));//存储每一列取得最优结果时对应的前一列哪个索引的视差(通道)        float *sumcost_data0 = (float*)malloc(rowElem*sizeof(float));//存储每一列的每一视差(通道)的最优结果            int *position_data1_endlcol = position_data0 + (cols - 1)*colElem;        float *sumcost_data1_endcol = sumcost_data0 + (cols - 1)*colElem;        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++, datacost_data0 += m_cost.m_rowSize, smoothcost_data0 += m_smooth.m_rowSize, disparity_data0 += m_disparity.m_rowSize)        {            float *datacost_data1 = (float*)datacost_data0;            float *smoothcost_data1 = (float*)smoothcost_data0;            int *position_data1 = (int*)position_data0;            float *sumcost_data1 = (float*)sumcost_data0;            //1.初始化第一列(每列有disp_n个通道(视差)而每个视差又有3个状态)            {                float *datacost_data2 = datacost_data1;                int *position_data2 = position_data1;                float *sumcost_data2 = sumcost_data1;                for (int d = 0; d < disp_n; d++, datacost_data2++, position_data2 += 3, sumcost_data2 += 3)                {    //强制第一个点是非遮挡的                    position_data2[0] = 0;                    position_data2[1] = -1;                    position_data2[2] = -1;                    sumcost_data2[0] = datacost_data2[0];                    sumcost_data2[1] = COST_MAX;                    sumcost_data2[2] = COST_MAX;                }                datacost_data1 += disp_n; position_data1 += colElem; sumcost_data1 += colElem;//定位到第二列            }            //2.用动态归划处理后续列            for (int j = 1; j < cols; j++, datacost_data1 += disp_n, smoothcost_data1 += 2, position_data1 += colElem, sumcost_data1 += colElem)//对每一列            {                float *datacost_data2 = datacost_data1 + disp_n - 1;//先定位到第二列的最后一个通道,因为要从最后个通道开始处理                float *smoothcost_data2 = smoothcost_data1;//平滑代价只与列相关而与通道无关                int *position_data2 = position_data1 + colElem - 3;//先定位到第二列的最后一个通道,因为要从最后个通道开始处理                float *sumcost_data2 = sumcost_data1 + colElem - 3;//从最后个通道开始处理是因为m→R和r→R时处理当前通道时要用到下一通道的数据                for (int d1 = disp_n - 1; d1 >= 0; d1--, datacost_data2--, position_data2 -= 3, sumcost_data2 -= 3) //对每一通道(视差)                {                    sumcost_data2[0] = COST_MAX;//当前列当前通道第0状态的最小匹配代价                    sumcost_data2[1] = COST_MAX;//当前列当前通道第1状态的最小匹配代价                    sumcost_data2[2] = COST_MAX;//当前列当前通道第2状态的最小匹配代价                    position_data2[0] = -1; //第0状态最小匹配代价对应前一列的哪个通道(视差)                    position_data2[1] = -1; //第1状态最小匹配代价对应前一列的哪个通道(视差)                    position_data2[2] = -1; //第2状态最小匹配代价对应前一列的哪个通道(视差)                    for (int t = 0; t < 7; t++)                    {                        if ((d1 == 0 && border0[t]) || (d1 == disp_n - 1 && border1[t]))  continue;//前一点不存在                        int pre_state = state0[t];                        int cur_state = state1[t];                        int pre_pos = steps[t] + pre_state;                        float tm = (cur_state == 1 ? ocl : (cur_state == 2 ? ocr : datacost_data2[0]));//当前列当前通道(视差)的原始代价                        tm = tm + sumcost_data2[pre_pos];//前一列的每一通道(视差)的每一状态的最小匹配代价                        tm = (t == 3 || t == 6) ? (tm + smoothcost_data2[1]) : tm;//平滑代价(从遮挡到匹配时)//第二通道才是水平方向的平滑代价                        if (tm < sumcost_data2[cur_state])                        {                            sumcost_data2[cur_state] = tm;                            position_data2[cur_state] = t;                        }                    }                }            }            //3.在尾列查看最优结果(指针来源与前面不相关)               float best_cost = COST_MAX;            int best_disp = 0;            int best_state = 0;//只考虑左右图像都可见的状态            {                float *sumcost_data2 = sumcost_data1_endcol;//因为在遍历通道所以用data2                for (int d = 0; d < disp_n; d++, sumcost_data2 += 3)                    if (sumcost_data2[best_state] < best_cost)                    {                        best_cost = sumcost_data2[best_state];                        best_disp = d;                    }            }            //4.回溯(从尾列到首列)(指针来源与前面不相关)            position_data1 = position_data1_endlcol + best_disp * 3 + best_state;//因为在遍历列所以用data1            int *disparity_data1 = (int*)disparity_data0;            while (position_data1 >= position_data0)            {                int pos = *position_data1;                int current_state = state1[pos];                int prev_state = state0[pos];                *disparity_data1 = (current_state == 0) ? best_disp : occ;                int stride = steps[pos] - current_state + prev_state;                position_data1 += stride;                best_disp += disp_step[pos];                if (best_disp < 0)                {                    best_disp += disp_n;                    disparity_data1--;                }            }        }        free(sumcost_data0);        free(position_data0);        //填充遮挡点(可单独写成函数)        if (occ != 0)        {            char *disp_data0 = m_disparity.m_memStart;            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++, disp_data0 += m_disparity.m_rowSize)            {                int *disp_data1 = (int*)disp_data0;                //找到第一个非遮掩点                int nonocc;                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)                    if (disp_data1[j] != occ)                    {                        nonocc = disp_data1[j];                        break;                    }                //除最左边的遮挡点外用与之右相邻的非遮挡点填充外, 其余遮挡点都用与之左相邻的非遮挡点填充                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)                {                    int d = disp_data1[j];                    if (d == occ)                        disp_data1[j] = nonocc;                    else                        nonocc = d;                }            }        }    }

8.1 BirchfieldTomasiMinMax

void BirchfieldTomasiMinMax(int* buffer, int* min, int* max, int cols, int cn){    int cur, pre, nex;    //第一个值    cur = buffer[0];    pre = (buffer[0] + buffer[0] + 1) / 2;    nex = (buffer[0] + buffer[1] + 1) / 2;    min[0] = __min(cur, __min(pre, nex));    max[0] = __max(cur, __max(pre, nex));    //中间的值    for (int i = 1; i < cols - 1; i++)    {        cur = buffer[i];        pre = (buffer[i] + buffer[i - 1] + 1) / 2;        nex = (buffer[i] + buffer[i + 1] + 1) / 2;        min[i] = __min(cur, __min(pre, nex));        max[i] = __max(cur, __max(pre, nex));    }    //最后个值    cur = buffer[cols - 1];    pre = (buffer[cols - 2] + buffer[cols - 1] + 1) / 2;    nex = (buffer[cols - 1] + buffer[cols - 1] + 1) / 2;    min[cols - 1] = __min(cur, __min(pre, nex));    max[cols - 1] = __max(cur, __max(pre, nex));}

9. Image.h添加



#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespace cv;//将所有权限改为publictemplate <class T> Mat ImgToMat(CImageOf<T> *src){    Mat dst;    const char *depth = src->m_pTI->name();    if (strcmp(depth, "unsigned char") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_8UC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((unsigned char*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((unsigned char*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "char") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_8SC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((char*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((char*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "unsigned short") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_16UC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((unsigned short*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((unsigned short*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "short") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_16SC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((short*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((short*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "float") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_32FC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((float*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((float*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "int") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_32SC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((int*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((int*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "double") == 0)    {        dst = Mat(src->m_shape.height, src->m_shape.width, CV_64FC(src->m_shape.nBands));        for (int k = 0; k < src->m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < src->m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < src->m_shape.width; j++)                    *((double*)(dst.data + i*dst.step + j*dst.elemSize() + k*dst.elemSize1())) = *((double*)(src->m_memStart + i*src->m_rowSize + j*src->m_pixSize + k*src->m_bandSize));    }    return dst;}template <class T> CImageOf<T> MatToImg(Mat* src){    CImageOf<T> dst;    CShape shape(src->cols, src->rows, src->channels());    dst.ReAllocate(shape);    const char *depth = dst.m_pTI->name();    if (strcmp(depth, "unsigned char") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((unsigned char*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((unsigned char*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "char") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((char*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((char*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "unsigned short") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((unsigned short*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((unsigned short*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "short") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((short*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((short*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "float") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((float*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((float*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "int") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((int*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((int*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    if (strcmp(depth, "double") == 0)    {        for (int k = 0; k < dst.m_shape.nBands; k++)            for (int i = 0; i < dst.m_shape.height; i++)                for (int j = 0; j < dst.m_shape.width; j++)                    *((double*)(dst.m_memStart + i*dst.m_rowSize + j*dst.m_pixSize + k*dst.m_bandSize)) = *((double*)(src->data + i*src->step + j*src->elemSize() + k*src->elemSize1()));    }    return dst;}template <class T> void saveXML(string name, CImageOf<T>* src){    Mat dst = ImgToMat<T>(src);    FileStorage fs;    fs.open("./../TestData/" + name, FileStorage::WRITE);    fs << "mat" << dst;    fs.release();}template <class T> void saveXML(string name, CImageOf<T>* src, int count){    vector<Mat> dst;    for (int i = 0; i<count; i++)        dst.push_back(ImgToMat<T>(&src[i]));    FileStorage fs;    fs.open("./../TestData/" + name, FileStorage::WRITE);    fs << "vectorMat" << dst;    fs.release();}

1 0