
来源:互联网 发布:云南大学软件学院导师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 06:00




  1. 指定启动Ambry-Server,Ambry-Frontend或者Ambry-Admin,在启动时,指定启动的配置文件。为了方便,我们扫描指定的目录(这里是打包目录的conf目录下)
  2. 查看当前机器上的Ambry-Server,Ambry-Frontend或者Ambry-Admin进程
  3. 停止当前机器上的某个Ambry-Server,Ambry-Frontend或者Ambry-Admin进程



#利用cd `dirname $0`切换到脚本当前目录,$0代表脚本文件,pwd获取目录绝对路径BIN_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0`;pwd)#获取项目根目录DEPLOY_DIR=$(cd $BIN_DIR;cd ..;pwd)CONF_DIR=$DEPLOY_DIR/confLIB_DIR=$DEPLOY_DIR/libLIB_JARS=`ls $LIB_DIR|grep .jar|awk '{print "'$LIB_DIR'/"$0}'|tr "\n" ":"`LOG_DIR=$DEPLOY_DIR/logs


  1. 获取脚本目录不能直接pwd,因为这时的pwd返回的是用户操作指令时所处于的目录。我们需要利用cddirname $0;先进行切换在获取pwd


#远程JVM监控JVM_DEBUG_OPTS=" -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n "#JMX监控JVM_JMX_OPTS=" -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false "#在最小内存配置下运行JVM_MEM_OPTS=" -server -Xmx256m -Xms128m "


#在合适的内存配置,适合的GC策略下运行(禁止代码中显示调用GC,年老带并发回收(因为是对象存储,最近存储的利用率高,过一段时间利用率低,慢慢进入年老带),页内存调大存储大对象,多层编译)JVM_MEM_OPTS=" -server -Xmx2g -Xms1g -Xmn64m -XX:PermSize=64m -Xss256k -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=128m -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 "

如果启动脚本时传入参数debug,则JVM_DEBUG_OPTS=" -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n ",如果传入jmx,则JVM_JMX_OPTS=" -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false ",如果传入minMem,则JVM_MEM_OPTS=" -server -Xmx256m -Xms128m ",JVM_MEM_OPTS默认是-server -Xmx2g -Xms1g -Xmn64m -XX:PermSize=64m -Xss256k -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=128m -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70


#读取传入参数,遍历for arg in $*do    #参数debug,则激活debug参数    if [ "debug"x = "$arg"x ]    then        echo "In debug mode!"        JVM_DEBUG_OPTS=" -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n "    #参数为jmx,则激活jmx参数    elif [ "jmx"x = "$arg"x ]    then        echo "Enable JMX!"        JVM_JMX_OPTS=" -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false "    #参数为minMem,则修改JVM_MEM_OPTS参数    elif [ "minMem"x = "$arg"x ]    then        echo "In min memory mode!"        JVM_MEM_OPTS=" -server -Xmx256m -Xms128m "    fidone


  1. 启动服务
  2. 查看当前机器服务列表
  3. 停止服务


  1. Ambry-Server
  2. Ambry-Frontend
  3. Ambry-Admin

1. admin.properties
2. frontend.properties
3. HardwareLayout.json
4. log4j.properties
5. PartitionLayout.json
6. server.properties
1. admin.properties
2. frontend.properties
3. HardwareLayout.json
4. log4j.properties
5. PartitionLayout.json
6. server.properties
1. admin.properties
2. frontend.properties
3. HardwareLayout.json
4. log4j.properties
5. PartitionLayout.json
6. server.properties



  1. Ambry-Server
  2. Ambry-Frontend
  3. Ambry-Admin





specifyConfiguration(){    echo "which is the server properties(please put your configuration files in the configuration folder:${CONF_DIR})?"    #利用``执行ls命令获取CONF_DIR目录下的所有文件    configurations=`ls ${CONF_DIR}`    #遍历返回,展示文件列表    count=1    #注意,shell脚本语法很严格,for do done不能在同一行,如果要在同一行,则需要加;    for var in $configurations    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the Configuration for server properties: "    #获取用户选择的文件    read number    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        #注意,shell脚本语法很严格,if then fi,如果要在同一行,则需要加;        #这里已经确保了count不为空,如果输入为空则会报错        #注意,if 后面的 [ 条件 ] 之间的空格是必须的        if [ $count -eq $number ]        then            SYS_PROPERTIES="--serverPropsFilePath ${CONF_DIR}/${var}"        fi        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the Configuration for hardwareLayout: "    #获取用户选择的文件    read number    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        if [ $count -eq $number ]        then            SYS_CLUSTER_PARA="--hardwareLayoutFilePath ${CONF_DIR}/${var}"        fi        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the Configuration for partitionLayout: "    #获取用户选择的文件    read number    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        if [ $count -eq $number ]        then            SYS_CLUSTER_PARA="${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} --partitionLayoutFilePath ${CONF_DIR}/${var}"        fi        count=`expr $count + 1`    done}


  1. 注意,shell脚本语法很严格,顺序逻辑语法关键字不要放在同一行
  2. 该有的空格必须有(例如[ expression ]),不该有的不要加(例如变量赋值的=两边)


watchBootstrap () {    ret=0;    while [ $ret -eq 0 ]    do        #因为每种类型的日志如果成功日志最后一行都是包含Server start,所以根据这个来判断是否启动成功        #注意指定了日志文件的文职和目录,所以待会java 启动命令最后需要加上 > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out        output=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out|grep "Server start"`        if [[ $output != "" ]]        then            ret=1        else            #因为有任意异常日志最后一行都是包含Server shutdown,所以根据这个来判断是否启动成功            output=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out|grep "Server shutdown"`            if [[ $output != "" ]]            then                 ret=2            fi        fi        sleep 1        echo -ne "."    done    if [ $ret -eq 2 ]    then        echo -e "\n************************Failed to start $1!************************\n"        cat ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out    else        echo -e "\n************************$1 started!************************\n"    fi}


  1. 我们启动Java进程一般后台启动,这时需要知道启动成功与否,我们可以在编写Java代码,在启动时加入特殊输出来表示是否启动成功。
  2. 在shell脚本中,我们可以将启动的标准输出指定到一个文件中输出。之后我们不断用cat命令来查找关键字来判断是否启动成功(注意,设置好延迟,一般1秒cat一次)。

接下来实现bootServer :

bootServer () {    echo -e "\n************************Please specify the module you want to start:************************\n"    echo "1. Ambry-Server"    echo "2. Ambry-Frontend"    echo "3. Ambry-Admin"    echo -n "Your selection is(input 1,2 or 3):"    read MODULE    echo ""    case $MODULE in    1)        specifyConfiguration        echo "Starting Ambry-Server"        # 2>&1 代表(0是标准输入,1是标准输出,2是标准错误输出)将标准错误输出也输出到标准输出,末尾的 &代表后台启动,> ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out代表将所有标准输出输出到文件${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out中        java $JVM_DEBUG_OPTS $JVM_JMX_OPTS $JVM_MEM_OPTS $JVM_PARAS -classpath $CONF_DIR:$LIB_JARS com.github.ambry.server.AmbryMain ${SYS_PROPERTIES} ${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out 2>&1 &        watchBootstrap "Ambry-Server"        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    2)        specifyConfiguration        echo "Starting Ambry-Frontend"        java $JVM_DEBUG_OPTS $JVM_JMX_OPTS $JVM_MEM_OPTS $JVM_PARAS -classpath $CONF_DIR:$LIB_JARS  com.github.ambry.frontend.AmbryFrontendMain ${SYS_PROPERTIES} ${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out 2>&1 &        watchBootstrap "Ambry-Frontend"        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    3)        specifyConfiguration        echo "Starting Ambry-Admin"        java $JVM_DEBUG_OPTS $JVM_JMX_OPTS $JVM_MEM_OPTS $JVM_PARAS -classpath $CONF_DIR:$LIB_JARS  com.github.ambry.admin.AdminMain ${SYS_PROPERTIES} ${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out 2>&1 &        watchBootstrap "Ambry-Admin"        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    esac}


  1. 2>&1 代表(0是标准输入,1是标准输出,2是标准错误输出)将标准错误输出也输出到标准输出,末尾的 &代表后台启动,> ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out代表将所有标准输出输出到文件${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out中


#!/bin/bash# Author : Hash Zhang# Constants definition:#利用cd `dirname $0`切换到脚本当前目录,$0代表脚本文件,pwd获取目录绝对路径BIN_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0`;pwd)#获取项目根目录DEPLOY_DIR=$(cd $BIN_DIR;cd ..;pwd)CONF_DIR=$DEPLOY_DIR/confLIB_DIR=$DEPLOY_DIR/libLIB_JARS=`ls $LIB_DIR|grep .jar|awk '{print "'$LIB_DIR'/"$0}'|tr "\n" ":"`LOG_DIR=$DEPLOY_DIR/logsJVM_PARAS=" -Dlog4j.configuration=file:${CONF_DIR}/log4j.properties "JVM_DEBUG_OPTS=""JVM_JMX_OPTS=""JVM_MEM_OPTS=" -server -Xmx2g -Xms1g -Xmn64m -XX:PermSize=64m -Xss256k -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=128m -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 "SYS_PROPERTIES=""SYS_CLUSTER_PARA=""#读取传入参数,遍历for arg in $*do    #参数debug,则激活debug参数    if [ "debug"x = "$arg"x ]    then        echo "In debug mode!"        JVM_DEBUG_OPTS=" -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n "    #参数为jmx,则激活jmx参数    elif [ "jmx"x = "$arg"x ]    then        echo "Enable JMX!"        JVM_JMX_OPTS=" -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false "    #参数为minMem,则修改JVM_MEM_OPTS参数    elif [ "minMem"x = "$arg"x ]    then        echo "In min memory mode!"        JVM_MEM_OPTS=" -server -Xmx256m -Xms128m "    fidonewatchBootstrap () {    ret=0;    while [ $ret -eq 0 ]    do        #因为每种类型的日志如果成功日志最后一行都是包含Server start,所以根据这个来判断是否启动成功        #注意指定了日志文件的文职和目录,所以待会java 启动命令最后需要加上 > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out        output=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out|grep "Server start"`        if [[ $output != "" ]]        then            ret=1        else            #因为有任意异常日志最后一行都是包含Server shutdown,所以根据这个来判断是否启动成功            output=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out|grep "Server shutdown"`            if [[ $output != "" ]]            then                 ret=2            fi        fi        sleep 1        echo -ne "."    done    if [ $ret -eq 2 ]    then        echo -e "\n************************Failed to start $1!************************\n"        cat ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out    else        echo -e "\n************************$1 started!************************\n"    fi}specifyConfiguration(){    echo "which is the server properties(please put your configuration files in the configuration folder:${CONF_DIR})?"    #利用``执行ls命令获取CONF_DIR目录下的所有文件    configurations=`ls ${CONF_DIR}`    #遍历返回,展示文件列表    count=1    #注意,shell脚本语法很严格,for do done不能在同一行,如果要在同一行,则需要加;    for var in $configurations    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the Configuration for server properties: "    #获取用户选择的文件    read number    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        #注意,shell脚本语法很严格,if then fi,如果要在同一行,则需要加;        #这里已经确保了count不为空,如果输入为空则会报错        #注意,if 后面的 [ 条件 ] 之间的空格是必须的        if [ $count -eq $number ]        then            SYS_PROPERTIES="--serverPropsFilePath ${CONF_DIR}/${var}"        fi        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the Configuration for hardwareLayout: "    #获取用户选择的文件    read number    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        if [ $count -eq $number ]        then            SYS_CLUSTER_PARA="--hardwareLayoutFilePath ${CONF_DIR}/${var}"        fi        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the Configuration for partitionLayout: "    #获取用户选择的文件    read number    count=1    for var in $configurations    do        if [ $count -eq $number ]        then            SYS_CLUSTER_PARA="${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} --partitionLayoutFilePath ${CONF_DIR}/${var}"        fi        count=`expr $count + 1`    done}bootServer () {    echo -e "\n************************Please specify the module you want to start:************************\n"    echo "1. Ambry-Server"    echo "2. Ambry-Frontend"    echo "3. Ambry-Admin"    echo -n "Your selection is(input 1,2 or 3):"    read MODULE    echo ""    case $MODULE in    1)        specifyConfiguration        echo "Starting Ambry-Server"        # 2>&1 代表(0是标准输入,1是标准输出,2是标准错误输出)将标准错误输出也输出到标准输出,末尾的 &代表后台启动,> ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out代表将所有标准输出输出到文件${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out中        java $JVM_DEBUG_OPTS $JVM_JMX_OPTS $JVM_MEM_OPTS $JVM_PARAS -classpath $CONF_DIR:$LIB_JARS com.github.ambry.server.AmbryMain ${SYS_PROPERTIES} ${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out 2>&1 &        watchBootstrap "Ambry-Server"        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    2)        specifyConfiguration        echo "Starting Ambry-Frontend"        java $JVM_DEBUG_OPTS $JVM_JMX_OPTS $JVM_MEM_OPTS $JVM_PARAS -classpath $CONF_DIR:$LIB_JARS  com.github.ambry.frontend.AmbryFrontendMain ${SYS_PROPERTIES} ${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out 2>&1 &        watchBootstrap "Ambry-Frontend"        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    3)        specifyConfiguration        echo "Starting Ambry-Admin"        java $JVM_DEBUG_OPTS $JVM_JMX_OPTS $JVM_MEM_OPTS $JVM_PARAS -classpath $CONF_DIR:$LIB_JARS  com.github.ambry.admin.AdminMain ${SYS_PROPERTIES} ${SYS_CLUSTER_PARA} > ${LOG_DIR}/stdout.out 2>&1 &        watchBootstrap "Ambry-Admin"        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    esac}stopServer (){    count=1    pids=$1    for var in $pids    do        echo "${count}. ${var}"        count=`expr $count + 1`    done    if [ -n "$2" -a $count -gt 1 ]    then        echo -n "Please input the sequence number of the PID you want to stop: "        read pid        count=1        for var in $pids        do            if [ $count -eq $pid ]            then                ret=`kill -9 "${var}"`                echo $ret            fi            count=`expr $count + 1`        done    elif [ $count -lt 2 ]    then        echo "No Alive Ambry-Server exists!"    fi}showServer () {    echo ""    echo "1. Ambry-Server"    echo "2. Ambry-Frontend"    echo "3. Ambry-Admin"    echo -n "Your selection is(input 1,2 or 3):"    read MODULE    echo ""    case $MODULE in    1)        pids=`ps -ef|grep ambry|grep "${DEPLOY_DIR}"|grep com.github.ambry.server.AmbryMain|awk '{print $2}'`        echo -e "\n************************Current Ambry-Server Pids:************************\n"        stopServer $pids $1        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    2)        pids=`ps -ef|grep ambry|grep "${DEPLOY_DIR}"|grep com.github.ambry.frontend.AmbryFrontendMain|awk '{print $2}'`        echo -e "\n************************Current Ambry-Frontend Pids:************************\n"        stopServer $pids $1        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    3)        pids=`ps -ef|grep ambry|grep "${DEPLOY_DIR}"|grep com.github.ambry.admin.AdminMain|awk '{print $2}'`        echo -e "\n************************Current Ambry-Admin Pids:************************\n"        stopServer $pids $1        echo -e "\n************************************************************************\n"        ;;    esac}while [ 1 = 1 ]do    echo -e "\n************************Welcome to ambry!************************\n"    echo "1. Boot a server"    echo "2. Watch the server list in current host"    echo "3. Stop a server"    echo -n "Your selection is(input 1,2 or 3):"    read SELECTION    echo ""    case $SELECTION in    1)        bootServer        ;;    2)        showServer        ;;    3)        showServer true        ;;    esacdone
0 2