Introduction to Programming with c++ 13-7 BinaryIO

来源:互联网 发布:windows什么系统好用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:20



Files can be classified into text and binary.

text file and binary file

A file that can be processed(read, created or modified) using a text editor is called a text file.All the files are called binary files. For example, the C++ source code are stored in text files and can be read by a text editor, but the c++ executable files are stored in binary files and are read by the operating sysytems.

more about text file and binary file

You can envision a text file as consisting of a sequence of characters and a bainary file as consisting of a sequence of bits.

文章此时举了一个199的例子,如果是存在text file, 那么199是 ‘1’, ‘9’, ‘9’这三个字符。如果是binary file, 就是199在计算机内存中表示。


  • 199 (text file)
Memory 00110001 00111011 00111011
  • 199(binary file)
Memory 11000111

从内存表示来看,显然binary file具有更高的存储效率。


Computer do not differentiate binary files and text files. All files are stored in binary format, and all files are essentially binary files.Text I/O is built upon binary I/O to provide a level of abstraction for character encoding and decoding.
(PS:这一部分说的非常的精髓,二者本质上都是binary file,只不过text file 在此基础上做了一层抽象,对字符做了编码和解码,从而使得text file变成有结构数据,就和网络通信过程中下层对上层的封装一样。)



C++ uses the term stream to describe a flow of data.If it flows to your programme, the stream is called input stream. If it flows out from your programme, it it called an output stream.
C++ uses objects to read/write a stream of data.For convenience, an input object is called input stream which processing and manipulating input streams , output object is called output stream which processing and manipulating output streams .



streamObject.write( char* address, int size ); char* address, int size );//这个感觉和c的也比较像,就是从address这个地址,读取size个字节。//对于第二个函数,size是期望读取的字节数,但是实际读取的用函数gcount获得。


#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>int write_binary_file( const std::string& word );std::string read_binary_file();int main(){    std::string s = "China";    write_binary_file( s );    std::string t = read_binary_file();    std::cout << t << std::endl;    return 0;}int write_binary_file( const std::string& word ){    std::ofstream fout; "input.dat", std::ios::binary );    if( !fout.is_open() )    {        std::cerr << "Can not open the file!" << std::endl;        return -1;    }    fout.write( word.c_str(), word.size() );    fout.close();    return 0;}std::string read_binary_file(){    static const int maxn = 32;    char tmp[maxn];    std::ifstream fin; "input.dat", std::ios::binary );    if( !fin.is_open() )    {        std::cerr << "Can not open the file!" << std::endl;        return NULL;    } tmp, maxn - 1 ); // the last character for '\0'    tmp[fin.gcount()] = '\0';    fin.close();    std::string ret( tmp, tmp + fin.gcount() );    return ret;}


int write_binary_file1( int val ){    std::ofstream fout; "input.dat", std::ios::binary );    if( !fout.is_open() )    {        std::cerr << "Can not open the file!" << std::endl;        return -1;    }    fout.write( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&val), sizeof(int) );    fout.close();    return 0;}int read_binary_file1(){    int ret = 0;    std::ifstream fin; "input.dat", std::ios::binary );    if( !fin.is_open() )    {        std::cerr << "Can not open the file!" << std::endl;        return -1;    } reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ret) , sizeof(int) );     return ret;}
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