
来源:互联网 发布:ci框架数据库授权 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 12:42


var        a,b,c,s11,s21,s12,s22,ans,s13,s23,d:longint;        s1,s2:string;function pd(b:longint):boolean;var        s11,s12,d:longint;begin        d:=b;        s12:=b div 100;        s22:=b mod 100;        if (s12<=12)and(s12>=1) then        begin                if (s12=1)or(s12=3)or(s12=5)or(s12=7)or(s12=8)or(s12=10)or(s12=12) then                begin                        if (s22<=31)and(s22>=1) then exit(true);                end;                if (s12=4)or(s12=6)or(s12=9)or(s12=11) then                begin                        if (s22<=30)and(s22>=1) then exit(true);                end;                if (s12=2) then                begin                        if ((d mod 100=0)and(d mod 400=0))                        or((d mod 4=0)and(d mod 100<>0)) then                        begin                                if (s22<=29)and(s22>=1) then exit(true);                        end                                else                        begin                                if (s22<=28)and(s22>=1) then exit(true);                        end;                end;        end;        exit(false);end;begin        assign(input,'');reset(input);        assign(output,'date.out');rewrite(output);        readln(s1);        readln(s2);        for a:=1 to 4 do        begin                s11:=s11*10+ord(s1[a])-48;                s21:=s21*10+ord(s2[a])-48;        end;        s13:=s11;        s23:=s21;        for a:=5 to 8 do        begin                s12:=s12*10+ord(s1[a])-48;                s22:=s22*10+ord(s2[a])-48;        end;        while s13<>0 do        begin                b:=b*10+(s13 mod 10);                s13:=s13 div 10;                c:=c*10+(s23 mod 10);                s23:=s23 div 10;        end;        if (b=c) then        begin                if (b>=s12)and(b<=s22)and(pd(b)=true) then inc(ans);        end                else        begin                if (b>=s12)and(pd(b)=true) then inc(ans);                if (c<=s22)and(pd(c)=true) then inc(ans);        end;        s22:=0;        s12:=0;        b:=0;        c:=0;        for a:=s11+1 to s21-1 do        begin                b:=a;                d:=b;                c:=0;                while b<>0 do                begin                        c:=c*10+(b mod 10);                        b:=b div 10;                end;                s12:=c div 100;                s22:=c mod 100;                if (s12<=12)and(s12>=1) then                begin                        if (s12=1)or(s12=3)or(s12=5)or(s12=7)or(s12=8)or(s12=10)or(s12=12) then                        begin                                if (s22<=31)and(s22>=1) then inc(ans);                        end;                        if (s12=4)or(s12=6)or(s12=9)or(s12=11) then                        begin                                if (s22<=30)and(s22>=1) then inc(ans);                        end;                        if (s12=2) then                        begin                                if ((d mod 100=0)and(d mod 400=0))                                or((d mod 4=0)and(d mod 100<>0)) then                                begin                                        if (s22<=29)and(s22>=1) then inc(ans);                                end                                        else                                begin                                        if (s22<=28)and(s22>=1) then inc(ans);                                end;                        end;                end;        end;        writeln(ans);        close(input);        close(output);end.

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