
来源:互联网 发布:吉百利巧克力知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 16:13

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1. image运行与删除

  • 运行image
# 命令形式:docker run -ti --rm image$ docker run -ti --rm hello-worldHello from Docker!This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon. 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the    executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it    to your terminal.To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: $ docker run -it ubuntu bashShare images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker Hub account: https://hub.docker.comFor more examples and ideas, visit:

解析:docker run命令,-i是交互模式,-t是提供一个伪终端tty,--rm是在容器退出后自动移除容器。

  • 停用全部运行中的容器:
# 命令形式:docker stop $(docker ps -q)$ docker stop $(docker ps -q)
  • 快速删除docker中的所有容器
# 命令形式:docker rm $(docker ps -aq)$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)0da2369cdeb4961a584288a891d90bb91dfcece1aeec622fb99960c427185a47d3cd4ed40c70e6708f28ff3e7f1ee98eefbb943c0cdb835fd7facf17b64c8a29ed64aadf299b179b
  • 快速停止docker容器运行并删除docker中的容器
# 命令形式:docker stop $(docker ps -q) & docker rm $(docker ps -aq)$ docker stop $(docker ps -q) & docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

解析:ps -a显示所有的容器,运行的与停止的,ps -aq显示所有容器的CONTAINER ID$(docker ps -aq)是Linux的命令替换,会将docker ps -aq的结果替换为参数,docker rm CONTAINER ID是删除容器命令。ps -q是显示运行中的容器的CONTAINER ID

2. 制作自己的image

  • 通过commit制造自己的image
# 命令形式:docker commit -m "comment" container_id image_name# 查看已有的容器$ docker ps -qa9022a4eeb5d7# 根据容器id制作image$ docker commit -m "feat: make a copy" 9022a4eeb5d7 test/ubuntusha256:************b50641cd172ddb6b508d5cb4df873588ab40f078663c8541

3. 将自己的image推送到dockerhub

# 命令形式:docker push dockerhub_username/image_name$ docker push test/ubuntuThe push refers to a repository [***/***]5918e60ab8d9: Pushed 319daea31eb9: Mounted from ***/*** d41506d13d11: Mounted from ***/*** 83747d8dae14: Mounted from ***/*** 255752cc6046: Mounted from ***/*** 7694b371bada: Mounted from ***/*** 06d57711a2de: Mounted from ***/*** fd8ca422aa2a: Mounted from ***/*** 79717468825f: Mounted from ***/*** 6d1cb131e81a: Mounted from ***/*** 374eda78f988: Mounted from ***/*** cf6d1cd028ea: Mounted from ***/*** 3d1126efbbe3: Mounted from ***/*** latest: digest: sha256:*******8c0da44f444b4c8f6b6fd37049c25eb537833ab466e366 size: 3037

4. 挂载本地目录到容器中

  • 挂载本机目录到docker容器中
# 命令形式:$ docker run -ti --rm --volume=local_dir:container_dir image_name /bin/bash# 进入本机目录$ cd CaffeDocker/# 创建文件$ touch a.txt# 编辑文件$ vim a.txt# 查看文件内容$ cat a.txttest# 挂载$ docker run -ti --rm --volume=$(pwd):/workspace ***/ubuntu /bin/bashroot@c19af4388af5:/workspace# lsa.txt# 在容器中删除文件root@c19af4388af5:/workspace# rm -rf a.txt root@c19af4388af5:/workspace# lsroot@c19af4388af5:/workspace# exitexit# 本地文件没了$ ls

解析:--volume=$(pwd):/workspace是挂载本机目录到容器中,--volume or -v是docker的挂载命令,=$(pwd):/workspace是挂载信息,是将$(pwd)即本机当前目录,:是挂载到哪,/workspace是容器中的目录,就是把容器中的workspace目录换成本机的当前目录,这样就可以在本机与容器之间进行交互了,本机当前目录可以编辑,容器中同时能看到。容器中的workspace目录的修改也直接反应到了本机上。$()是Linux中的命令替换,即将$()中的命令内容替换为参数,pwd是Linux查看当前目录,我的本机当前目录为CaffeDocker--volume=$(pwd):/workspace就等于--volume=/Users/***/CaffeDocker:/workspace/Users/***/CaffeDockerpwd的执行结果,$()是将pwd的执行结果作为参数执行。

5. 启动和停止容器

  • 启动容器
# 命令形式:docker start# 命令形式:docker stop# 查看刚运行过的容器,-l代表last$ docker ps -lCONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS                      PORTS               NAMESf65c25d3bdfa        hello-world         "/hello"            About a minute ago   Exited (0) 55 seconds ago    
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