atom init文件

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上最正宗的冷吃兔 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 16:06

When Atom finishes loading, it will evaluate in your %USERPROFILE%\.atom directory, giving you a chance to run CoffeeScript code to make customizations. Code in this file has full access to Atom’s API. If customizations become extensive, consider creating a package, which we will cover in Package: Word Count.

Atom加载完成后,会读取你的%USERPROFILE%\.atom路径下的init.coffee文件,并运行里的CoffeeScript代码来实现定制化。这个文件中的代码对Atom的API拥有完整的权限。如果有大量的定制化,考虑把它作成一个package。这部分内容将会在Package: Word Count中提到。

You can open the file in an editor from the File > Init Script menu. This file can also be named init.js and contain JavaScript code.


For example, if you have the Audio Beep configuration setting enabled, you could add the following code to your file to have Atom greet you with an audio beep every time it loads:



Because provides access to Atom’s API, you can use it to implement useful commands without creating a new package or extending an existing one. Here’s a command which uses the Selection API and Clipboard API to construct a Markdown link from the selected text and the clipboard contents as the URL:

由于init.coffee文件能够访问Atom的API,你可以直接使用这些API实现成你想要的命令,而不需要创建或者扩展一个package。以下这个命令使用了Selection API和Clipboard API,用于把选中的文本和剪切版的内容构造成Markdown的链接URL:

atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'markdown:paste-as-link', ->  return unless editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()  selection = editor.getLastSelection()  clipboardText =  selection.insertText("[#{selection.getText()}](#{clipboardText})")

Now, reload Atom and use the Command Palette to execute the new command, “Markdown: Paste As Link”, by name. And if you’d like to trigger the command via a keyboard shortcut, you can define a keybinding for the command.

现在,重新加载Atom,使用命令行面板执行这个新命令”Markdown: Paste As Link”。如果要通过快捷键触发这个命令,可以为这个命令绑定一个快捷键。

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