整理系列-20161118- PHP 邮件接收功能实现「部分资源mark」

来源:互联网 发布:数学专业程序员 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 23:56




  • 邮件接收类 这个没试过,关键是忘记自己存bookmark了。。


  • POP3
<?php class SocketPOPClient {     var $strMessage        = '';     var $intErrorNum    = 0;     var $bolDebug        = false;     var $strEmail        = '';     var $strPasswd        = '';     var $strHost        = '';     var $intPort        = 110;     var $intConnSecond    = 30;     var $intBuffSize    = 8192;    var $resHandler        = NULL;     var $bolIsLogin        = false;     var $strRequest        = '';     var $strResponse    = '';     var $arrRequest        = array();     var $arrResponse    = array();    //---------------     // 基础操作     //---------------    //构造函数     function SocketPOPClient($strLoginEmail, $strLoginPasswd, $strPopHost='', $intPort='') {         $this->strEmail        = trim(strtolower($strLoginEmail));         $this->strPasswd    = trim($strLoginPasswd);         $this->strHost        = trim(strtolower($strPopHost));        if ($this->strEmail=='' || $this->strPasswd=='')         {             $this->setMessage('Email address or Passwd is empty', 1001);             return false;         }         if (!PReg_match("/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+$/i", $this->strEmail))         {             $this->setMessage('Email address invalid', 1002);             return false;         }         if ($this->strHost=='')         {             $this->strHost = substr(strrchr($this->strEmail, "@"), 1);         }         if ($intPort!='')         {             $this->intPort = $intPort;         }         $this->connectHost();     }     //连接服务器     function connectHost() {         if ($this->bolDebug)         {             echo "Connection ".$this->strHost." ...\r\n";         }         if (!$this->getIsConnect())         {             if ($this->strHost=='' || $this->intPort=='')             {                 $this->setMessage('POP3 host or Port is empty', 1003);                 return false;                         }             $this->resHandler = @fsockopen($this->strHost, $this->intPort, &$this->intErrorNum, &$this->strMessage, $this->intConnSecond);             if (!$this->resHandler)             {                 $strErrMsg = 'Connection POP3 host: '.$this->strHost.' failed';                 $intErrNum = 2001;                 $this->setMessage($strErrMsg, $intErrNum);                 return false;             }             $this->getLineResponse();             if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())             {                 return false;             }         }         return true;     }    //关闭连接     function closeHost() {         if ($this->resHandler)         {             fclose($this->resHandler);         }         return true;     }    //发送指令     function sendCommand($strCommand) {         if ($this->bolDebug)         {             if (!preg_match("/PASS/", $strCommand))             {                 echo "Send Command: ".$strCommand."\r\n";             }             else             {                 echo "Send Command: PASS ******\r\n";             }        }         if (!$this->getIsConnect())         {             return false;         }         if (trim($strCommand)=='')         {             $this->setMessage('Request command is empty', 1004);             return false;         }         $this->strRequest = $strCommand."\r\n";         $this->arrRequest[] = $strCommand;         fputs($this->resHandler, $this->strRequest);         return true;     }    //提取响应信息第一行     function getLineResponse() {         if (!$this->getIsConnect())         {             return false;         }         $this->strResponse = fgets($this->resHandler, $this->intBuffSize);         $this->arrResponse[] = $this->strResponse;        return $this->strResponse;             }    //提取若干响应信息,$intReturnType是返回值类型, 1为字符串, 2为数组     function getRespMessage($intReturnType) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect())         {             return false;         }         if ($intReturnType == 1)         {             $strAllResponse = '';             while(!feof($this->resHandler))             {                 $strLineResponse = $this->getLineResponse();                 if (preg_match("/^\+OK/", $strLineResponse))                 {                     continue;                 }                 if (trim($strLineResponse)=='.')                 {                     break;                 }                 $strAllResponse .= $strLineResponse;             }             return $strAllResponse;         }         else         {             $arrAllResponse = array();             while(!feof($this->resHandler))             {                 $strLineResponse = $this->getLineResponse();                 if (preg_match("/^\+OK/", $strLineResponse))                 {                     continue;                 }                 if (trim($strLineResponse)=='.')                 {                     break;                 }                 $arrAllResponse[] = $strLineResponse;             }             return $arrAllResponse;                     }     }    //提取请求是否成功     function getRestIsSucceed($strRespMessage='') {         if (trim($responseMessage)=='')         {             if ($this->strResponse=='')             {                 $this->getLineResponse();             }             $strRespMessage = $this->strResponse;         }         if (trim($strRespMessage)=='')         {             $this->setMessage('Response message is empty', 2003);             return false;         }         if (!preg_match("/^\+OK/", $strRespMessage))         {             $this->setMessage($strRespMessage, 2000);             return false;         }         return true;     }    //获取是否已连接     function getIsConnect() {         if (!$this->resHandler)         {             $this->setMessage("Nonexistent availability connection handler", 2002);             return false;         }         return true;     }    //设置消息     function setMessage($strMessage, $intErrorNum) {         if (trim($strMessage)=='' || $intErrorNum=='')         {             return false;         }         $this->strMessage    = $strMessage;         $this->intErrorNum    = $intErrorNum;         return true;     }    //获取消息     function getMessage() {         return $this->strMessage;     }    //获取错误号     function getErrorNum() {         return $this->intErrorNum;     }    //获取请求信息     function getRequest() {         return $this->strRequest;             }    //获取响应信息     function getResponse() {         return $this->strResponse;     }    //---------------     // 邮件原子操作     //---------------    //登录邮箱     function popLogin() {         if (!$this->getIsConnect())         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("USER ".$this->strEmail);         $this->getLineResponse();         $bolUserRight = $this->getRestIsSucceed();        $this->sendCommand("PASS ".$this->strPasswd);         $this->getLineResponse();         $bolPassRight = $this->getRestIsSucceed();        if (!$bolUserRight || !$bolPassRight)         {             $this->setMessage($this->strResponse, 2004);             return false;         }                 $this->bolIsLogin = true;         return true;     }    //退出登录     function popLogout() {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("QUIT");         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return true;     }    //获取是否在线     function getIsOnline() {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("NOOP");         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return true;             }    //获取邮件数量和字节数(返回数组)     function getMailSum($intReturnType=2) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("STAT");         $strLineResponse = $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         if ($intReturnType==1)         {             return     $this->strResponse;         }         else         {             $arrResponse = explode(" ", $this->strResponse);             if (!is_array($arrResponse) || count($arrResponse)<=0)             {                 $this->setMessage('STAT command response message is error', 2006);                 return false;             }             return array($arrResponse[1], $arrResponse[2]);         }     }    //获取指定邮件得session Id     function getMailSessId($intMailId, $intReturnType=2) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         if (!$intMailId = intval($intMailId))         {             $this->setMessage('Mail message id invalid', 1005);             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("UIDL ". $intMailId);         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         if ($intReturnType == 1)         {             return     $this->strResponse;         }         else         {             $arrResponse = explode(" ", $this->strResponse);             if (!is_array($arrResponse) || count($arrResponse)<=0)             {                 $this->setMessage('UIDL command response message is error', 2006);                 return false;             }             return array($arrResponse[1], $arrResponse[2]);         }     }    //取得某个邮件的大小     function getMailSize($intMailId, $intReturnType=2) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("LIST ".$intMailId);         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         if ($intReturnType == 1)         {             return $this->strResponse;         }         else         {             $arrMessage = explode(' ', $this->strResponse);             return array($arrMessage[1], $arrMessage[2]);         }     }    //获取邮件基本列表数组     function getMailBaseList($intReturnType=2) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("LIST");         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return $this->getRespMessage($intReturnType);     }    //获取指定邮件所有信息,intReturnType是返回值类型,1是字符串,2是数组     function getMailMessage($intMailId, $intReturnType=1) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         if (!$intMailId = intval($intMailId))         {             $this->setMessage('Mail message id invalid', 1005);             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("RETR ". $intMailId);         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return $this->getRespMessage($intReturnType);     }    //获取某邮件前指定行, $intReturnType 返回值类型,1是字符串,2是数组     function getMailTopMessage($intMailId, $intTopLines=10, $intReturnType=1) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         if (!$intMailId=intval($intMailId) || !$intTopLines=int($intTopLines))         {             $this->setMessage('Mail message id or Top lines number invalid', 1005);             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("TOP ". $intMailId ." ". $intTopLines);         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return $this->getRespMessage($intReturnType);     }    //删除邮件     function delMail($intMailId) {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         if (!$intMailId=intval($intMailId))         {             $this->setMessage('Mail message id invalid', 1005);             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("DELE ".$intMailId);         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return true;     }    //重置被删除得邮件标记为未删除     function resetDeleMail() {         if (!$this->getIsConnect() && $this->bolIsLogin)         {             return false;         }         $this->sendCommand("RSET");         $this->getLineResponse();         if (!$this->getRestIsSucceed())         {             return false;         }         return true;             }    //---------------     // 调试操作     //---------------    //输出对象信息     function printObject() {         print_r($this);         exit;     }    //输出错误信息     function printError() {         echo "[Error Msg] : $strMessage     <br>\n";         echo "[Error Num] : $intErrorNum <br>\n";         exit;     }    //输出主机信息     function printHost() {         echo "[Host]  : $this->strHost <br>\n";         echo "[Port]  : $this->intPort <br>\n";         echo "[Email] : $this->strEmail <br>\n";         echo "[Passwd] : ******** <br>\n";         exit;     }    //输出连接信息     function printConnect() {         echo "[Connect] : $this->resHandler <br>\n";         echo "[Request] : $this->strRequest <br>\n";         echo "[Response] : $this->strResponse <br>\n";         exit;     } }//测试代码 //例如:$o = SocketPOP3Client('邮箱地址', '密码', 'POP3服务器', 'POP3端口')set_time_limit(0); $o = new SocketPOPClient('xxx@163.com', 'xxx', 'pop.163.com', '110'); $result = $o->popLogin(); //$o->printHost();var_dump($result);echo "1";print_r($o->getMailBaseList()); print_r($o->getMailSum(1)); print_r($o->getMailTopMessage(2, 2, 2)); $o->popLogout(); $o->closeHost(); $o->printObject(); ?> 
  • IMAP 这个找不到从哪儿来的了–。。
<?php//by Alpha.Z//05/21/2000class myimap{    var $username="";    var $userpwd="";    var $hostname="";    var $port=0;    var $connection=0;//是否连接    var $state="DISCONNECTED";//连接状态    var $greeting="";    var $must_update=0;    var $inStream=0;    Function open() {        if ($this->port==110)            $this->inStream=imap_open("{{$this->hostname}:110}inbox",$this->username,$this->userpwd);        else            $this->inStream=imap_open("{{$this->hostname}:143}inbox",$this->username,$this->userpwd);        if ($this->inStream) {            echo "用户:$this->username 的信箱连接成功。<br>";            return $inStream;        }        else {            echo "用户:$this->username 的信箱连接失败。<br>";            return 0;        }    }    Function close() {        if(imap_close($this->inStream)) {            echo "<hr>已经与服务器 $this->hostname 断开连接。";            return 1;        }        else {            echo "<hr>与服务器 $this->hostname 断开连接失败。";            return 0;        }    }    Function CheckMailbox() {        $mboxinfo=@imap_mailboxmsginfo($this->inStream);        //$mboxinfo=imap_check($this->inStream);        if ($mboxinfo)            if ($mboxinfo->Nmsgs>0) {                echo "您的收件箱里共有邮件数:".$mboxinfo->Nmsgs."<br>";                echo "未读邮件数:".$mboxinfo->Unread."<br>";                //echo "新邮件数:".$mboxinfo->Rescent."<br>";                echo "总共占用空间:".$mboxinfo->Size."字节<br>";                echo "最新邮件日期:".$mboxinfo->Date."<br><hr>";            }            else {                echo "您的信箱里没有邮件。<br><hr>";            }        else {            echo '<font color="RED">错误:无法获取收件箱的信息。</font>';        }        echo '<table border="1">';        $sortby="SORTDATE";        $sort_reverse=1;        $sorted = imap_sort($this->inStream, $sortby, $sort_reverse, SE_UID);        for ($i=1;$i<=$mboxinfo->Nmsgs;$i++) {            $msgHeader = @imap_header($this->inStream, imap_msgno($this->inStream, $sorted[$i-1]));            //日期            if (isset($msgHeader->date)) {                $date = $msgHeader->date;                if (ord($date) > 64)                    $date = substr($date, 5);                    while (strstr('', $date)) {                        $date = str_replace('', ' ', $date);                    }            }            if (isset($msgHeader->from[0])) {                $from = $msgHeader->from[0];                if (isset($from->personal)) {                    $frm = trim($from->personal);                }                else                    if (isset($from->mailbox) && isset($from->host)) {                        $frm = $from->mailbox . '@' . $from->host;                    }                    else                        if (isset($msgHeader->fromaddress))                            $frm = trim($h->fromaddress);            }            else                if (isset($msgHeader->fromaddress))                    $frm = trim($msgHeader->fromaddress);            if (isset($msgHeader->toaddress))                $to = trim($msgHeader->toaddress);            else                $to = "未知";            if (isset($msgHeader->subject))                $sub = trim($this->decode_mime_string($msgHeader->subject));            if (isset($msgHeader->Size))                $msg_size = ($msgHeader->Size > 1024) ? sprintf("%.0f kb", $msgHeader->Size / 1024) : $msgHeader->Size;            if (strlen($frm) > 50)                $frm = substr($frm, 0, 50) . '...';            if (strlen($sub) > 50)                $sub = substr($sub, 0, 50) . '...';                echo '<tr>';                echo '<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="check"></td><td>'.$frm.'</td><td><a href="showbody_imap.php?usr='.$this->username.'&pwd='.$this->userpwd.'&msg='.$i.'">'.$sub.'</a></td><td>'.$date.'</td><td>'.$msg_size.'</td>';                echo '</tr>';        }        echo "</table>";    }    Function decode_mime_string ($string) {        $pos = strpos($string, '=?');        if (!is_int($pos)) {            return $string;        }        $preceding = substr($string, 0, $pos); // save any preceding text        $search = substr($string, $pos+2, 75); // the mime header spec says this is the longest a single encoded word can be        $d1 = strpos($search, '?');        if (!is_int($d1)) {            return $string;        }        $charset = substr($string, $pos+2, $d1);        $search = substr($search, $d1+1);        $d2 = strpos($search, '?');        if (!is_int($d2)) {            return $string;        }        $encoding = substr($search, 0, $d2);        $search = substr($search, $d2+1);        $end = strpos($search, '?=');        if (!is_int($end)) {            return $string;        }        $encoded_text = substr($search, 0, $end);        $rest = substr($string, (strlen($preceding . $charset . $encoding . $encoded_text)+6));        switch ($encoding) {        case 'Q':        case 'q':            $encoded_text = str_replace('_', '%20', $encoded_text);            $encoded_text = str_replace('=', '%', $encoded_text);            $decoded = urldecode($encoded_text);            break;        case 'B':        case 'b':            $decoded = urldecode(base64_decode($encoded_text));            break;        default:            $decoded = '=?' . $charset . '?' . $encoding . '?' . $encoded_text . '?=';            break;        }        return $preceding . $decoded . decode_mime_string($rest);    }    Function display_toaddress ($user, $server, $from) {        return is_int(strpos($from, $this->get_barefrom($user, $server)));    }    Function get_barefrom($user, $server) {        $barefrom = "$user@$real_server";        return $barefrom;    }    Function get_structure($msg_num) {        $structure=imap_fetchstructure($this->inStream,$msg_num);        //echo gettype($structure);        return $structure;    }    Function proc_structure($msg_part, $part_no, $msg_num) {        if ($msg_part->ifdisposition) {            // See if it has a disposition            // The only thing I know of that this            // would be used for would be an attachment            // Lets check anyway            if ($msg_part->disposition == "ATTACHMENT") {                // If it is an attachment, then we let people download it                // First see if they sent a filename                $att_name = "unknown";                for ($lcv = 0; $lcv <count($msg_part->parameters); $lcv++) {                    $param = $msg_part->parameters[$lcv];                    if ($param->attribute == "NAME") {                        $att_name = $param->value;                        break;                    }                }                // You could give a link to download the attachment here....                echo '<a href="'.$att_name.'">'.$att_name.'</a><br>';                $fp=fopen(".$att_name","w+");                fputs($fp,imap_base64(imap_fetchbody($this->inStream,$msg_num,$part_no)));                fclose($fp);            }            else {            // I guess it is used for something besides attachments????            }        }        else {            // Not an attachment, lets see what this part is...            switch ($msg_part->type) {            case TYPETEXT:                $mime_type = "text";                break;            case TYPEMULTIPART:                $mime_type = "multipart";                // Hey, why not use this function to deal with all the parts                // of this multipart part :)                for ($i = 0; $i <count($msg_part->parts); $i++) {                    if ($part_no != "") {                        $part_no = $part_no.".";                    }                    for ($i = 0; $i <count($msg_part->parts); $i++) {                        $this->proc_structure($msg_part->parts[$i], $part_no.($i + 1), $msg_num);                    }                }                break;            case TYPEMESSAGE:                $mime_type = "message";                break;            case TYPEAPPLICATION:                $mime_type = "application";                break;            case TYPEAUDIO:                $mime_type = "audio";                break;            case TYPEIMAGE:                $mime_type = "image";                break;            case TYPEVIDEO:                $mime_type = "video";                break;            case TYPEMODEL:                $mime_type = "model";                break;            default:                $mime_type = "unknown";                // hmmm....            }            $full_mime_type = $mime_type."/".$msg_part->subtype;            //echo $full_mime_type.'<hr>';            // Decide what you what to do with this part            // If you want to show it, figure out the encoding and echo away            switch ($msg_part->encoding) {            case ENCBASE64:                // use imap_base64 to decode                $fp=fopen(".$att_name","w+");                fputs($fp,imap_base64(imap_fetchbody($this->inStream,$msg_num,$part_no)));                fclose($fp);                break;            case ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE:                // use imap_qprint to decode                //echo ereg_replace("n","<br>",imap_qprint(imap_fetchbody($this->inStream,$msg_num,$part_no)));                echo '<pre>'.imap_qprint(imap_fetchbody($this->inStream,$msg_num,$part_no)).'</pre>';                break;            case ENCOTHER:                // not sure if this needs decoding at all                break;            default:            }        }    }}$o = new myimap();$o->username="***@163.com";$o->userpwd="***";$o->hostname="imap.163.com";$o->open();?>
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