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<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <title>Accessible Map</title>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://openlayers.org/en/v3.19.1/css/ol.css" type="text/css">    <!-- The line below is only needed for old environments like Internet Explorer and Android 4.x -->     <!--  <script src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=requestAnimationFrame,Element.prototype.classList,URL"></script> //如果要支持低版本浏览器你可以取消注释-->    <script src="https://openlayers.org/en/v3.19.1/build/ol.js"></script>    <style>      a.skiplink {        position: absolute;        clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);        padding: 0;        border: 0;        height: 1px;        width: 1px;        overflow: hidden;      }      a.skiplink:focus {        clip: auto;        height: auto;        width: auto;        background-color: #fff;        padding: 0.3em;      }      #map:focus {        outline: #4A74A8 solid 0.15em;      }    </style>  </head>  <body>    <a class="skiplink" href="#map">Go to map</a>    <div id="map" class="map" tabindex="0"></div>    <button id="zoom-out">Zoom out</button>    <button id="zoom-in">Zoom in</button>    <script>        var _map;         function lu_LngLat(lng, lat) {        //如果有坐标偏移,你可以在这做               var lnglat = { "lng": lng, "lat": lat };                        //经纬度坐标转换到高斯坐标            return ol.proj.fromLonLat([lnglat.lng, lnglat.lat]);        }        //------------------------------//              /**        * 轨迹回放               * @constructor        */        function lu_LocusOption(data) {            this.locusData = {                locusId: null,                label: null,                icon: "http://webapi.amap.com/images/car.png",                lnglat: [],                lineType: "solid",                lineWidth: 3,                nodeIcon: null,                lineOpacity: 0.6,                lineColor: "#0000ff"            }            this.locusState = {                moveSpeed: 100,                isSetView: true,                syncEvent: null,                circlable: false,                overlayEvent: null            }            if (data) {                if (data.locusData) {                    if (data.locusData.locusId) this.locusData.locusId = data.locusData.locusId;                    if (data.locusData.icon) this.locusData.icon = data.locusData.icon;                    if (data.locusData.label) this.locusData.label = data.locusData.label;                    if (data.locusData.lnglat) this.locusData.lnglat = data.locusData.lnglat;                    if (data.locusData.lineType) this.locusData.lineType = data.locusData.lineType;                    if (data.locusData.nodeIcon) this.locusData.nodeIcon = data.locusData.nodeIcon;                    if (data.locusData.lineWidth) this.locusData.lineWidth = data.locusData.lineWidth;                    if (data.locusData.lineColor) this.locusData.lineColor = data.locusData.locusData.lineColor;                    if (data.locusState) {                        if (data.locusState.moveSpeed) this.locusState.moveSpeed = data.locusState.moveSpeed;                        if (data.locusState.isSetView != undefined) this.locusState.isSetView = data.locusState.isSetView;                        if (data.locusState.syncEvent) this.locusState.syncEvent = data.locusState.syncEvent;                        if (data.locusState.circlable != undefined) this.locusState.circlable = data.locusState.circlable;                        if (data.locusState.overlayEvent) this.locusState.overlayEvent = data.locusState.overlayEvent;                    }                }            }        }        var _lu_locus;        var lu_MoveLocus = function(LocusOption, isfor) {            if (_lu_locus) {                _lu_locus.stop();            }            try {                var _locusState = LocusOption.locusState;                var _locusData = LocusOption.locusData;                if (_locusState.isClearOverlay) {                    //清空                }                              lu_DrawLinesAndMarkers(_locusData, _locusState);                //开启路书                _lu_locus = new TYMapLib.lu_track(_map, _locusData.lnglat, {                    defaultContent: _locusData.label,                    autoView: _locusState.isSetView, //是否开启自动视野调整,如果开启那么路书在运动过程中会根据视野自动调整                    speed: _locusState.moveSpeed,                    enableRotation: true, //是否设置marker随着道路的走向进行旋转                    circlable: _locusState.circlable                });            } catch (e) {                console.log(e.message);            }        }        function lu_DrawLinesAndMarkers(locusData, _locusState) {            if (locusData) {                if (locusData.nodeIcon) image = locusData.nodeIcon;                if (locusData.label) text = locusData.label.content;                if (locusData.label) offset = locusData.label.offset;            }                      var styles = {                'route': new ol.style.Style({                    stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                        width: 2, color: [237, 212, 0, 0.8]                    })                }),                'node': new ol.style.Style({                    image: new ol.style.Circle({                        radius: 5,                        stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                            color: "#ffffff",                            width: 2                        }),                        fill: new ol.style.Fill({                            color: "#000000"                        })                    })                }),                'icon1': new ol.style.Style({                    image: new ol.style.Icon({                        anchor: [0.5, 1],                        src: image                    }),                    text: new ol.style.Text({                        font: "13px Microsoft Yahei",                        text: "起点",                        fill: new ol.style.Fill({                            color: "#aa3300"                        }),                        stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: "#fff", width: 2 }),                        textAlign: "left"                    })                }),                'icon2': new ol.style.Style({                    image: new ol.style.Icon({                        anchor: [0.5, 1],                        src: image                    }),                    text: new ol.style.Text({                        font: "13px Microsoft Yahei",                        text: "终点",                        fill: new ol.style.Fill({                            color: "#aa3300"                        }),                        stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: "#fff", width: 2 }),                        textAlign: "left"                    })                }),                'geoMarker': new ol.style.Style({                    image: new ol.style.Icon({                        anchor: [0.5, 0.5],                        rotation: 0,                        size: [52, 26],                        src: 'http://webapi.amap.com/images/car.png'                    }),                    text: new ol.style.Text({                        font: "13px Microsoft Yahei",                        text: text,                        fill: new ol.style.Fill({                            color: "#aa3300"                        }),                        stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: "#fff", width: 2 }),                        offsetX: offset[0],                        offsetY: offset[1],                        textAlign: "left"                    })                })            };            var locussff = [], star, stop;            var style = new ol.style.Style({                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                    width: 5,                    color: [237, 212, 0, 0.8]                })            });            var lineFeature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.LineString(locusData.lnglat));            lineFeature.setId(locusData.locusId);            lineFeature.setStyle(style);            locussff.push(lineFeature);            //节点打印            var arrLngLat = locusData.lnglat;            var arrX = [], arrY = [];            for (var i in arrLngLat) {                //console.log(i)                if (i > 0 && i < arrLngLat.length - 1) {                    var nodeMarker = new ol.Feature({                        type: 'node',                        geometry: new ol.geom.Point(locusData.lnglat[i])                    });                    locussff.push(nodeMarker);                } else {                    if (i == 0) {                        var starMarker = new ol.Feature({                        type: 'node',                            geometry: new ol.geom.Point(arrLngLat[i])                        });                        locussff.push(starMarker);                    } else if (i == arrLngLat.length - 1) {                        var startMarker = new ol.Feature({                        type: 'node',                            geometry: new ol.geom.Point(arrLngLat[i])                        });                        locussff.push(startMarker);                    }                }                arrX.push(arrLngLat[i][0]);                arrY.push(arrLngLat[i][1]);            }            var routeCoords = arrLngLat;            var routeLength = arrLngLat.length;            var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({                zIndex: 50000,                source: new ol.source.Vector({                    features: locussff                }),                style: function(feature) {                    // hide geoMarker if animation is active                    if (feature.get('type') === 'geoMarker') return null;                    return styles[feature.get('type')];                }            });            _map.addLayer(vectorLayer);            //标题            var mp2 = document.createElement("div");            mp2.id = "mycar_title";            mp2.innerHTML = text;            var title = new ol.Overlay({                id: "_ty_lj_key_title",                //autoPan: true,                position: [arrX[0][0], arrY[0][1]],                stopEvent: false,                offset: offset,                positioning: "bottom-left",                element: mp2            });            _map.addOverlay(title);            //视野            _lu_box(arrX, arrY);            /**            * 获取最好视野            * @param __boxX            * @param __boxY            * @author luwenjun 2016-9-22            * @returns            */            function _lu_box(__boxX, __boxY) {                try {                    var sort1 = [__boxX.sort()[0], __boxX.sort()[__boxX.sort().length - 1]];                    var sort2 = [__boxY.sort()[0], __boxY.sort()[__boxY.sort().length - 1]];                    _map.getView().fit([sort1[0], sort2[0], sort1[1], sort2[1]], _map.getSize());                } catch (e) {                    console.log(e.message);                }            }            //添加事件            if (_locusState.overlayEvent) {                var keys__ = _map.on(_locusState.overlayEvent.mouseEvent, function(evt) {                    var feature = _map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel,                            function(feature) {                                return feature;                            });                    if (feature) {                        var mkNew = new Object();                        var coord = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates();                        var newcoord = new GPSLngLat(coord[0], coord[1]);                        mkNew.lng = newcoord.GPSLng;                        mkNew.lat = newcoord.GPSLat;                        _locusState.overlayEvent.mouseFunc(mkNew);                    }                });                _ty_point.push(keys__);            }        }        function TYCar(lnglat, config) {            var mp = document.createElement("div");            mp.id = "mymovecar";            mp.style.position = "absolute";            var mimg = document.createElement("img");            if (config.icon) mimg.src = config.icon;            mp.appendChild(mimg);            var TYMarker = new ol.Overlay({                id: "_ty_lj_key_car",                stopEvent: false,                offset: [-26, -13],                positioning: "center-center",                element: mp            });            TYMarker.setPosition(lnglat);            //console.log(config);            TYMarker.setRotation = function(a) {                if (!isNaN(a)) {                    if (a <= 360 && a >= 0) {                        var x = document.getElementById("mymovecar");                        x.style.transform = "rotate(" + a + "deg)";                    }                }            }            return TYMarker;        }        /**        * @namespace BMap的所有library类均放在TYMapLib命名空间下        */        var TYMapLib = window.TYMapLib = TYMapLib || {};        (function() {            /**            * @exports lu_track as TYMapLib.lu_track            */            var lu_track =                    TYMapLib.lu_track = function(map, path, opts) {                        if (!path || path.length < 1) {                            return;                        }                        this.ismove = false;                        this._cc = 0;                        this._map = map;                        //存储一条路线                        this._path = path;                        //移动到当前点的索引                        this.i = 0;                        //控制暂停后开始移动的队列的数组                        this._setTimeoutQuene = [];                        //进行坐标转换的类                        // this._projection = this._map.getMapType().getProjection();                        this._opts = {                            icon: null,                            //默认速度 米/秒                            speed: 400,                            defaultContent: ''                        };                        this._setOptions(opts);                        this._rotation = 0; //小车转动的角度                        //如果不是默认实例,则使用默认的icon  instanceof BMap.Icon                        if (!this._opts.icon) {                            this._opts.icon = "http://webapi.amap.com/images/car.png";                        }                    }            /**            * 根据用户输入的opts,修改默认参数_opts            * @param {Json Object} opts 用户输入的修改参数.            * @return 无返回值.            */            lu_track.prototype._setOptions = function(opts) {                if (!opts) {                    return;                }                for (var p in opts) {                    if (opts.hasOwnProperty(p)) {                        this._opts[p] = opts[p];                    }                }            }            /**            * @description 开始运动            * @param none            * @return 无返回值.            *            * @example <b>参考示例:</b><br />            * lu_track.start();            */            lu_track.prototype.start = function() {                this.ismove = true;                var me = this, len = me._path.length;                //不是第一次点击开始,并且小车还没到达终点                if (me.i && me.i < len - 1) {                    //没按pause再按start不做处理                    if (!me._fromPause) {                        return;                    } else if (!me._fromStop) {                        //按了pause按钮,并且再按start,直接移动到下一点                        //并且此过程中,没有按stop按钮                        //防止先stop,再pause,然后连续不停的start的异常                        me._moveNext(++me.i);                    }                } else {                    //第一次点击开始,或者点了stop之后点开始                    me._addMarker();                    //等待marker动画完毕再加载infowindow                    me._timeoutFlag = setTimeout(function() {                        //弹出窗口                        //me._addInfoWin();                        if (me._opts.defaultContent == "") {                            //  me.hideInfoWindow();                        }                        me._moveNext(me.i);                    }, 400);                }                //重置状态                this._fromPause = false;                this._fromStop = false;            },            /**            * 结束运动            * @return 无返回值.            *            * @example <b>参考示例:</b><br />            * lu_track.stop();            */                    lu_track.prototype.stop = function() {                        this.ismove = false;                        this.i = 0;                        this._fromStop = true;                        clearInterval(this._intervalFlag);                        this._clearTimeout();                        //重置landmark里边的poi为未显示状态                        /*  for (var i = 0, t = this._opts.landmarkPois, len = t.length; i < len; i++) {                        t[i].bShow = false;                        }*/                    };            /**            * 暂停运动            * @return 无返回值.            */            lu_track.prototype.pause = function() {                clearInterval(this._intervalFlag);                //标识是否是按过pause按钮                this._fromPause = true;                this._clearTimeout();            };            /**            * 隐藏上方overlay            * @return 无返回值.            *            * @example <b>参考示例:</b><br />            * lu_track.hideInfoWindow();            */            lu_track.prototype.hideInfoWindow = function() {                this._overlay._div.style.visibility = 'hidden';            };            /**            * 显示上方overlay            * @return 无返回值.            *            * @example <b>参考示例:</b><br />            * lu_track.showInfoWindow();            */            lu_track.prototype.showInfoWindow = function() {                this._overlay._div.style.visibility = 'visible';            };            //lu_track私有方法                      /**            * 添加marker到地图上            * @param {Function} 回调函数.            * @return 无返回值.            */            lu_track.prototype._addMarker = function(callback) {                if (this._marker) {                    this.stop();                    this._marker.setMap(null);                    clearTimeout(this._timeoutFlag);                }                //移除之前的overlay                this._overlay && this._overlay.setMap(null);                var marker = new TYCar(this._path[0], this._opts);                //this._opts.icon && marker.setIcon(this._opts.icon);                // this._opts.icon && marker.setIcon(this._opts.icon);                _map.addOverlay(marker);                               //if (this._opts.defaultContent && this._opts.defaultContent != "")                this._marker = marker;                // var adiv = this._marker.getIcon().containerDiv;                //adiv.innerHTML = adiv.innerHTML + "<br/>" + this._opts.defaultContent;            },            /**            * 添加上方overlay            * @return 无返回值. 暂时无用            */                    lu_track.prototype._addInfoWin = function() {                        var me = this;                        //if(me._opts.defaultContent!== ""){                        var overlay = new CustomOverlay(me._marker.getLngLat(), me._opts.defaultContent);                        //将当前类的引用传给overlay。                        overlay.setRelatedClass(this);                        this._overlay = overlay;                        this._map.TYaddOverLay(overlay);                        //}                    },            /**            * 计算两点间的距离            * @param {Point} poi 经纬度坐标A点.            * @param {Point} poi 经纬度坐标B点.            * @return 无返回值.            */                    lu_track.prototype._getDistance = function(pxA, pxB) {                        return formatLength([pxA, pxB])                    },            //目标点的  当前的步长,position,总的步长,动画效果,回调            /**            * 移动小车            * @param {Number} poi 当前的步长.            * @param {Point} initPos 经纬度坐标初始点.            * @param {Point} targetPos 经纬度坐标目标点.            * @param {Function} effect 缓动效果.            * @return 无返回值.            */                    lu_track.prototype._move = function(initPos, targetPos, effect, currentCount) {                        var me = this;                        me.ismove = true;                        //当前的帧数                        if (!currentCount)                            currentCount = 0;                        //步长,米/秒                        var timer = 10,                                step = this._opts.speed / (1000 / timer),                        //初始坐标                                init_pos = this._map.getPixelFromCoordinate(initPos),                        //获取结束点的(x,y)坐标                                target_pos = this._map.getPixelFromCoordinate(targetPos),                        //总的步长                                count = Math.round(me._getDistance(init_pos, target_pos) / step);                        //如果小于1直接移动到下一点                        if (count < 1) {                            me._moveNext(++me.i);                            return;                        }                        //两点之间匀速移动 setInterval                        me._intervalFlag = setInterval(function() {                            //两点之间当前帧数大于总帧数的时候,则说明已经完成移动                            if (currentCount >= count) {                                clearInterval(me._intervalFlag);                                //移动的点已经超过总的长度                                if (me.i > me._path.length) {                                    return;                                }                                //运行下一个点                                me._moveNext(++me.i);                            } else {                                currentCount++;                                me._cc = currentCount;                                var x = effect(init_pos[0], target_pos[0], currentCount, count),                                        y = effect(init_pos[1], target_pos[1], currentCount, count),                                        pos = me._map.getCoordinateFromPixel([x, y]);                                //console.log(pos);                                //设置marker                                if (currentCount == 1) {                                    var proPos = null;                                    if (me.i - 1 >= 0) {                                        proPos = me._path[me.i - 1];                                    }                                    if (me._opts.enableRotation == true) {                                        me.setRotation(proPos, initPos, targetPos);                                    }                                    if (me._opts.autoView) {                                    }                                }                                var extent = _map.getView().calculateExtent(_map.getSize());                                var bl = ol.extent.getBottomLeft(extent);                                var tr = ol.extent.getTopRight(extent);                                var bb = ol.extent.containsCoordinate([bl[0], bl[1], tr[0], tr[1]], pos);                                //移动中的label                                var overs = _map.getOverlayById("_ty_lj_key_title");                                overs.setPosition(pos);                                if (!bb) {                                    if (me._opts.autoView) {                                        clearInterval(me._intervalFlag);                                        _map.getView().setCenter(pos);                                        me._move(initPos, targetPos, me._tween.linear);                                    } else {                                        me._marker.setPosition(pos);                                    }                                } else {                                    me._marker.setPosition(pos);                                }                            }                        }, timer);                    },            /**            *在每个点的真实步骤中设置小车转动的角度            */                    lu_track.prototype.setRotation = function(prePos, curPos, targetPos) {                        //console.log(prePos);console.log(curPos);                        var me = this;                        curPos = me._map.getPixelFromCoordinate(curPos);                        targetPos = me._map.getPixelFromCoordinate(targetPos);                        curPos = { x: curPos[0], y: curPos[1] };                        targetPos = { x: targetPos[0], y: targetPos[1] }                        var x = Math.abs(targetPos.x - curPos.x);                        var y = Math.abs(targetPos.y - curPos.y);                        var z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);                        var ration = Math.round((Math.asin(y / z) / Math.PI * 180));                        var a = 0;                        if (targetPos.y < curPos.y && targetPos.x == curPos.x) {                            a = 270; // (180 - ration);                        }                        else if (targetPos.y > curPos.y && targetPos.x == curPos.x)                            a = 90///ration;                        else if (targetPos.y == curPos.y && targetPos.x < curPos.x)                            a = 180//(180 - ration);                        else if (targetPos.y == curPos.y && targetPos.x > curPos.x)                            a = 0//ration;                        else if (targetPos.y > curPos.y && targetPos.x > curPos.x)                            a = ration;                        else if (targetPos.y > curPos.y && targetPos.x < curPos.x)                            a = 180 - ration;                        else if (targetPos.y < curPos.y && targetPos.x < curPos.x)                            a = 180 + ration;                        else if (targetPos.y < curPos.y && targetPos.x > curPos.x)                            a = 360 - ration;                        this._marker.setRotation(a);                        //console.log(a)                        return;                    },                    lu_track.prototype.linePixellength = function(from, to) {                        return Math.sqrt(Math.abs(from.x - to.x) * Math.abs(from.x - to.x) + Math.abs(from.y - to.y) * Math.abs(from.y - to.y));                    },                    lu_track.prototype.pointToPoint = function(from, to) {                        return Math.abs(from.x - to.x) * Math.abs(from.x - to.x) + Math.abs(from.y - to.y) * Math.abs(from.y - to.y)                    },            /**            * 移动到下一个点            * @param {Number} index 当前点的索引.            * @return 无返回值.            */                    lu_track.prototype._moveNext = function(index) {                        this.ismove = true;                        if (this._opts.func && this._opts.func != "")                            _opts.func(index);                        var me = this;                        if (index == me._path.length - 1 && me._opts.circlable) {                            index = 0;                            me.i = 0;                        }                        if (index < this._path.length - 1) {                            //判断是否需要屏幕暂停,移动中心                            var ifXYZ1 = me._path[index];                            var ifXYZ2 = me._path[index + 1];                            var extent = _map.getView().calculateExtent(_map.getSize());                            var bl = ol.extent.getBottomLeft(extent);                            var tr = ol.extent.getTopRight(extent);                            tr = [_map.getPixelFromCoordinate(tr)[0] - 30, _map.getPixelFromCoordinate(tr)[1] + 30];                            bl = [_map.getPixelFromCoordinate(bl)[0] + 30, _map.getPixelFromCoordinate(tr)[1] - 30];                            tr = _map.getCoordinateFromPixel(tr);                            bl = _map.getCoordinateFromPixel(bl);                            var extentA = ol.extent.containsCoordinate([bl[0], bl[1], tr[0], tr[1]], ifXYZ1);                            var extentB = ol.extent.containsCoordinate([bl[0], bl[1], tr[0], tr[1]], ifXYZ2);                            //console.log(extentA, extentB);                            if (extentA == false || extentB == false) {                                if (me._opts.autoView) {                                    clearInterval(_lu_locus._intervalFlag);                                    var centerA = (ifXYZ2[0] - ifXYZ1[0]) / 2 + ifXYZ2[0];                                    var centerB = (ifXYZ2[1] - ifXYZ1[1]) / 2 + ifXYZ2[1];                                    if (extentA == false && extentB == false) {                                        _map.getView().setCenter([centerA, centerB]);                                    }                                    else if (extentA == false) {                                        _map.getView().setCenter(ifXYZ1);                                    }                                    else if (extentB == false) {                                        _map.getView().setCenter(ifXYZ2);                                    } else {                                        console.log("#1005853");                                        return;                                    }                                    setTimeout(function() {                                        me._move(me._path[index], me._path[index + 1], me._tween.linear);                                    }, 100);                                } else {                                    me._move(me._path[index], me._path[index + 1], me._tween.linear);                                }                            } else {                                me._move(me._path[index], me._path[index + 1], me._tween.linear);                            }                        }                    },            /**            * 设置小车上方infowindow的内容,位置等            * @param {Point} pos 经纬度坐标点.            * @return 无返回值.            */                    lu_track.prototype._setInfoWin = function(pos) {                        //设置上方overlay的position                        var me = this;                        if (!me._overlay) {                            return;                        }                        me._overlay.setPosition(pos, me._marker.getIcon().size);                        var index = me._troughPointIndex(pos);                        if (index != -1) {                            clearInterval(me._intervalFlag);                            //  me._overlay.setHtml(me._opts.landmarkPois[index].html);                            me._overlay.setPosition(pos, me._marker.getIcon().getSize());                            me._pauseForView(index);                        } else {                            me._overlay.setHtml(me._opts.defaultContent);                        }                    },            /**            * 在某个点暂停的时间            * @param {Number} index 点的索引.            * @return 无返回值.            */                    lu_track.prototype._pauseForView = function(index) {                        var me = this;                        var t = setTimeout(function() {                            //运行下一个点                            me._moveNext(++me.i);                        },                                me._opts.landmarkPois[index].pauseTime * 1000);                        me._setTimeoutQuene.push(t);                    },            //清除暂停后再开始运行的timeout                    lu_track.prototype._clearTimeout = function() {                        for (var i in this._setTimeoutQuene) {                            clearTimeout(this._setTimeoutQuene[i]);                        }                        this._setTimeoutQuene.length = 0;                    },            //缓动效果                    lu_track.prototype._tween = {                        //初始坐标,目标坐标,当前的步长,总的步长                        linear: function(initPos, targetPos, currentCount, count) {                            var b = initPos, c = targetPos - initPos, t = currentCount,                                    d = count;                            return c * t / d + b;                        }                    },            /**            * 否经过某个点的index            * @param {Point} markerPoi 当前小车的坐标点.            * @return 无返回值.            */                    lu_track.prototype._troughPointIndex = function(markerPoi) {                        var t = this._opts.landmarkPois, distance;                        for (var i = 0, len = t.length; i < len; i++) {                            //landmarkPois中的点没有出现过的话                            if (!t[i].bShow) {                                distance = markerPoi.distance(new AMap.LngLat(t[i].lng, t[i].lat));                                //两点距离小于10米,认为是同一个点                                if (distance < 10) {                                    t[i].bShow = true;                                    return i;                                }                            }                        }                        return -1;                    }        })();        function LocusStart() {            if (_lu_locus)                _lu_locus.start();        }        function LocusStop() {            if (_lu_locus)                _lu_locus.stop()        }        function LocusPause() {            if (_lu_locus)                _lu_locus.pause()        }        /**        * 求多点间距离        * @param hex        * @param opacity        * @author luwenjun 2016-9-22        * @returns        */        var formatLength = function(coordinates) {            var wgs84Sphere = new ol.Sphere(6378137), length = 0;            var sourceProj = _map.getView().getProjection();            for (var i = 0, ii = coordinates.length - 1; i < ii; ++i) {                var c1 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i], sourceProj, 'EPSG:4326');                var c2 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i + 1], sourceProj, 'EPSG:4326');                length += wgs84Sphere.haversineDistance(c1, c2);            }            return length;        };        _map = new ol.Map({            layers: [          new ol.layer.Tile({              source: new ol.source.OSM()          })        ],            target: 'map',            controls: ol.control.defaults({                attributionOptions: /** @type {olx.control.AttributionOptions} */({                    collapsible: false                })            }),            view: new ol.View({                center: [0, 0],                zoom: 2            })        });        //轨迹回放        //------轨迹回放------//        var lineArr = new Array();        var lngX = 116.397428, latY = 39.90923;        //数组中添加坐标        lineArr.push(new lu_LngLat(lngX, latY));        //随机生成坐标点        for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {            lngX = lngX + Math.random() * 0.1;            if (i % 2) {                latY = latY + Math.random() * 0.1;            } else {                latY = latY + Math.random() * 0.6;            }            lineArr.push(new lu_LngLat(lngX, latY));        }        //创建入参方法        var p = new lu_LocusOption({            locusData: {                locusId: 1, //路径点id                nodeIcon: "http://webapi.amap.com/theme/v1.3/markers/n/mark_b.png", //路径点图标                label: new Object({//加入label对象                    offset: [15, 0], //修改label相对于maker的位置 偏移                    content: "轨迹回放 " //显示内容,也可以为html                }),                lnglat: lineArr//路径点数组            },            locusState: {                circlable: true//是否循环播放,false只做一次            }        })        lu_MoveLocus(p); //执行构造函数,接收返回参数lu_MoveLocus        LocusStart(); //开始动画        //LocusStop();//停止动画        //LocusPause();//暂停动画,调用LocusStart()方法继续        function setvalue1(e) {            alert("点击成功,触发了回调函数")        }    </script>  </body></html>


最近使用了下OL3 感觉还是蛮吊,希望共同进步

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