
来源:互联网 发布:java订票系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 19:43






        From manpages        #include <unistd.h>        int pipe(int pipefd[2]);        Description:                 pipe() creates a pipe, a unidirectional data channel that can be used for interpeocess communication. The array pipefd is used to return             file descriptors referring to the ends of pipe.  pipefd[0] refers to the read end of pipe. pipefd[1] refers to the read end of the pipe.                pipe()创建一个单向的可用于进程间通信的管道, 数组pipefd用来返回指向管道两端的文件描述符. pipefd[0]代表管道读端, pipefd[1]代表管道写端.         #include <sys/types.h>        #include <sys/stat.h>        int mkfifo(const char* pathname, mode_t mode)        Description:             mkfifo() makes a FIFO special file with name pathname. mode specifies the FIFO's permissions. It is modified by the process's umack in the         usual way : the permissions of the created file are (mode &~umask).             A FILO special file is similar to a pipe, except that it is created in a different way. Instead of being an anonymous communications channel ,        a FIFO special file is entered into the filesystem calling mkfife().             mkfifo()创建一个名为 pathname 的特殊文件. mode 用来说明文件的权限. 这个权限可实际值为 mode&~umask.             除了创建的方式不一样,FIFO特殊文件和管道很类。 FIFE文件通过调用mkfifo()进入文件系统, 而不是通过匿名通道.   


4)共享内存(shared memory)

        From manpages        #include <sys/mman.h>        #include <sys/stat.h>        #include <fcntl.h>        int shm_open(const char* name,  // 文件名                    int oflag,         // O_RDONLY, O_RDWR等, 和open()标志一样                    mode_t mode);      // 文件访问权限, 如:0755            Return: 成功,则返回文件描述符; 失败, 返回-1.        void *mmap(void* addr,     // 共享内存起始地址                    size_t length,  // 共享内存长度,字节为单位                   int prot,       // PROT_EXEC 可执行, PROT_READ 可读, PROT_WRITE 可写, PROT_NONE not be accessed                     int flags,      // MAP_SHARED | MAP_PRIVATE 一般设为MAP_SHARED                    int fd,         // shm_open返回的文件描述符                   off_t offset);  // 偏移                int munmap(void* addr, size_t length);       int shm_unlink(const char* name);        Link with -lrt


        From manpages        #include <sys/types.h>        #include <sys/socket.h>        int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int sv[2])        Description:             The socketpair() call creates an unnamed pair of connected sockets in the specified domain, of the specified type, and using the optionally         specified protocol.             socketpair()调用创建一个匿名的,面向连接的socket,通过 domain, type, protocol等参数来说明. 



1)数据量较大,可以用普通文本文件( 效率低 )和共享内存( 效率高 )实现进程间通信;





ipc_unnamed_pipe.c------------2016-11-22 20:00---------------------------------                 ---Modified--2016-11-23 09:00---------------------------------        #include <stdio.h>        #include <stdlib.h>        #include <unistd.h>        #include <string.h>       int main(int argc, char* argv[])       {                  int  fd_first[2], fd_second[2];            if( !(pipe(fd_first) && pipe(fd_second)) ){                 perror("pipe");                 return -1;           }            pid_t pid = fork();            if(pid == 0){          // Child process                 close(fd_first[0]);    close(fd_second[1]);                 char msg[128] = "Hi, parent peocess ...";                 write(fd_first[1], msg, strlen(msg) + 1);                 memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));                 read(fd_second[0], msg, sizeof(msg));                 printf("Message from Parent : %s\n", msg);            }else{               // Parent process                 close(fd_first[1]);    close(fd_second[0]);                 char msg[128] = {0};                 read(fd_first[0], msg, sizeof(msg));                 printf("Message from Child : %s\n", msg);                          memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));                 strcpy(msg, "Hi, Child ...");                 write(fd_second[1], msg, strlen(msg));                 wait(NULL);            }            return 0;       }



  ipc_fifo_write.c ---------2016-11-23 09:00-----------------------------------------------------       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>       #include <sys/types.h>       #include <sys/stat.h>              int main()       {             int ret = mkfifo("filename.ff", 0755);             if(ret != 0){                 perror("mkfifo");                 exit(-1);             }             int fd = open("filename.ff", O_WRONLY);             if(fd == -1){                 perror("open");                 exit(-1);             }             char msg[128] = "Hello world!";             ret = write(fd, msg, strlen(msg) + 1);  // Write to fifo.             if(ret < 0){                 perror("write");             }                           close(fd);             return 0;       } ipc_fifo_read.c -------2016-11-23 09:00------------------------------------------------------------       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>              int main()       {            int fd = open("filename.ff", O_RDONLY);            if(fd == -1){                 perror("open");                 exit(-1);            }                        char msg[128] = {0};            int ret = read(fd, msg, sizeof(msg));            if(ret > 0){                  printf("Message from FIFO : %s\n", msg);            }            perror("read");            close(fd);            return 0;       }



 ipc_unnamed_shm.c------2016-11-22 20:00------------------------------------------       #include <sys/mman.h>       #include <sys/stat.h>       #include <fcntl.h>       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>       #include <fcntl.h>              int main()       {           void* shm = mmap(NULL, 1024, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANOYMOUS, -1,0);           if(shm == MAP_FAILED){                perror("mmap");                return 0;           }                       pid_t pid = fork();           if(pid == 0){                *(int*)shm = 100;           }else{                sleep(1);                printf("From parent : %d\n", *(int*)shm);                  wait(NULL);           }           munmap(shm, 1024);           return 0;       } 

 ipc_shm.c------2016-11-22 20:00-----------------------------------------            #include <sys/mman.h>       #include <sys/stat.h>       #include <fcntl.h>       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>       #include <fcntl.h>       int main()       {           int fd = shm_open("/test.shm", O_RDWR, 0755);           if(fd < 0){               fd = shm_open("/test.shm", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0755);               if(fd < 0){                   perror("shm_open");                   return -1;               }                ftruncate(fd, 4096);           }                      char* shm = (char*)mmap(NULL, 1024, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);           pid_t pid = fork();           if(pid == 0){               strcmp(shm, "Hello world\n");           }else{               sleep(1);               printf("From shared memory : %s\n", shm);               wait(NULL);           }           munmap(shm);           return 0;       } 



 ipc_socketpair.c-----2016-11-23 09:00---------------------------------------------------------       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>       #include <sys/socket.h>       #include <sys/types.h>       #include <unistd.h>       int main()      {            int fd[2];            int ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0,fd);            if(ret != 0){                  perror("socketpair");                  return -1;            }                        pid_t pid = fork();            if(pid == 0){             // Child process                  close(fd[1]);                             int val = 0;                  while(1){                        sleep(1);                        ++val;                                                 write(fd[0], &val, sizeof(val));                        read(fd[0], &val, sizeof(val));                        printf("Child : %d\n", val);                  }            }else{                  // Parent process                   close(fd[0]);                   int val;                   while(1){                         read(fd[1], &val, sizeof(val));                         printf("Parent : %d\n", val);                         ++val;                         write(fd[1], &val, sizeof(val));                   }            }            return 0;     }


            第一次写 ... .... 好累。如果有什么地方不正确,或者有歧义,还望各位批评指正,以便"作者"尽快更正, 避免误导更多人。 谢谢!


-------------- Created at   : 2016-11-22 20:00

-------------- Author          : Monk

-------------- Description :

-------------- Modified      : 2016-11-23 09:00    Implemetations of  ipc_socketpair.c

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