
来源:互联网 发布:linux ll 命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 08:28
/** *    Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors. * *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *    You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *    limitations under the License. */package org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.SQLException;import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.ExceptionFactory;import org.apache.ibatis.executor.ErrorContext;import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.Environment;import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;import org.apache.ibatis.session.TransactionIsolationLevel;import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.Transaction;import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.TransactionFactory;import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.managed.ManagedTransactionFactory;/** * @author Clinton Begin */public class DefaultSqlSessionFactory implements SqlSessionFactory {  private final Configuration configuration;  public DefaultSqlSessionFactory(Configuration configuration) {    this.configuration = configuration;  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession() {    return openSessionFromDataSource(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), null, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(boolean autoCommit) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), null, autoCommit);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, null, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(TransactionIsolationLevel level) {/** *    Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors. * *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *    You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *    limitations under the License. */package org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.SQLException;import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.ExceptionFactory;import org.apache.ibatis.executor.ErrorContext;import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.Environment;import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;import org.apache.ibatis.session.TransactionIsolationLevel;import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.Transaction;import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.TransactionFactory;import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.managed.ManagedTransactionFactory;/** * @author Clinton Begin */public class DefaultSqlSessionFactory implements SqlSessionFactory {  private final Configuration configuration;  public DefaultSqlSessionFactory(Configuration configuration) {    this.configuration = configuration;  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession() {    return openSessionFromDataSource(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), null, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(boolean autoCommit) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), null, autoCommit);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, null, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(TransactionIsolationLevel level) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), level, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, level, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, boolean autoCommit) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, null, autoCommit);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(Connection connection) {    return openSessionFromConnection(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), connection);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, Connection connection) {    return openSessionFromConnection(execType, connection);  }  @Override  public Configuration getConfiguration() {    return configuration;  }  private SqlSession openSessionFromDataSource(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {    Transaction tx = null;    try {      final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();      final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);      tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(environment.getDataSource(), level, autoCommit);      final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);      return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);    } catch (Exception e) {      closeTransaction(tx); // may have fetched a connection so lets call close()      throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session.  Cause: " + e, e);    } finally {      ErrorContext.instance().reset();    }  }  private SqlSession openSessionFromConnection(ExecutorType execType, Connection connection) {    try {      boolean autoCommit;      try {        autoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();      } catch (SQLException e) {        // Failover to true, as most poor drivers        // or databases won't support transactions        autoCommit = true;      }            final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();      final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);      final Transaction tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(connection);      final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);      return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);    } catch (Exception e) {      throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session.  Cause: " + e, e);    } finally {      ErrorContext.instance().reset();    }  }  private TransactionFactory getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(Environment environment) {    if (environment == null || environment.getTransactionFactory() == null) {      return new ManagedTransactionFactory();    }    return environment.getTransactionFactory();  }  private void closeTransaction(Transaction tx) {    if (tx != null) {      try {        tx.close();      } catch (SQLException ignore) {        // Intentionally ignore. Prefer previous error.      }    }  }}    return openSessionFromDataSource(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), level, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, level, false);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, boolean autoCommit) {    return openSessionFromDataSource(execType, null, autoCommit);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(Connection connection) {    return openSessionFromConnection(configuration.getDefaultExecutorType(), connection);  }  @Override  public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, Connection connection) {    return openSessionFromConnection(execType, connection);  }  @Override  public Configuration getConfiguration() {    return configuration;  }  private SqlSession openSessionFromDataSource(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {    Transaction tx = null;    try {      final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();      final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);      tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(environment.getDataSource(), level, autoCommit);      final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);      return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);    } catch (Exception e) {      closeTransaction(tx); // may have fetched a connection so lets call close()      throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session.  Cause: " + e, e);    } finally {      ErrorContext.instance().reset();    }  }  private SqlSession openSessionFromConnection(ExecutorType execType, Connection connection) {    try {      boolean autoCommit;      try {        autoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();      } catch (SQLException e) {        // Failover to true, as most poor drivers        // or databases won't support transactions        autoCommit = true;      }            final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();      final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);      final Transaction tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(connection);      final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);      return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);    } catch (Exception e) {      throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session.  Cause: " + e, e);    } finally {      ErrorContext.instance().reset();    }  }  private TransactionFactory getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(Environment environment) {    if (environment == null || environment.getTransactionFactory() == null) {      return new ManagedTransactionFactory();    }    return environment.getTransactionFactory();  }  private void closeTransaction(Transaction tx) {    if (tx != null) {      try {        tx.close();      } catch (SQLException ignore) {        // Intentionally ignore. Prefer previous error.      }    }  }}

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