
来源:互联网 发布:远程办公软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 20:24



(function() {   "use strict";   (function() {     var NGUeditor;     NGUeditor = angular.module("ng.ueditor", []);     NGUeditor.directive("ueditor", [       function() {         return {           restrict: "C",           require: "ngModel",           scope: {             config: "=",             ready: "="           },           link: function($S, element, attr, ctrl) {            var _NGUeditor, _updateByRender;            _updateByRender = false;            _NGUeditor = (function() {              function _NGUeditor() {                this.bindRender();                this.initEditor();                return;              }              /**               * 初始化编辑器               * @return {[type]} [description]               */              _NGUeditor.prototype.initEditor = function() {                var _UEConfig, _editorId, _self;                _self = this;                if (typeof UE === 'undefined') {                  console.error("Please import the local resources of ueditor!");                  return;                }                _UEConfig = $S.config ? $S.config : {};                _editorId = attr.id ? attr.id : "_editor" + (Date.now());                element[0].id = _editorId;                this.editor = new UE.ui.Editor(_UEConfig);                this.editor.render(_editorId);                return this.editor.ready(function() {                  _self.editorReady = true;                  _self.editor.addListener("contentChange", function() {                    //此处设置一个延迟,防止图片还没有从服务器返回,从而获取到的是loading图片                    setTimeout(function() {                      ctrl.$setViewValue(_self.editor.getContent());                      if (!_updateByRender) {                        if (!$S.$$phase) {                          $S.$apply();                        }                      }                      _updateByRender = false;                    }, 50)                  });                  if (_self.modelContent && _self.modelContent.length > 0) {                    _self.setEditorContent();                  }                  if (typeof $S.ready === "function") {                    $S.ready(_self.editor);                  }                  $S.$on("$destroy", function() {                    if (!attr.id && UE.delEditor) {                      UE.delEditor(_editorId);                    }                  });                });              };              _NGUeditor.prototype.setEditorContent = function(content) {                if (content == null) {                  content = this.modelContent;                }                if (this.editor && this.editorReady) {                  this.editor.setContent(content);                }              };              _NGUeditor.prototype.bindRender = function() {                var _self;                _self = this;                ctrl.$render = function() {                  _self.modelContent = (ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue) ? "" : ctrl.$viewValue);                  _updateByRender = true;                  _self.setEditorContent();                };              };              return _NGUeditor;            })();            new _NGUeditor();          }        };      }    ]);  })();}).call(this);

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