
来源:互联网 发布:大数据 侦查 反贪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 07:09




  • 获取数据库中频道的列表,如果为空,赋予默认列表,并存入数据库,之后通过对应的适配器赋给对应的GridView

  • 2个GridView–(1.DragGrid 2. OtherGridView)
    DragGrid 用于显示我的频道,带有长按拖拽效果

  • 点击2个GridView的时候,根据点击的Item对应的position,获取position对应的view,进行创建一层移动的动画层
    起始位置:点击的positiongetLocationInWindow()获取。终点位置:另一个GridView的最后个ITEM 的position + 1的位置。

  • 设置点击和拖动的限制条件,如 推荐 这个ITEM是不允许用户操作的。

  • 拖动的DragGrid的操作:

1、长按获取长按的ITEM的position — dragPosition 以及对应的view ,手指触摸屏幕的时候,调用onInterceptTouchEvent来获取MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN事件,获取对应的数据。由于这里是继承了GridView,所以长按时间可以通过setOnItemLongClickListener监听来执行,或则你也可以通过计算点击时间来监听是否长按。

2、通过onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)来监听手指的移动和抬起动作。当它移动到 其它的item下面,并且下方的item对应的position 不等于 dragPosition,进行数据交换,并且2者之间的所有item进行移动动画,动画结束后,数据更替刷新界面。


  • 退出时候,将改变后的频道列表存入数据库


public class DragGrid extends GridView {    /** 点击时候的X位置 */    public int downX;    /** 点击时候的Y位置 */    public int downY;    /** 点击时候对应整个界面的X位置 */    public int windowX;    /** 点击时候对应整个界面的Y位置 */    public int windowY;    /** 屏幕上的X */    private int win_view_x;    /** 屏幕上的Y*/    private int win_view_y;    /** 拖动的里x的距离  */    int dragOffsetX;    /** 拖动的里Y的距离  */    int dragOffsetY;    /** 长按时候对应postion */    public int dragPosition;    /** Up后对应的ITEM的Position */    private int dropPosition;    /** 开始拖动的ITEM的Position*/    private int startPosition;    /** item高 */    private int itemHeight;    /** item宽 */    private int itemWidth;    /** 拖动的时候对应ITEM的VIEW */    private View dragImageView = null;    /** 长按的时候ITEM的VIEW*/    private ViewGroup dragItemView = null;    /** WindowManager管理器 */    private WindowManager windowManager = null;    /** */    private WindowManager.LayoutParams windowParams = null;    /** item总量*/    private int itemTotalCount;    /** 一行的ITEM数量*/    private int nColumns = 4;    /** 行数 */    private int nRows;    /** 剩余部分 */    private int Remainder;    /** 是否在移动 */    private boolean isMoving = false;    /** */    private int holdPosition;    /** 拖动的时候放大的倍数 */    private double dragScale = 1.2D;    /** 震动器  */    private Vibrator mVibrator;    /** 每个ITEM之间的水平间距 */    private int mHorizontalSpacing = 15;    /** 每个ITEM之间的竖直间距 */    private int mVerticalSpacing = 15;    /* 移动时候最后个动画的ID */    private String LastAnimationID;    public DragGrid(Context context) {        super(context);        init(context);    }    public DragGrid(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {        super(context, attrs, defStyle);        init(context);    }    public DragGrid(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        super(context, attrs);        init(context);    }    public void init(Context context){        mVibrator = (Vibrator) context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);        //将布局文件中设置的间距dip转为px        mHorizontalSpacing = DataTools.dip2px(context, mHorizontalSpacing);    }    @Override    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {            downX = (int) ev.getX();            downY = (int) ev.getY();            windowX = (int) ev.getX();            windowY = (int) ev.getY();            setOnItemClickListener(ev);        }        return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);    }    @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        boolean bool = true;        if (dragImageView != null && dragPosition != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) {            // 移动时候的对应x,y位置            bool = super.onTouchEvent(ev);            int x = (int) ev.getX();            int y = (int) ev.getY();            switch (ev.getAction()) {            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                downX = (int) ev.getX();                windowX = (int) ev.getX();                downY = (int) ev.getY();                windowY = (int) ev.getY();                break;            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:                onDrag(x, y ,(int) ev.getRawX() , (int) ev.getRawY());                if (!isMoving){                    OnMove(x, y);                }                if (pointToPosition(x, y) != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION){                    break;                }                break;            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                stopDrag();                onDrop(x, y);                requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false);                break;            default:                break;            }        }        return super.onTouchEvent(ev);    }    /** 在拖动的情况 */    private void onDrag(int x, int y , int rawx , int rawy) {        if (dragImageView != null) {            windowParams.alpha = 0.6f;//          windowParams.x = rawx - itemWidth / 2;//          windowParams.y = rawy - itemHeight / 2;            windowParams.x = rawx - win_view_x;            windowParams.y = rawy - win_view_y;            windowManager.updateViewLayout(dragImageView, windowParams);        }    }    /** 在松手下放的情况 */    private void onDrop(int x, int y) {        // 根据拖动到的x,y坐标获取拖动位置下方的ITEM对应的POSTION        int tempPostion = pointToPosition(x, y);//      if (tempPostion != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) {            dropPosition = tempPostion;            DragAdapter mDragAdapter = (DragAdapter) getAdapter();            //显示刚拖动的ITEM            mDragAdapter.setShowDropItem(true);            //刷新适配器,让对应的ITEM显示            mDragAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();//      }    }    /**     * 长按点击监听     * @param ev     */    public void setOnItemClickListener(final MotionEvent ev) {        setOnItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener() {            @Override            public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,                    int position, long id) {                int x = (int) ev.getX();// 长安事件的X位置                int y = (int) ev.getY();// 长安事件的y位置                startPosition = position;// 第一次点击的postion                dragPosition = position;                if (startPosition <= 1) {                    return false;                }                ViewGroup dragViewGroup = (ViewGroup) getChildAt(dragPosition - getFirstVisiblePosition());                TextView dragTextView = (TextView)dragViewGroup.findViewById(;                dragTextView.setSelected(true);                dragTextView.setEnabled(false);                itemHeight = dragViewGroup.getHeight();                itemWidth = dragViewGroup.getWidth();                itemTotalCount = DragGrid.this.getCount();                int row = itemTotalCount / nColumns;// 算出行数                Remainder = (itemTotalCount % nColumns);// 算出最后一行多余的数量                if (Remainder != 0) {                    nRows = row + 1;                } else {                    nRows = row;                }                // 如果特殊的这个不等于拖动的那个,并且不等于-1                if (dragPosition != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) {                    // 释放的资源使用的绘图缓存。如果你调用buildDrawingCache()手动没有调用setDrawingCacheEnabled(真正的),你应该清理缓存使用这种方法。                    win_view_x = windowX - dragViewGroup.getLeft();//VIEW相对自己的X,半斤                    win_view_y = windowY - dragViewGroup.getTop();//VIEW相对自己的y,半斤                    dragOffsetX = (int) (ev.getRawX() - x);//手指在屏幕的上X位置-手指在控件中的位置就是距离最左边的距离                    dragOffsetY = (int) (ev.getRawY() - y);//手指在屏幕的上y位置-手指在控件中的位置就是距离最上边的距离                    dragItemView = dragViewGroup;                    dragViewGroup.destroyDrawingCache();                    dragViewGroup.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);                    Bitmap dragBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(dragViewGroup.getDrawingCache());                    mVibrator.vibrate(50);//设置震动时间                    startDrag(dragBitmap, (int)ev.getRawX(),  (int)ev.getRawY());                    hideDropItem();                    dragViewGroup.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);                    isMoving = false;                    requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);                    return true;                }                return false;            }        });    }    public void startDrag(Bitmap dragBitmap, int x, int y) {        stopDrag();        windowParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();// 获取WINDOW界面的        //Gravity.TOP|Gravity.LEFT;这个必须加          windowParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT;//      windowParams.x = x - (int)((itemWidth / 2) * dragScale);//      windowParams.y = y - (int) ((itemHeight / 2) * dragScale);        //得到preview左上角相对于屏幕的坐标           windowParams.x = x - win_view_x;        windowParams.y = y  - win_view_y; //      this.windowParams.x = (x - this.win_view_x + this.viewX);//位置的x值//      this.windowParams.y = (y - this.win_view_y + this.viewY);//位置的y值        //设置拖拽item的宽和高          windowParams.width = (int) (dragScale * dragBitmap.getWidth());// 放大dragScale倍,可以设置拖动后的倍数        windowParams.height = (int) (dragScale * dragBitmap.getHeight());// 放大dragScale倍,可以设置拖动后的倍数        this.windowParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE                                           | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE                                           | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON                                           | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN;        this.windowParams.format = PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;        this.windowParams.windowAnimations = 0;        ImageView iv = new ImageView(getContext());        iv.setImageBitmap(dragBitmap);        windowManager = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);// "window"        windowManager.addView(iv, windowParams);        dragImageView = iv;    }    /** 停止拖动 ,释放并初始化 */    private void stopDrag() {        if (dragImageView != null) {            windowManager.removeView(dragImageView);            dragImageView = null;        }    }    /** 在ScrollView内,所以要进行计算高度 */    @Override    public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {        int expandSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2,MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, expandSpec);    }    /** 隐藏 放下 的ITEM*/    private void hideDropItem() {        ((DragAdapter) getAdapter()).setShowDropItem(false);    }    /** 获取移动动画 */    public Animation getMoveAnimation(float toXValue, float toYValue) {        TranslateAnimation mTranslateAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(                Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.0F,                Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,toXValue,                 Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.0F,                Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, toYValue);// 当前位置移动到指定位置        mTranslateAnimation.setFillAfter(true);// 设置一个动画效果执行完毕后,View对象保留在终止的位置。        mTranslateAnimation.setDuration(300L);        return mTranslateAnimation;    }    /** 移动的时候触发*/    public void OnMove(int x, int y) {        // 拖动的VIEW下方的POSTION        int dPosition = pointToPosition(x, y);        // 判断下方的POSTION是否是最开始2个不能拖动的        if (dPosition > 1) {            if ((dPosition == -1) || (dPosition == dragPosition)){                return;            }            dropPosition = dPosition;            if (dragPosition != startPosition){                dragPosition = startPosition;            }            int movecount;            //拖动的=开始拖的,并且 拖动的 不等于放下的            if ((dragPosition == startPosition) || (dragPosition != dropPosition)){                //移需要移动的动ITEM数量                movecount = dropPosition - dragPosition;            }else{                //移需要移动的动ITEM数量为0                movecount = 0;            }            if(movecount == 0){                return;            }            int movecount_abs = Math.abs(movecount);            if (dPosition != dragPosition) {                //dragGroup设置为不可见                ViewGroup dragGroup = (ViewGroup) getChildAt(dragPosition);                dragGroup.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);                float to_x = 1;// 当前下方positon                float to_y;// 当前下方右边positon                //x_vlaue移动的距离百分比(相对于自己长度的百分比)                float x_vlaue = ((float) mHorizontalSpacing / (float) itemWidth) + 1.0f;                //y_vlaue移动的距离百分比(相对于自己宽度的百分比)                float y_vlaue = ((float) mVerticalSpacing / (float) itemHeight) + 1.0f;                Log.d("x_vlaue", "x_vlaue = " + x_vlaue);                for (int i = 0; i < movecount_abs; i++) {                     to_x = x_vlaue;                     to_y = y_vlaue;                    //像左                    if (movecount > 0) {                        // 判断是不是同一行的                        holdPosition = dragPosition + i + 1;                        if (dragPosition / nColumns == holdPosition / nColumns) {                            to_x = - x_vlaue;                            to_y = 0;                        } else if (holdPosition % 4 == 0) {                            to_x = 3 * x_vlaue;                            to_y = - y_vlaue;                        } else {                            to_x = - x_vlaue;                            to_y = 0;                        }                    }else{                        //向右,下移到上,右移到左                        holdPosition = dragPosition - i - 1;                        if (dragPosition / nColumns == holdPosition / nColumns) {                            to_x = x_vlaue;                            to_y = 0;                        } else if((holdPosition + 1) % 4 == 0){                            to_x = -3 * x_vlaue;                            to_y = y_vlaue;                        }else{                            to_x = x_vlaue;                            to_y = 0;                        }                    }                    ViewGroup moveViewGroup = (ViewGroup) getChildAt(holdPosition);                    Animation moveAnimation = getMoveAnimation(to_x, to_y);                    moveViewGroup.startAnimation(moveAnimation);                    //如果是最后一个移动的,那么设置他的最后个动画ID为LastAnimationID                    if (holdPosition == dropPosition) {                        LastAnimationID = moveAnimation.toString();                    }                    moveAnimation.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {                        @Override                        public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub                            isMoving = true;                        }                        @Override                        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub                        }                        @Override                        public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub                            // 如果为最后个动画结束,那执行下面的方法                            if (animation.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(LastAnimationID)) {                                DragAdapter mDragAdapter = (DragAdapter) getAdapter();                      ,dropPosition);                                startPosition = dropPosition;                                dragPosition = dropPosition;                                isMoving = false;                            }                        }                    });                }            }        }    }}


public class OtherGridView extends GridView {    public OtherGridView(Context paramContext, AttributeSet paramAttributeSet) {        super(paramContext, paramAttributeSet);    }    @Override    public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {        int expandSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2,                MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, expandSpec);    }}


public class ChannelActivity extends Activity implements OnItemClickListener {    /** 用户栏目的GRIDVIEW */    private DragGrid userGridView;    /** 其它栏目的GRIDVIEW */    private OtherGridView otherGridView;    /** 用户栏目对应的适配器,可以拖动 */    DragAdapter userAdapter;    /** 其它栏目对应的适配器 */    OtherAdapter otherAdapter;    /** 其它栏目列表 */    ArrayList<ChannelItem> otherChannelList = new ArrayList<ChannelItem>();    /** 用户栏目列表 */    ArrayList<ChannelItem> userChannelList = new ArrayList<ChannelItem>();    /** 是否在移动,由于这边是动画结束后才进行的数据更替,设置这个限制为了避免操作太频繁造成的数据错乱。 */     boolean isMove = false;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.subscribe_activity);        initView();        initData();    }    /** 初始化数据*/    private void initData() {        userChannelList = ((ArrayList<ChannelItem>)ChannelManage.getManage(AppApplication.getApp().getSQLHelper()).getUserChannel());        otherChannelList = ((ArrayList<ChannelItem>)ChannelManage.getManage(AppApplication.getApp().getSQLHelper()).getOtherChannel());        userAdapter = new DragAdapter(this, userChannelList);        userGridView.setAdapter(userAdapter);        otherAdapter = new OtherAdapter(this, otherChannelList);        otherGridView.setAdapter(this.otherAdapter);        //设置GRIDVIEW的ITEM的点击监听        otherGridView.setOnItemClickListener(this);        userGridView.setOnItemClickListener(this);    }    /** 初始化布局*/    private void initView() {        userGridView = (DragGrid) findViewById(;        otherGridView = (OtherGridView) findViewById(;    }    @Override    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);        return true;    }    /** GRIDVIEW对应的ITEM点击监听接口  */    @Override    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, final View view, final int position,long id) {        //如果点击的时候,之前动画还没结束,那么就让点击事件无效        if(isMove){            return;        }        switch (parent.getId()) {        case            //position为 0,1 的不可以进行任何操作            if (position != 0 && position != 1) {                final ImageView moveImageView = getView(view);                if (moveImageView != null) {                    TextView newTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(;                    final int[] startLocation = new int[2];                    newTextView.getLocationInWindow(startLocation);                    final ChannelItem channel = ((DragAdapter) parent.getAdapter()).getItem(position);//获取点击的频道内容                    otherAdapter.setVisible(false);                    //添加到最后一个                    otherAdapter.addItem(channel);                    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {                        public void run() {                            try {                                int[] endLocation = new int[2];                                //获取终点的坐标                                otherGridView.getChildAt(otherGridView.getLastVisiblePosition()).getLocationInWindow(endLocation);                                MoveAnim(moveImageView, startLocation , endLocation, channel,userGridView);                                userAdapter.setRemove(position);                            } catch (Exception localException) {                            }                        }                    }, 50L);                }            }            break;        case            final ImageView moveImageView = getView(view);            if (moveImageView != null){                TextView newTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(;                final int[] startLocation = new int[2];                newTextView.getLocationInWindow(startLocation);                final ChannelItem channel = ((OtherAdapter) parent.getAdapter()).getItem(position);                userAdapter.setVisible(false);                //添加到最后一个                userAdapter.addItem(channel);                new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {                    public void run() {                        try {                            int[] endLocation = new int[2];                            //获取终点的坐标                            userGridView.getChildAt(userGridView.getLastVisiblePosition()).getLocationInWindow(endLocation);                            MoveAnim(moveImageView, startLocation , endLocation, channel,otherGridView);                            otherAdapter.setRemove(position);                        } catch (Exception localException) {                        }                    }                }, 50L);            }            break;        default:            break;        }    }    /**     * 点击ITEM移动动画     * @param moveView     * @param startLocation     * @param endLocation     * @param moveChannel     * @param clickGridView     */    private void MoveAnim(View moveView, int[] startLocation,int[] endLocation, final ChannelItem moveChannel,            final GridView clickGridView) {        int[] initLocation = new int[2];        //获取传递过来的VIEW的坐标        moveView.getLocationInWindow(initLocation);        //得到要移动的VIEW,并放入对应的容器中        final ViewGroup moveViewGroup = getMoveViewGroup();        final View mMoveView = getMoveView(moveViewGroup, moveView, initLocation);        //创建移动动画        TranslateAnimation moveAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(                startLocation[0], endLocation[0], startLocation[1],                endLocation[1]);        moveAnimation.setDuration(300L);//动画时间        //动画配置        AnimationSet moveAnimationSet = new AnimationSet(true);        moveAnimationSet.setFillAfter(false);//动画效果执行完毕后,View对象不保留在终止的位置        moveAnimationSet.addAnimation(moveAnimation);        mMoveView.startAnimation(moveAnimationSet);        moveAnimationSet.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {            @Override            public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {                isMove = true;            }            @Override            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {            }            @Override            public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {                moveViewGroup.removeView(mMoveView);                // instanceof 方法判断2边实例是不是一样,判断点击的是DragGrid还是OtherGridView                if (clickGridView instanceof DragGrid) {                    otherAdapter.setVisible(true);                    otherAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();                    userAdapter.remove();                }else{                    userAdapter.setVisible(true);                    userAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();                    otherAdapter.remove();                }                isMove = false;            }        });    }    /**     * 获取移动的VIEW,放入对应ViewGroup布局容器     * @param viewGroup     * @param view     * @param initLocation     * @return     */    private View getMoveView(ViewGroup viewGroup, View view, int[] initLocation) {        int x = initLocation[0];        int y = initLocation[1];        viewGroup.addView(view);        LinearLayout.LayoutParams mLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);        mLayoutParams.leftMargin = x;        mLayoutParams.topMargin = y;        view.setLayoutParams(mLayoutParams);        return view;    }    /**     * 创建移动的ITEM对应的ViewGroup布局容器     */    private ViewGroup getMoveViewGroup() {        ViewGroup moveViewGroup = (ViewGroup) getWindow().getDecorView();        LinearLayout moveLinearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);        moveLinearLayout.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));        moveViewGroup.addView(moveLinearLayout);        return moveLinearLayout;    }    /**     * 获取点击的Item的对应View,     * @param view     * @return     */    private ImageView getView(View view) {        view.destroyDrawingCache();        view.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);        Bitmap cache = Bitmap.createBitmap(view.getDrawingCache());        view.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false);        ImageView iv = new ImageView(this);        iv.setImageBitmap(cache);        return iv;    }    /** 退出时候保存选择后数据库的设置  */    private void saveChannel() {        ChannelManage.getManage(AppApplication.getApp().getSQLHelper()).deleteAllChannel();        ChannelManage.getManage(AppApplication.getApp().getSQLHelper()).saveUserChannel(userAdapter.getChannnelLst());        ChannelManage.getManage(AppApplication.getApp().getSQLHelper()).saveOtherChannel(otherAdapter.getChannnelLst());    }    @Override    public void onBackPressed() {        saveChannel();        super.onBackPressed();    }}


public class DragAdapter extends BaseAdapter {    /** TAG*/    private final static String TAG = "DragAdapter";    /** 是否显示底部的ITEM */    private boolean isItemShow = false;    private Context context;    /** 控制的postion */    private int holdPosition;    /** 是否改变 */    private boolean isChanged = false;    /** 是否可见 */    boolean isVisible = true;    /** 可以拖动的列表(即用户选择的频道列表) */    public List<ChannelItem> channelList;    /** TextView 频道内容 */    private TextView item_text;    /** 要删除的position */    public int remove_position = -1;    public DragAdapter(Context context, List<ChannelItem> channelList) {        this.context = context;        this.channelList = channelList;    }    @Override    public int getCount() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return channelList == null ? 0 : channelList.size();    }    @Override    public ChannelItem getItem(int position) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        if (channelList != null && channelList.size() != 0) {            return channelList.get(position);        }        return null;    }    @Override    public long getItemId(int position) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return position;    }    @Override    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {        View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.subscribe_category_item, null);        item_text = (TextView) view.findViewById(;        ChannelItem channel = getItem(position);        item_text.setText(channel.getName());        if ((position == 0) || (position == 1)){//          item_text.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(;            item_text.setEnabled(false);        }        if (isChanged && (position == holdPosition) && !isItemShow) {            item_text.setText("");            item_text.setSelected(true);            item_text.setEnabled(true);            isChanged = false;        }        if (!isVisible && (position == -1 + channelList.size())) {            item_text.setText("");            item_text.setSelected(true);            item_text.setEnabled(true);        }        if(remove_position == position){            item_text.setText("");        }        return view;    }    /** 添加频道列表 */    public void addItem(ChannelItem channel) {        channelList.add(channel);        notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 拖动变更频道排序 */    public void exchange(int dragPostion, int dropPostion) {        holdPosition = dropPostion;        ChannelItem dragItem = getItem(dragPostion);        Log.d(TAG, "startPostion=" + dragPostion + ";endPosition=" + dropPostion);        if (dragPostion < dropPostion) {            channelList.add(dropPostion + 1, dragItem);            channelList.remove(dragPostion);        } else {            channelList.add(dropPostion, dragItem);            channelList.remove(dragPostion + 1);        }        isChanged = true;        notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 获取频道列表 */    public List<ChannelItem> getChannnelLst() {        return channelList;    }    /** 设置删除的position */    public void setRemove(int position) {        remove_position = position;        notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 删除频道列表 */    public void remove() {        channelList.remove(remove_position);        remove_position = -1;        notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 设置频道列表 */    public void setListDate(List<ChannelItem> list) {        channelList = list;    }    /** 获取是否可见 */    public boolean isVisible() {        return isVisible;    }    /** 设置是否可见 */    public void setVisible(boolean visible) {        isVisible = visible;    }    /** 显示放下的ITEM */    public void setShowDropItem(boolean show) {        isItemShow = show;    }}


public class OtherAdapter extends BaseAdapter {    private Context context;    public List<ChannelItem> channelList;    private TextView item_text;    /** 是否可见 */    boolean isVisible = true;    /** 要删除的position */    public int remove_position = -1;    public OtherAdapter(Context context, List<ChannelItem> channelList) {        this.context = context;        this.channelList = channelList;    }    @Override    public int getCount() {        return channelList == null ? 0 : channelList.size();    }    @Override    public ChannelItem getItem(int position) {        if (channelList != null && channelList.size() != 0) {            return channelList.get(position);        }        return null;    }    @Override    public long getItemId(int position) {        return position;    }    @Override    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {        View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.subscribe_category_item, null);        item_text = (TextView) view.findViewById(;        ChannelItem channel = getItem(position);        item_text.setText(channel.getName());        if (!isVisible && (position == -1 + channelList.size())){            item_text.setText("");        }        if(remove_position == position){            item_text.setText("");        }        return view;    }    /** 获取频道列表 */    public List<ChannelItem> getChannnelLst() {        return channelList;    }    /** 添加频道列表 */    public void addItem(ChannelItem channel) {        channelList.add(channel);        notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 设置删除的position */    public void setRemove(int position) {        remove_position = position;        notifyDataSetChanged();        // notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 删除频道列表 */    public void remove() {        channelList.remove(remove_position);        remove_position = -1;        notifyDataSetChanged();    }    /** 设置频道列表 */    public void setListDate(List<ChannelItem> list) {        channelList = list;    }    /** 获取是否可见 */    public boolean isVisible() {        return isVisible;    }    /** 设置是否可见 */    public void setVisible(boolean visible) {        isVisible = visible;    }}


public class ChannelManage {    public static ChannelManage channelManage;    /**     * 默认的用户选择频道列表     * */    public static List<ChannelItem> defaultUserChannels;    /**     * 默认的其他频道列表     * */    public static List<ChannelItem> defaultOtherChannels;    private ChannelDao channelDao;    /** 判断数据库中是否存在用户数据 */    private boolean userExist = false;    static {        defaultUserChannels = new ArrayList<ChannelItem>();        defaultOtherChannels = new ArrayList<ChannelItem>();        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(1, "推荐", 1, 1));        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(2, "热点", 2, 1));        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(3, "娱乐", 3, 1));        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(4, "时尚", 4, 1));        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(5, "科技", 5, 1));        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(6, "体育", 6, 1));        defaultUserChannels.add(new ChannelItem(7, "军事", 7, 1));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(8, "财经", 1, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(9, "汽车", 2, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(10, "房产", 3, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(11, "社会", 4, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(12, "情感", 5, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(13, "女人", 6, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(14, "旅游", 7, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(15, "健康", 8, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(16, "美女", 9, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(17, "游戏", 10, 0));        defaultOtherChannels.add(new ChannelItem(18, "数码", 11, 0));    }    private ChannelManage(SQLHelper paramDBHelper) throws SQLException {        if (channelDao == null)            channelDao = new ChannelDao(paramDBHelper.getContext());        // NavigateItemDao(paramDBHelper.getDao(NavigateItem.class));        return;    }    /**     * 初始化频道管理类     * @param paramDBHelper     * @throws SQLException     */    public static ChannelManage getManage(SQLHelper dbHelper)throws SQLException {        if (channelManage == null)            channelManage = new ChannelManage(dbHelper);        return channelManage;    }    /**     * 清除所有的频道     */    public void deleteAllChannel() {        channelDao.clearFeedTable();    }    /**     * 获取其他的频道     * @return 数据库存在用户配置 ? 数据库内的用户选择频道 : 默认用户选择频道 ;     */    public List<ChannelItem> getUserChannel() {        Object cacheList = channelDao.listCache(SQLHelper.SELECTED + "= ?",new String[] { "1" });        if (cacheList != null && !((List) cacheList).isEmpty()) {            userExist = true;            List<Map<String, String>> maplist = (List) cacheList;            int count = maplist.size();            List<ChannelItem> list = new ArrayList<ChannelItem>();            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {                ChannelItem navigate = new ChannelItem();                navigate.setId(Integer.valueOf(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.ID)));                navigate.setName(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.NAME));                navigate.setOrderId(Integer.valueOf(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.ORDERID)));                navigate.setSelected(Integer.valueOf(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.SELECTED)));                list.add(navigate);            }            return list;        }        initDefaultChannel();        return defaultUserChannels;    }    /**     * 获取其他的频道     * @return 数据库存在用户配置 ? 数据库内的其它频道 : 默认其它频道 ;     */    public List<ChannelItem> getOtherChannel() {        Object cacheList = channelDao.listCache(SQLHelper.SELECTED + "= ?" ,new String[] { "0" });        List<ChannelItem> list = new ArrayList<ChannelItem>();        if (cacheList != null && !((List) cacheList).isEmpty()){            List<Map<String, String>> maplist = (List) cacheList;            int count = maplist.size();            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {                ChannelItem navigate= new ChannelItem();                navigate.setId(Integer.valueOf(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.ID)));                navigate.setName(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.NAME));                navigate.setOrderId(Integer.valueOf(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.ORDERID)));                navigate.setSelected(Integer.valueOf(maplist.get(i).get(SQLHelper.SELECTED)));                list.add(navigate);            }            return list;        }        if(userExist){            return list;        }        cacheList = defaultOtherChannels;        return (List<ChannelItem>) cacheList;    }    /**     * 保存用户频道到数据库     * @param userList     */    public void saveUserChannel(List<ChannelItem> userList) {        for (int i = 0; i < userList.size(); i++) {            ChannelItem channelItem = (ChannelItem) userList.get(i);            channelItem.setOrderId(i);            channelItem.setSelected(Integer.valueOf(1));            channelDao.addCache(channelItem);        }    }    /**     * 保存其他频道到数据库     * @param otherList     */    public void saveOtherChannel(List<ChannelItem> otherList) {        for (int i = 0; i < otherList.size(); i++) {            ChannelItem channelItem = (ChannelItem) otherList.get(i);            channelItem.setOrderId(i);            channelItem.setSelected(Integer.valueOf(0));            channelDao.addCache(channelItem);        }    }    /**     * 初始化数据库内的频道数据     */    private void initDefaultChannel(){        Log.d("deleteAll", "deleteAll");        deleteAllChannel();        saveUserChannel(defaultUserChannels);        saveOtherChannel(defaultOtherChannels);    }}
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