
来源:互联网 发布:51duino源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:53
 1.The 'this' reference 'this'引用
As in most languages,
an executing method in BeanShell has its own "local" scope that holds argument
(parameter) variables and locally declared variables.
For example, in the following code segment any
variables that we might use within the foo() method will normally only be visible within the scope of foo()
and for the lifetime of one particular foo() method invocation:
// Define the foo() method: 定义foo()方法
foo() {
int bar = 42;
print( bar );
// Invoke the foo() method: 调用foo()方法
foo(); // prints 42
print( bar ); // Error, bar is undefined here 错误,在这里bar没有定义
In the above, the bar variable is local to foo() and therefore not available outside of the method invocation .
it is thrown away when the method exits, just like a standard Java local variable.
Now comes the twist .
In BeanShell you have the option to "hang on" to the scope of a method invocation
after exiting the method by referring to the special 'this' reference.
As in Java, 'this' refers to the current object context.
The only difference is that in this case the context is associated with the method
and not a class instance.
By saving the 'this' reference after the method returns,
you can continue to refer to variables defined within the method,
using the standard Java "." notation:
foo() {
int bar = 42;
return this;
fooObject = foo();
print( ); // prints 42!
In the above, the value returned by the foo() method (the 'this' reference)
can be thought of as an instance of a "foo" object.
Each foo() method invocation effectively creates a new object;
foo() is now not just a method, but a kind of object constructor.
In the above case our foo object is not so much an object,
but really more of a structure.
It contains variables (bar) but no "behavīor".
The next twist that we'll introduce is that BeanShell methods are also allowed to
contain other methods:
foo() {
bar() {
scrīpted methods may define any number of nested methods in this way,
to an arbitrary depth. The methods are "local" to the method invocation.
Statements and expressions within the enclosing BeanShell method can call their "local" methods just like any
other method.
(Locally declared methods override outer.more methods like local variables hide instance
variables in Java.)
The enclosed methods are not directly visible outside of their enclosing method.
However, as you might expect, we can invoke them as we would on a Java object,
through an appropriate object reference:
foo() {
int a = 42;
bar() {
print("The bar is open!");
return this;
// Construct the foo object 构造foo对象
fooObject = foo(); // prints "the bar is open!" 打印"the bar is open!"
// Print a variable of the foo object 打印foo对象中的一个变量
print ( fooObject.a ) // 42
// Invoke a method on the foo object 调用foo对象的函数; // prints "the bar is open!" 打印"the bar is open!"
scrīpted Objects 脚本对象
method. i.e. there are no block.local methods. For example:
foo() {
bar() { }
if ( true ) {
bar2() { }
return this;
2.Scope Modifiers 作用域修改
Now that we've seen how methods can be nested and treated as objects,
we can revisit the topic of variable scope and scope modifiers.
3.'this', 'super', and 'global' 'this','super',和'global'
In the "scrīpted Methods" section we described the use of 'super' to refer to a method's parent scope
(the scope in which the method is defined).
And in the previous section we talked about super's brother 'this',
which refers to the current method's scope,
allowing us to think of a method scope as an object.
Now we can see how these concepts are related.
Any method scope, and indeed the 'global' scope, can be thought as an object context.
A scrīpted object can be thought of as encapsulated in a parent scope that determines its
"environment" . its inherited variables and methods.
The references 'this', 'super', and 'global' are really the same kind of reference .
references to BeanShell method contexts, which can be used as scrīpted objects.
From here on We'll refer to 'this', 'super', 'global',
and any other reference to a scrīpted object context in general as a 'this' type reference.
Note: 注意:
If you print a 'this' type reference you'll see what it refers to:
BeanShell 1.3 . by Pat Niemeyer (
bsh % print( this );
'this' reference (XThis) to Bsh object: global 'this'引用指向Bsh对象:global
bsh % foo() { print(this); print(super); }
bsh % foo();
'this' reference (XThis) to Bsh object: foo 'this'引用指向Bsh对象:foo
'this' reference (XThis) to Bsh object: global 'this'引用指向Bsh对象:global
The above note shows that the foo() method's 'this' reference is local (named 'foo')
and that it's parent is the global scope;
the same scope in which foo is defined.
The scope modifier 'global' allows you to always refer to the top.most scope.
In the previous note you can see that the top level scrīpt context is called "global"
and that it appears again as the 'super' of our foo() method.
The global context is always the top scope of the scrīpt.
It is the global namespace of the current interpreter.
Referring to 'super' from the top scope simply returns the same 'global' again.
从上层作用域指向'super'也是很简单的返回'global'. = 42;
Global variables are not special in any way.
Their visibility derives simply from the fact that they are in the topmost scope.
However, for those who do not like the idea of qualifying anything with "global".
You can always use a more object oriented approach like the following.
// Create a top level object to hold some state 创建一个最顶层的对象来保存状态
dataholder = object();
foo() {
bar() {
dataholder.value = 42;
print( dataholder.value );
In the above example we used a global object to hold some state,
rather than putting the 'value' variable directly in the global scope.
Tip: 提示
In the above example we used the BeanShell object() command
to create an "empty" BeanShell scrīpted object context in which to hold some data.
The object() command is just a standard empty method named object() that returns 'this'.
The variable 'dataholder' above is a 'this' type reference and has all of the
properties of any other BeanShell object scope.
5.Synchronized Methods Revisited 同步的方法更新
Now that we have covered the meaning of 'this' and 'super' with respect to BeanShell methods,
we can define the meaning of the 'synchronized' modifier for BeanShell methods.
Synchronized BeanShell methods behave as if
they were in a common class by synchronizing on their common 'super' reference object.
For example, in the four cases in the following example,
synchronization occurs on the same Java object.
That object is the 'this' type reference of the global scope
(a Beanshell object of type bsh.This):
print( this );
// 'this' reference (XThis) to Bsh object: global 表示Bsh对象(global)的'this'引用
// The following cases all synchronize on the same lock 下面的例子都是相同级别的同步
synchronized ( this ) { } // synchronized block 同步程序块
synchronized int foo () { } // synchronized method foo() 同步函数foo()
synchronized int bar () { } // synchronized method bar() 同步函数bar()
int gee() {
synchronized( super ) { } // synchronized blockinside gee() 同步gee()中的程序块
