Leetcode 146 LRU Cache 模拟操作系统LRU

来源:互联网 发布:产品上淘宝要什么手续 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 17:41


Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.

set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.


分析:有一个内存容量 size,通过构造函数赋予大小




2. 没有找到key,当前容量未满,创建key-value对,把它放在最前面。

3. 没有找到key,当前容量已满,创建key-value对,把它放在最前面,把最后面的移除。


class LRUCache{public:    LRUCache(int capacity) //初始化容量    {        size = capacity;    }        int get(int key)     {        if(mp.find(key) != mp.end()) //get到了        {            node* p = mp[key];            node* q = mp[key]->next;            p->next = q->next;            if(q->next)                 mp[q->next->k] = p;            else                tail = p;            q->next = head->next;            if(head->next)                 mp[head->next->k] = q;            else                tail = q;            head->next = q;            mp[q->k] = head;            return mp[key]->next->val;        }        return -1; //没有get到    }        void set(int key, int value)     {        if(mp.find(key) != mp.end()) //有这个key        {            node* p = mp[key];            node* q = mp[key]->next;            p->next = q->next;            if(q->next)                 mp[q->next->k] = p;            else                tail = p;            q->next = head->next;            if(head->next)                 mp[head->next->k] = q;            else                tail = q;            head->next = q;            mp[q->k] = head;            q->val = value;            return ;        }        if(now < size) //没有key,但是还有容量        {            now++;            node* p = new node(key, value);            mp[key] = head;            if(head->next) mp[head->next->k] = p;                        p->next = head->next;             head->next = p;            if(!p->next) tail = p;            return ;        }        if(tail) //没有key,但没有容量了,有tail说明容量不为0,可以装入新键值对        {            node* p = new node(key, value);            mp[key] = head;            if(head->next) mp[head->next->k] = p;            p->next = head->next;             head->next = p;            tail = mp[tail->k];            mp.erase(tail->next->k);            delete tail->next;            tail->next = NULL;        }    }    private:    struct node     {        int k,val;        node* next;        node(int a, int b)        {            k = a;            val = b;            next = NULL;        }    };    node* head = new node(-1, -1);    node* tail;    int size, now = 0; //最大容量和当前容量    unordered_map<int, node*> mp; //键对应的链表节点的前驱};

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