jQuery幻灯片插件Vmc Slider 实例

来源:互联网 发布:如何做好一个淘宝运营 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 08:34
<div id="slider">                <a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/gic19836664.jpg" /></a>                <a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/gic19889513.jpg" /></a>            </div>
var options = {                width:$(window).width(), // 宽度                height: 538, // 高度                effects: [ // 使用的转场动画效果                    'fade', 'fadeLeft', 'fadeRight', 'fadeTop', 'fadeBottom', 'fadeTopLeft', 'fadeBottomRight',                    'blindsLeft', 'blindsRight', 'blindsTop', 'blindsBottom', 'blindsTopLeft', 'blindsBottomRight',                    'curtainLeft', 'curtainRight', 'interlaceLeft', 'interlaceRight', 'mosaic', 'bomb', 'fumes'                ],                autoPlay: true, // 自动播放                random: false, // 随机使用转场动画效果                duration: 1000, // 图片停留时长(毫秒)                speed: 900 // 转场效果时长(毫秒)            };            $('#slider').vmcSlider(options);


/** * VmcSlider 图片轮播插件 v1.1.0 * 维米客网页工作室 Vomoc Web Studio * http://www.vomoc.com/vmc/slider/ * vomoc@qq.com * 2015/11/14 **/.vui-slider {    position: relative;    overflow: hidden;    background: #999;}.vui-slider .vui-items {    overflow: hidden;    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    text-align: center;}.vui-slider .vui-item {    display: none;    position: absolute;    top: 0;    left: 0;    width: 100%;    height: 100%;}.vui-slider .vui-item a, .vui-slider .vui-item img {    display: block;    padding: 0;    margin: 0 auto;    border: none;}.vui-slider .vui-buttons {   /* position: absolute;    z-index: 5;    bottom: 16px;    left: 50%;    float: left;    display: inline;    filter: alpha(Opacity=80);    -moz-opacity: 0.8;    opacity: 0.8;*/    position: absolute;    z-index: 5;    left: 0;    right: 0;    bottom: 16px;    margin: auto;    width: 100%;    text-align: center;}.vui-slider .vui-button {    display: inline-block;    overflow: hidden;    height: 8px;    width: 40px;    margin: 0 5px;    padding: 0;    border: none;    border-radius: 6px;    background: #FFF;    cursor: pointer;    opacity: .2;}.vui-slider .vui-button-cur {    opacity: 1;}.vui-slider .vui-transfer {    display: none;    position: absolute;    top: 0;    left: 0;    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    z-index: 3;}.vui-slider .vui-prev {    position: absolute;    width: 42px;    height: 60px;    top: 50%;    left: 0;    z-index: 5;    margin-top: -33px;    background:url(../images/icons.png) no-repeat 17px -976px;    cursor: pointer;    filter: alpha(opacity=40);    -moz-opacity: 0.4;    -khtml-opacity: 0.4;    opacity: 0.4;    transition: 0.5s ease;    -o-transition: 0.5s ease;    -webkit-transition: 0.5s ease;}.vui-slider .vui-next {    position: absolute;    top: 50%;    right: 0;    z-index: 5;    width: 42px;    height: 60px;    margin-top: -33px;    background:url(../images/icons.png) no-repeat 17px -865px;    cursor: pointer;    filter: alpha(opacity=40);    -moz-opacity: 0.4;    -khtml-opacity: 0.4;    opacity: 0.4;    transition: 0.5s ease;    -o-transition: 0.5s ease;    -webkit-transition: 0.5s ease;}.vui-slider .vui-sidebutton-hover {    filter: alpha(opacity=40);    -moz-opacity: 0.4;    -khtml-opacity: 0.4;    opacity: 0.4;    background-color: #000;}



/** * VmcSlider 图片轮播插件 v1.1.0 * 维米客网页工作室 Vomoc Web Studio * http://www.vomoc.com/vmc/slider/ * vomoc@qq.com * 2015/11/14 **/;(function($, undefined) {    var dataKey = 'vomoc';    var ie6 = !-[1, ] && !window.XMLHttpRequest;    var effects = {        'fade': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            elem.find('.vui-item').eq(the.index).css({                display: 'none',                zIndex: 2            }).fadeIn(opts.speed, function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 图片轮播插件    $.fn.vmcSlider = function(settings) {        var run = $.type(settings) === 'string',            args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);        if (!this.length) return;        return this.each(function() {            var $element = $(this),                instance = $element.data(dataKey);            console.log(settings);/////////////////////////////////            //console.log("'"+ run +" "+ settings.charAt(0)+"  !== '_' && "+ instance)            if (run && settings.charAt(0) !== '_' && instance) {                vmcSlider.prototype[settings] && vmcSlider.prototype[settings].apply(instance, args);            } else if (!run && !instance) {                instance = new vmcSlider($element, settings);                instance._init();                $element.data(dataKey, instance);            }        });    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 效果插件    $.vmcSliderEffects = function() {        if ($.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) {            effects = $.extend({}, effects, arguments[0]);        } else if ($.type(arguments[0]) === 'string' && $.type(arguments[1]) === 'function') {            effects[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 构造函数    var vmcSlider = function($element, settings) {        var the = this;        the.options = $.extend({}, the.options, settings);        the.elem = $element;        the.index = 0;        the.effectIndex = 0;        the.animateStatus = false;    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 配置参数    vmcSlider.prototype.options = {        // 宽度 (像素)        width: $(window).width(),        // 高度 (像素)        height: 330,        // 网格列数        gridCol: 10,        // 网格行数        gridRow: 5,        // 栅格列数        gridVertical: 20,        // 栅格行数        gridHorizontal: 10,        // 是否显示侧边按钮        sideButton: true,        // 是否显示原点按钮        navButton: true,        // 自动播放        autoPlay: true,        // 图片按照升序播放        ascending: true,        // 使用的转场动画效果        effects: ['fade'],        // IE6下精简效果        ie6Tidy: false,        // 随机使用转场动画效果        random: false,        // 图片停留时长(毫秒)        duration: 4000,        // 转场效果时长(毫秒)        speed: 900,        // 翻页时触发事件        flip: function(event, vi) {},        // 创建完成触发事件        create: function(event, vi) {}    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 设置配置参数    vmcSlider.prototype.option = function(name, value) {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            opts = the.options;        opts[name] = value;        if ($.inArray(name, ['width', 'height']) > 0) {            the._setSize();        }        if ($.inArray(name, ['width', 'height', 'gridCol', 'gridRow', 'gridVertical', 'gridHorizontal']) > 0) {            the._buildStage();        }        if (name === 'sideButton') {            if (true === value) {                elem.find('.vui-prev,.vui-next').show();            } else {                elem.find('.vui-prev,.vui-next').hide();            }        }        if (name === 'navButton') {            if (true === value) {                elem.find('.vui-buttons').show();            } else {                elem.find('.vui-buttons').hide();            }        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 初始化    vmcSlider.prototype._init = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            opts = the.options;        // 创建dom        the._create();        // 创建过场舞台        the._buildStage();        // 设置尺寸        the._setSize();        // 绑定事件        the._bind();        // 初始化图片        elem.find('.vui-item').eq(the.index).show();        // 初始化按钮        elem.find('.vui-button').eq(the.index).addClass('vui-button-cur');        // 隐藏侧边按钮        if (false === opts.sideButton) {            elem.find('.vui-prev,.vui-next').hide();        }        // 隐藏圆点按钮        if (false === opts.navButton) {            elem.find('.vui-buttons').hide();        }        // 触发创建事件        elem.trigger('vmcslidercreate', the);        // 自动播放        if (true === opts.autoPlay) {            $(window).on('load', function() {                the.time = setTimeout(function() {                    if (true === opts.ascending) {                        the._next();                    } else {                        the._prev();                    }                }, opts.duration);            });        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 创建slider    vmcSlider.prototype._create = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            sliderHtml = '',            itemHtml = '',            buttonHtml = '';        elem.children().each(function() {            itemHtml += '<div class="vui-item">' + $(this).html() + '</div>';            buttonHtml += '<div class="vui-button"></div>';        });        sliderHtml += '<div class="vui-slider">';        sliderHtml += '<div class ="vui-items">' + itemHtml + '</div>';        sliderHtml += '<div class="vui-buttons">' + buttonHtml + '</div>';        sliderHtml += '<div class="vui-prev"></div>';        sliderHtml += '<div class="vui-next"></div>';        sliderHtml += '<div class="vui-transfer"></div>';        sliderHtml += '</div>';        elem.html(sliderHtml);    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 创建舞台html    vmcSlider.prototype._buildStage = function() {        var the = this,            opts = the.options,            gridWidth, gridHeight;        the.stageHtml = ['', '', ''];        gridWidth = opts.width / opts.gridCol;        gridHeight = opts.height / opts.gridRow;        for (var i = 0; i < opts.gridCol * opts.gridRow; i++) {            var top = gridHeight * Math.floor(i / opts.gridCol);            var left = gridWidth * (i % opts.gridCol);            the.stageHtml[0] += '<div style="position:absolute;top:' + top + 'px;left:' + left + 'px;';            the.stageHtml[0] += 'width:' + gridWidth + 'px;height:' + gridHeight + 'px;background-position:-' + left + 'px -' + top + 'px;"></div>';        }        gridHeight = opts.height / opts.gridHorizontal;        for (var i = 0; i < opts.gridHorizontal; i++) {            the.stageHtml[1] += '<div style="position:absolute;top:' + (gridHeight * i) + 'px;left:0;';            the.stageHtml[1] += 'width:' + opts.width + 'px;height:' + gridHeight + 'px;background-position:0 -' + (gridHeight * i) + 'px;"></div>';        }        gridWidth = opts.width / opts.gridVertical;        for (var i = 0; i < opts.gridVertical; i++) {            the.stageHtml[2] += '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:' + (gridWidth * i) + 'px;';            the.stageHtml[2] += 'width:' + gridWidth + 'px;height:' + opts.height + 'px;background-position:-' + (gridWidth * i) + 'px 0;"></div>';        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 设置尺寸    vmcSlider.prototype._setSize = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            opts = the.options;        elem.find('.vui-slider').width(opts.width).height(opts.height);        elem.find('.vui-buttons').css({            left: (opts.width - elem.find('.vui-buttons').width()) / 2        });    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 绑定事件    vmcSlider.prototype._bind = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            opts = the.options;        elem.on('mouseover', '.vui-prev,.vui-next', function() {            $(this).addClass('vui-sidebutton-hover');        }).on('mouseout', '.vui-prev,.vui-next', function() {            $(this).removeClass('vui-sidebutton-hover');        }).on('click', '.vui-prev,.vui-next,.vui-button', function() {            if (false === the.animateStatus) {                clearTimeout(the.time);                if ($(this).hasClass('vui-next')) {                    the._next();                } else if ($(this).hasClass('vui-prev')) {                    the._prev();                } else if ($(this).hasClass('vui-button')) {                    the.index = $(this).index();                    the._play();                }            }        }).on('vmcsliderflip', function(e) {            opts.flip.call(elem[0], e, the);        }).on('vmcslidercreate', function(e) {            opts.create.call(elem[0], e, the);        });    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 播放    vmcSlider.prototype._play = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            opts = the.options;        // 圆点按钮样式        elem.find('.vui-button').eq(the.index).addClass('vui-button-cur').siblings().removeClass('vui-button-cur');        // 触发翻页事件        elem.trigger('vmcsliderflip', the);        // 翻页        if (opts.effects.length) {            the.animateStatus = true;            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().stop(true);            effects[the._getEffect()].call(the);        } else {            // 无过场效果            the._afterTransfer();        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 转场效果结束    vmcSlider.prototype._afterTransfer = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem,            opts = the.options;        elem.find('.vui-transfer').hide();        elem.find('.vui-item').css('zIndex', 1).eq(the.index).show().siblings().hide();        the.animateStatus = false;        // 下一次        if (true === opts.autoPlay) {            the.time = setTimeout(function() {                if (true === opts.ascending) {                    the._next();                } else {                    the._prev();                }            }, opts.duration);        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 设置舞台    vmcSlider.prototype._setStage = function(stage) {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem;        the.url = elem.find('.vui-item').eq(the.index).find('img')[0].src;        elem.find('.vui-transfer').html(the.stageHtml[stage]).show().children().css({            backgroundImage: 'url(' + the.url + ')'        });    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 上一张    vmcSlider.prototype._prev = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem;        the.index--;        if (the.index < 0) {            the.index = elem.find('.vui-item').length - 1;        }        the._play();    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 下一张    vmcSlider.prototype._next = function() {        var the = this,            elem = the.elem;        the.index++;        if (the.index >= elem.find('.vui-item').length) {            the.index = 0;        }        the._play();    };    //**************************************************************************************************************    // 获取转场效果名称    vmcSlider.prototype._getEffect = function() {        var the = this,            opts = the.options;        if (ie6 && opts.ie6Tidy) {            return 'fade';        } else {            var i = the.effectIndex;            if (opts.random === true) {                the.effectIndex = Math.floor(opts.effects.length * Math.random());            } else {                the.effectIndex++;            }            if (the.effectIndex >= opts.effects.length) {                the.effectIndex = 0;            }            if (i >= opts.effects.length) {                i = 0;            }            return opts.effects[i];        }    };    //**************************************************************************************************************})(jQuery);


/** * VmcSlider 图片轮播插件 v1.1.0 * 维米客网页工作室 Vomoc Web Studio * http://www.vomoc.com/vmc/slider/ * vomoc@qq.com * 2015/11/14 **/;(function($, undefined) {    //**************************************************************************************************************    $.vmcSliderEffects({        'fadeTopLeft': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var x = i % opts.gridCol;                var y = Math.floor(i / opts.gridCol);                var delay = ((y + 1) / opts.gridRow + (x + 1) / opts.gridCol) / 2;                delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 * delay;                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'fadeBottomRight': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var x = i % opts.gridCol;                var y = Math.floor(i / opts.gridCol);                var delay = 1 - (y / opts.gridRow + x / opts.gridCol) / 2;                delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 * delay;                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'fadeLeft': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (i + 1);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'fadeRight': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (opts.gridVertical - i);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'fadeTop': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(1);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridHorizontal * (i + 1);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'fadeBottom': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(1);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridHorizontal * (opts.gridHorizontal - i);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'blindsTopLeft': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                width: 0,                height: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var x = i % opts.gridCol;                var y = Math.floor(i / opts.gridCol);                var delay = ((y + 1) / opts.gridRow + (x + 1) / opts.gridCol) / 2;                delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 * delay;                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    width: opts.width / opts.gridCol,                    height: opts.height / opts.gridRow,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'blindsBottomRight': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                width: 0,                height: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var x = i % opts.gridCol;                var y = Math.floor(i / opts.gridCol);                var delay = 1 - (y / opts.gridRow + x / opts.gridCol) / 2;                delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 * delay;                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    width: opts.width / opts.gridCol,                    height: opts.height / opts.gridRow,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'blindsLeft': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                width: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (i + 1);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    width: opts.width / opts.gridVertical,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'blindsRight': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                width: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (opts.gridVertical - i);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    width: opts.width / opts.gridVertical,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'blindsTop': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(1);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                height: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridHorizontal * (i + 1);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    height: opts.height / opts.gridHorizontal,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'blindsBottom': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(1);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                height: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridHorizontal * (opts.gridHorizontal - i);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    height: opts.height / opts.gridHorizontal,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'mosaic': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            var max = 0;            var index = 0;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 2 * Math.random();                if (delay > max) {                    max = delay;                    index = $(this).index();                }                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 2, 'linear');            }).eq(index).queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'bomb': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            var max = 0;            var index = 0;            var gridWidth = opts.width / opts.gridCol;            var gridHeight = opts.height / opts.gridRow;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                top: (opts.height - gridHeight) / 2,                left: (opts.width - gridWidth) / 2,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var x = i % opts.gridCol;                var y = Math.floor(i / opts.gridCol);                var top = gridHeight * y;                var left = gridWidth * x;                var delay = opts.speed / 2 * Math.random();                if (delay > max) {                    max = delay;                    index = $(this).index();                }                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    top: top,                    left: left,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 2);            }).eq(index).queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'fumes': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(0);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                width: opts.width / opts.gridCol * 2,                height: opts.height / opts.gridRow * 2,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().length * (i + 1);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    width: opts.width / opts.gridCol,                    height: opts.height / opts.gridRow,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'interlaceLeft': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (i + 1);                $(this).css({                    top: i % 2 > 0 ? -opts.height : opts.height                }).delay(delay).animate({                    top: 0,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'interlaceRight': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (opts.gridVertical - i);                $(this).css({                    top: i % 2 > 0 ? -opts.height : opts.height                }).delay(delay).animate({                    top: 0,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'curtainLeft': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                height: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (i + 1);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    top: 0,                    height: opts.height,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).last().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        },        'curtainRight': function() {            var the = this,                elem = the.elem,                opts = the.options;            the._setStage(2);            elem.find('.vui-transfer').children().css({                height: 0,                opacity: 0            }).each(function(i) {                var delay = opts.speed / 3 * 2 / opts.gridVertical * (opts.gridVertical - i);                $(this).delay(delay).animate({                    top: 0,                    height: opts.height,                    opacity: 1                }, opts.speed / 3);            }).first().queue(function() {                the._afterTransfer();            });        }    });    //**************************************************************************************************************})(jQuery);
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