compile android: depmod: ERROR: Found 2 modules in dependency cycles!

来源:互联网 发布:java序列化原理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 10:39


i am currently trying to compile/install the kernel 4.4.0-rc1. I use the Arch Kernel config from "/proc/config.gz".

"make" works fine, "make modules_install" produces the following error:

  [...]  INSTALL sound/soc/snd-soc-core.ko  INSTALL sound/soundcore.ko  INSTALL sound/synth/emux/snd-emux-synth.ko  INSTALL sound/synth/snd-util-mem.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/6fire/snd-usb-6fire.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/bcd2000/snd-bcd2000.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/caiaq/snd-usb-caiaq.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/hiface/snd-usb-hiface.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/line6/snd-usb-line6.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/line6/snd-usb-pod.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/line6/snd-usb-podhd.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/line6/snd-usb-toneport.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/line6/snd-usb-variax.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/misc/snd-ua101.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/snd-usb-audio.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/snd-usbmidi-lib.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/usx2y/snd-usb-us122l.ko  INSTALL sound/usb/usx2y/snd-usb-usx2y.ko  INSTALL virt/lib/irqbypass.ko  DEPMOD  4.4.0-rc1-ARCHdepmod: ERROR: Found 2 modules in dependency cycles!depmod: ERROR: Cycle detected: lnet -> libcfs -> lnetMakefile:1139: recipe for target '_modinst_post' failedmake: *** [_modinst_post] Error 1

Some information:
Device: Lenovo Yoga 900-13
CPU: i7-6500U
Architecture: x86_64
I made some code manipulations according to this thread to make my hardware work:
But I think they are not related to the issue.

Does somebody have an idea how to solve this problem?



Last edited by DonRichie (2015-11-21 15:19:32)


Hi There,

I ran into this problem today as well. It looks like this is a problem with the Lusture networking modules (LNET), as described here … ?page=last. You can work around the problem by disabling the LUSTURE and LNET kernel modules in your .config file. I just did a simple grep for every module containing LUSTURE or LNET, switching actual modules from 'm' to 'n' and commenting out module options. After that I was able to execute `make modules install` just fine.

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