Spring Integration 系统集成

来源:互联网 发布:软件售前工程师简历 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:26

Spring Ingegration 提供了基于Spring的EIP(Enterprise Integration Patterns,企业集成模式)的实现。Spring Integration 主要解决的问题是不同系统之间交互的问题,通过异步消息驱动来达到系统交互时系统之间的松耦合。

Spring Integration 主要有Message、Channel、Message EndPoint组成。



/** * A generic message representation with headers and body. * * @author Mark Fisher * @author Arjen Poutsma * @since 4.0 * @see org.springframework.messaging.support.MessageBuilder */public interface Message<T> {    /**     * Return the message payload.     */    T getPayload();    /**     * Return message headers for the message (never {@code null} but may be empty).     */    MessageHeaders getHeaders();}




(1) MessageChannel

MessageChannel 是Spring Integration消息通道的顶级接口:

public interface MessageChannel {    /**     * Constant for sending a message without a prescribed timeout.     */    long INDEFINITE_TIMEOUT = -1;    /**     * Send a {@link Message} to this channel. If the message is sent successfully,     * the method returns {@code true}. If the message cannot be sent due to a     * non-fatal reason, the method returns {@code false}. The method may also     * throw a RuntimeException in case of non-recoverable errors.     * <p>This method may block indefinitely, depending on the implementation.     * To provide a maximum wait time, use {@link #send(Message, long)}.     * @param message the message to send     * @return whether or not the message was sent     */    boolean send(Message<?> message);    /**     * Send a message, blocking until either the message is accepted or the     * specified timeout period elapses.     * @param message the message to send     * @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds or {@link #INDEFINITE_TIMEOUT}     * @return {@code true} if the message is sent, {@code false} if not     * including a timeout of an interrupt of the send     */    boolean send(Message<?> message, long timeout);}

MessageChannel 有两大子接口,分别是PollableChannel (可轮询)和SubscribableChannel(可订阅)。我们所有的消息通道类都是现实这两个接口。

(2) PollableChannel

PollableChannel 具备轮询获得消息的能力。

public interface PollableChannel extends MessageChannel {    /**     * Receive a message from this channel, blocking indefinitely if necessary.     * @return the next available {@link Message} or {@code null} if interrupted     */    Message<?> receive();    /**     * Receive a message from this channel, blocking until either a message is available     * or the specified timeout period elapses.     * @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds or {@link MessageChannel#INDEFINITE_TIMEOUT}.     * @return the next available {@link Message} or {@code null} if the specified timeout     * period elapses or the message reception is interrupted     */    Message<?> receive(long timeout);}

(3) SubscribableChannel

SubscribableChannel 发送消息给订阅了MessageHanlder的订阅者

public interface SubscribableChannel extends MessageChannel {    /**     * Register a message handler.     * @return {@code true} if the handler was subscribed or {@code false} if it     * was already subscribed.     */    boolean subscribe(MessageHandler handler);    /**     * Un-register a message handler.     * @return {@code true} if the handler was un-registered, or {@code false}     * if was not registered.     */    boolean unsubscribe(MessageHandler handler);}




    /**     * 允许广播消息给所有订阅者,当前消息通道的id为publishSubscribeChannel     * @return     */    @Bean    public PublishSubscribeChannel publishSubscribeChannel(){        PublishSubscribeChannel channel = new PublishSubscribeChannel();        return channel;    }




    @Bean    public QueueChannel queueChannel(){        QueueChannel channel = new QueueChannel(10);        return channel;    }




    @Bean    public PriorityChannel priorityChannel(){        PriorityChannel channel = new PriorityChannel(10);        return channel;    }



    @Bean    public RendezvousChannel rendezvousChannel(){        RendezvousChannel channel = new RendezvousChannel();        return channel;    }

(5) DirectChannel

DirectChannel是Spring Integration默认的消息通道,它允许将消息发送给为一个订阅者,然后阻碍发送直到消息被接收,配置方式如下:

    @Bean    public DirectChannel directChannel(){        DirectChannel channel = new DirectChannel();        return channel;    }


ExecutorChannel可绑定一个多线程的task executor,配置方式如下:

    @Bean    public ExecutorChannel executorChannel(){        ExecutorChannel channel = new ExecutorChannel(executor());        return channel;    }    @Bean    public Executor executor(){        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();        taskExecutor.setCorePoolSize(5);        taskExecutor.setMaxPoolSize(10);        taskExecutor.setQueueCapacity(25);        taskExecutor.initialize();        return taskExecutor;    }


Spring Integration给消息通道提供了通道拦截器(ChannelInterceptor),用来拦截发送和接收消息的操作.


    public interface ChannelInterceptor {        Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel);        void postSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel, boolean sent);        void afterSendCompletion(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel, boolean sent, Exception ex);        boolean preReceive(MessageChannel channel);        Message<?> postReceive(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel);        void afterReceiveCompletion(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel, Exception ex);    }



Message EndPoint

消息端点(Message EndPoint)是真正处理消息的(Message)组件,它还可以控制通道的路由。我们可用的消息端点包含如下:

(1) Channel Adapter

通道适配器(Channel Adapter)是一种连接外部系统或传输协议的端点(EndPoint),可以分为入站(inbound)和出站(outbound)。

Spring Integration内置了如下的适配器:


(2) Gateway

Spring Integration 对响应的Adapter都提供了Gateway。

(3) Service Activator

Service Activator 可调用Spring的Bean来处理消息,并将处理后的结果输出到指定的消息通道。

(4) Router

路由(Router) 可根据消息体内容(Payload Type Router)、消息头的值(Header Value Router) 以及定义好的接收表(Recipient List Router) 作为条件,来决定消息传递到的通道。

(5) Filter

过滤器(Filter) 类似于路由(Router),不同的是过滤器不决定消息路由到哪里,而是决定消息是否可以传递给消息通道。

(6) Splitter


(7) Aggregator


(8) Enricher

增强器(Payload Enricher)和消息头增强器(Header Enricher)两种。

(9) Transformer


(10) Bridge


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