Designing a Data Warehouse : Supporting Customer Relationship Management

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The complete guide to building tomorrow's CRM-focused data warehouses. A complete methodology for building CRM-focused data warehouses Planning, ROI, conceptual and logical models, physical implementation, project management, and beyond For database developers, architects, consultants, project managers, and decision-makers Today's next-generation data warehouses are being built with a clear goal: to maximize the power of Customer Relationship Management. To make CRM-focused data warehousing work, you need new techniques, and new methodologies. In this book, Dr. Chris Todman one of the world's leading data warehouse consultants delivers the first start-to-finish methodology for defining, designing, and implementing CRM-focused data warehouses. Todman covers all this, and more: Critical design challenges unique to CRM-focused data warehousing A new look at data warehouse conceptual models, logical models, and physical implementation The crucial implications of time in data warehouse modeling and querying Project management: deliverables, assumptions, risks, and team-building including a full breakdown of work Estimating the ROI of CRM-focused data warehouses up front Choosing software for loading, extraction, transformation, querying, data mining, campaign management, personalization, and metadata DW futures: temporal databases, OLAP SQL extensions, active decision support, integrating external and unstructured data, search agents, and more If you want to leverage the full power of your CRM system, you need a data warehouse designed for the purpose.