
来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝千牛怎么用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 15:52


void CTestClipBoardDlg::SaveAsEMF(CString csEMFname){if(!OpenClipboard()){return;}for(int i=1; i<16; i++){UINT   nRet1 = EnumClipboardFormats(i); CString str;str.Format("%d\n",i);if(nRet1)TRACE("[ok]"+str);elseTRACE("[error]"+str);}DWORD   dwError;UINT nRet = EnumClipboardFormats(CF_ENHMETAFILE);if(nRet) { BOOL   ba=::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_ENHMETAFILE);   HANDLE   hClip=::GetClipboardData(CF_ENHMETAFILE);HENHMETAFILE hEnhMetaFile;hEnhMetaFile=(HENHMETAFILE)hClip;  dwError=GetLastError();   //dwError=6,无效的句柄。   //CString str = "d:\\aaa.emf";HENHMETAFILE   hMetaFile=CopyEnhMetaFile(hEnhMetaFile, csEMFname);//保存到文件//关闭CMetafileDC并获得它的句柄DeleteEnhMetaFile(hMetaFile);dwError=GetLastError();   //dwError=6,无效的句柄。 CClientDC dc(this);CRect client(0,0,600,400);dc.PlayMetaFile(hEnhMetaFile,client);} ::CloseClipboard();}

bool CTestClipBoardDlg::ConvertEMFToBMP(const char * pszEMFFile,const char* pszBMPFile,BOOL bScaleImage/*=false*/){ char szBMPFile[255] = "";   strcpy(szBMPFile,pszBMPFile);//bmp文件名   //将EMF文件转换为bmp文件  BOOL bRet = ConvertToBMP(pszEMFFile,(const char*)szBMPFile,bScaleImage);   //如果转换失败返回false if(bRet == FALSE)   {   return FALSE;   }else{// CImage m_img;// m_img.Load(_T("d:\\aaa.bmp"));// m_img.Save(_T("d:\\aaa.jpg"));} return bRet ? TRUE:FALSE;   }

HANDLE CTestClipBoardDlg::DDBToDIB(HBITMAP bitmap, DWORD dwCompression, HPALETTE pPal){BITMAP          bm;   BITMAPINFOHEADER    bi;   LPBITMAPINFOHEADER  lpbi;   DWORD           dwLen;   HANDLE          hDIB;   HANDLE          handle;   HDC             hDC;   HPALETTE        hPal;    if( dwCompression == BI_BITFIELDS )   return NULL;   //如果没有指定调色板,采用默认的 hPal = (HPALETTE) pPal;   if (hPal==NULL)   hPal = (HPALETTE) ::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);   // 获取bitmap信息 ::GetObject(bitmap,sizeof(bm),(LPSTR)&bm);   //初始化bitmap信息头  bi.biSize       = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);   bi.biWidth      = bm.bmWidth;   bi.biHeight         = bm.bmHeight;   bi.biPlanes         = 1;   bi.biBitCount       = bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel;   bi.biCompression    = dwCompression;   bi.biSizeImage      = 0;   bi.biXPelsPerMeter  = 0;   bi.biYPelsPerMeter  = 0;   bi.biClrUsed        = 0;   bi.biClrImportant   = 0;   // 计算信息头和调色板大小  int nColors = (1 << bi.biBitCount);   if( nColors > 256 )    nColors = 0;   dwLen  = bi.biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD);   // We need a device context to get the DIB from   hDC = ::GetDC(NULL);   hPal = SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE);   RealizePalette(hDC);   // 申请内存 hDIB = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,dwLen);   if (!hDIB)   {   SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE);   ::ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC);   return NULL;   }   lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)hDIB;   *lpbi = bi;   // Call GetDIBits with a NULL lpBits param, so the device driver    // will calculate the biSizeImage field    GetDIBits(hDC, (HBITMAP)bitmap, 0L, (DWORD)bi.biHeight,   (LPBYTE)NULL, (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi, (DWORD)DIB_RGB_COLORS);   bi = *lpbi;   // If the driver did not fill in the biSizeImage field, then compute it   // Each scan line of the image is aligned on a DWORD (32bit) boundary   if (bi.biSizeImage == 0)   {   bi.biSizeImage = ((((bi.biWidth * bi.biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) / 8)* bi.biHeight;   // If a compression scheme is used the result may infact be larger   // Increase the size to account for this.   if (dwCompression != BI_RGB)   bi.biSizeImage = (bi.biSizeImage * 3) / 2;   }   // Realloc the buffer so that it can hold all the bits   dwLen += bi.biSizeImage;   if (handle = GlobalReAlloc(hDIB, dwLen, GMEM_MOVEABLE))   {   hDIB = handle;   }   else   {   GlobalFree(hDIB);   // Reselect the original palette   SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE);   ::ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC);   return NULL;   }   // Get the bitmap bits   lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)hDIB;   // FINALLY get the DIB   BOOL bGotBits = GetDIBits( hDC, bitmap,   0L,             // Start scan line   (DWORD)bi.biHeight,     // # of scan lines   (LPBYTE)lpbi            // address for bitmap bits  + (bi.biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD)),   (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi,     // address of bitmapinfo   (DWORD)DIB_RGB_COLORS);     // Use RGB for color table   if( !bGotBits ){   GlobalFree(hDIB);   SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE);   ::ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC);   return NULL;   }   SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE);   ::ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC);   return hDIB;   }

bool CTestClipBoardDlg::WriteDIB(char * szFile, HANDLE hDIB){BITMAPFILEHEADER    hdr;   LPBITMAPINFOHEADER  lpbi;   if (!hDIB)   return FALSE;   FILE* file;   file = fopen(szFile,"wb");   if(file == NULL)   return FALSE;   lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)hDIB;    int nColors = 0;    if(lpbi->biBitCount <= 8)    {    nColors = (1 << lpbi->biBitCount);    }    // Fill in the fields of the file header    hdr.bfType = ((WORD) ('M' << 8) | 'B');  // is always "BM"   hdr.bfSize = GlobalSize(hDIB) + sizeof( hdr );   hdr.bfReserved1 = 0;   hdr.bfReserved2 = 0;   hdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD) (sizeof( hdr ) + lpbi->biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD));   // Write the file header    fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(hdr),1,file);   // Write the DIB header and the bits    fwrite(lpbi, GlobalSize(hDIB),1,file);   //Close the file and return   fclose(file);   return TRUE;   }

bool CTestClipBoardDlg::SetBackColorToWhite(HDC pDC){// Set brush to desired background color     HBRUSH backBrush= (HBRUSH)::GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);// Save old brush   HBRUSH pOldBrush = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject(pDC,backBrush);   RECT rect ;   ::GetClipBox(pDC,&rect); // Erase the area needed   //paint the given rectangle using the brush that is currently selected    //into the specified device context   ::PatBlt(pDC,rect.left, rect.top, abs(rect.left - rect.right),abs(rect.top-rect.bottom ),PATCOPY);   //Select back the old brush   ::SelectObject(pDC,pOldBrush);   return TRUE;       }

bool CTestClipBoardDlg::ConvertToBMP(const char * strFileName,const char* strBMPFile,BOOL bScaleImage){//Declartions   HENHMETAFILE hemf;   HBITMAP     bitmap;   HDC         memDC;   ENHMETAHEADER   emh;   //Get the DC of the Window   HDC dc = ::GetDC(NULL);   //Get the Handle from the enhanced metafile   hemf = GetEnhMetaFile(strFileName);// Get the header from the enhanced metafile.   ZeroMemory( &emh, sizeof(ENHMETAHEADER) );   emh.nSize = sizeof(ENHMETAHEADER);   if( GetEnhMetaFileHeader( hemf, sizeof( ENHMETAHEADER ), &emh ) == 0 )   {   DeleteEnhMetaFile( hemf );   return FALSE;   }   //Declare variables for calculation of metafile rect   RECT    rect;   float   PixelsX, PixelsY, MMX, MMY;   float fAspectRatio;   long lWidth,lHeight;   // Get the characteristics of the output device.   PixelsX = (float)GetDeviceCaps( dc, HORZRES );   PixelsY = (float)GetDeviceCaps( dc, VERTRES );   MMX = (float)GetDeviceCaps( dc, HORZSIZE );   MMY = (float)GetDeviceCaps( dc, VERTSIZE );   // Calculate the rect in which to draw the metafile based on the   // intended size and the current output device resolution.   // Remember that the intended size is given in 0.01 mm units, so   // convert those to device units on the target device.   rect.top = (int)((float)(emh.rclFrame.top) * PixelsY / (MMY*100.0f));   rect.left = (int)((float)(emh.rclFrame.left) * PixelsX / (MMX*100.0f));   rect.right = (int)((float)(emh.rclFrame.right) * PixelsX / (MMX*100.0f));   rect.bottom = (int)((float)(emh.rclFrame.bottom) * PixelsY / (MMY*100.0f));   //Calculate the Width and Height of the metafile   lWidth = (long)((float)(abs(rect.left - rect.right)));   lHeight =(long)((float)(abs(rect.top-rect.bottom )));   fAspectRatio = (float)lWidth/(float)lHeight;   if(bScaleImage) //If miniature option is ON, change the width and height accordingly   {   if(fAspectRatio > 1 ) //width is more than height    {   //Make width as constant and calculate Height   // lWidth = X_MINIATUREFRAME;   // lHeight = (long)((float)Y_MINIATUREFRAME / fAspectRatio);   }   else //width is less than height(or equal to height)   {   //Make Height as constant and calculate Width   // lHeight = Y_MINIATUREFRAME;   // lWidth = (long)((float)X_MINIATUREFRAME * fAspectRatio);   }   }   //Populate the rect structure   rect.left = 0;   rect.top = 0;   rect.right = lWidth;   rect.bottom = lHeight;   //Create a Memory DC compatible to WindowDC   memDC=::CreateCompatibleDC(dc);    //Create a bitmap compatible to Window DC   bitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc,lWidth,lHeight);   DWORD dwRetError = GetLastError();   //Select the bitmap into the Mem DC   ::SelectObject(memDC,bitmap);   //Paint the background of the DC to White   SetBackColorToWhite(memDC);   //Now play the enhanced metafile into the memory DC; ignore its return value   //it may be false even if successful   PlayEnhMetaFile(memDC,hemf,&rect);     DWORD dwRet = GetLastError();   // Create logical palette if device support a palette   HPALETTE pal;   if( GetDeviceCaps(dc,RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE )   {   UINT nSize = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256);   LOGPALETTE *pLP = (LOGPALETTE *) new BYTE[nSize];   pLP->palVersion = 0x300;   pLP->palNumEntries = GetSystemPaletteEntries( dc, 0, 255, pLP->palPalEntry );   // Create the palette   pal = ::CreatePalette(pLP );   delete[] pLP;   }   // Convert the bitmap to a DIB   HANDLE hDIB = DDBToDIB(bitmap, BI_RGB, NULL );   if( hDIB == NULL )   {   DeleteEnhMetaFile( hemf );   return FALSE;   }   // Write it to file   WriteDIB((char*)strBMPFile, hDIB );   // Free the memory allocated by DDBToDIB for the DIB   ::GlobalFree( hDIB );   ::DeleteEnhMetaFile( hemf );   ::ReleaseDC(NULL,dc);   return TRUE;   }


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