
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝直通车类目受限 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:58


if (pState->m_msgCur.message != WM_KICKIDLE && !AfxPreTranslateMessage(&(pState->m_msgCur)))//将消息分发至各个窗口{    ::TranslateMessage(&(pState->m_msgCur)); //消息解析  ::DispatchMessage(&(pState->m_msgCur)); //最终由内核调用WinProc,从而调用消息对应的处理函数} return TRUE;

  有必要搞清楚WinProc是如何指定的。可以详见以下文章: 或




  注意pWnd,CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hWnd),也即指向Msg指定的目标窗口。该对象的虚函数若有重载,一定是调用已重载,而不是基类的;





AfxWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    // special message which identifies the window as using AfxWndProc    if (nMsg == WM_QUERYAFXWNDPROC)        return 1;    // all other messages route through message map       CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hWnd);   //检查窗口对象是否和windows窗口的句柄一一对应,pWnd后续的虚函数重载后的真正的执行对象    ASSERT(pWnd != NULL);                        ASSERT(pWnd==NULL || pWnd->m_hWnd == hWnd);    if (pWnd == NULL || pWnd->m_hWnd != hWnd)    //若没有句柄对应,说明是一个无窗口的线程,调用默认处理函数        return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam);    return AfxCallWndProc(pWnd, hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam); //否则继续


LRESULT AFXAPI AfxCallWndProc(CWnd* pWnd, HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,    WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0){    _AFX_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = _afxThreadState.GetData();    MSG oldState = pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg;   // save for nesting    pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.hwnd = hWnd;    pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.message = nMsg;    pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.wParam = wParam;    pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.lParam = lParam;    // Catch exceptions thrown outside the scope of a callback    // in debug builds and warn the user.    LRESULT lResult;    TRY    {#ifndef _AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT        // special case for WM_DESTROY        if ((nMsg == WM_DESTROY) && (pWnd->m_pCtrlCont != NULL))            pWnd->m_pCtrlCont->OnUIActivate(NULL);                #endif        // special case for WM_INITDIALOG        CRect rectOld;        DWORD dwStyle = 0;        if (nMsg == WM_INITDIALOG)            _AfxPreInitDialog(pWnd, &rectOld, &dwStyle);        // delegate to object's WindowProc        lResult = pWnd->WindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);        // more special case for WM_INITDIALOG        if (nMsg == WM_INITDIALOG)            _AfxPostInitDialog(pWnd, rectOld, dwStyle);    }    CATCH_ALL(e)    {        lResult = AfxProcessWndProcException(e, &pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg);        TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "Warning: Uncaught exception in WindowProc (returning %ld).\n",            lResult);        DELETE_EXCEPTION(e);    }    END_CATCH_ALL    pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg = oldState;    return lResult;}


LRESULT CWnd::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    // OnWndMsg does most of the work, except for DefWindowProc call    LRESULT lResult = 0;    if (!OnWndMsg(message, wParam, lParam, &lResult))        lResult = DefWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);    return lResult;}

虚函数的妙用,注意OnWndMsg实际执行的是pWnd所指对象的OnWndMsg;它让消息的游走兵分三路(实际上还有一些special case,但我们主要关心三种去向):

BOOL CWnd::OnWndMsg(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult){    LRESULT lResult = 0;    union MessageMapFunctions mmf;    mmf.pfn = 0;    CInternalGlobalLock winMsgLock;    // special case for commands      //第一路,WM_COMMAND命令走这里    if (message == WM_COMMAND)    {        if (OnCommand(wParam, lParam))        {            lResult = 1;            goto LReturnTrue;        }        return FALSE;    }    // special case for notifies           //第二路,WM_NOTIFY消息走这里    if (message == WM_NOTIFY)                          {        NMHDR* pNMHDR = (NMHDR*)lParam;        if (pNMHDR->hwndFrom != NULL && OnNotify(wParam, lParam, &lResult))            goto LReturnTrue;        return FALSE;    }    // special case for activation    if (message == WM_ACTIVATE)        _AfxHandleActivate(this, wParam, CWnd::FromHandle((HWND)lParam));    // special case for set cursor HTERROR    if (message == WM_SETCURSOR &&        _AfxHandleSetCursor(this, (short)LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)))    {        lResult = 1;        goto LReturnTrue;    }   // special case for windows that contain windowless ActiveX controls   BOOL bHandled;   bHandled = FALSE;   if ((m_pCtrlCont != NULL) && (m_pCtrlCont->m_nWindowlessControls > 0))   {      if (((message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (message <= AFX_WM_MOUSELAST)) ||         ((message >= WM_KEYFIRST) && (message <= WM_IME_KEYLAST)) ||         ((message >= WM_IME_SETCONTEXT) && (message <= WM_IME_KEYUP)))      {         bHandled = m_pCtrlCont->HandleWindowlessMessage(message, wParam, lParam, &lResult);      }   }   if (bHandled)   {      goto LReturnTrue;   }

const AFX_MSGMAP* pMessageMap; pMessageMap = GetMessageMap(); UINT iHash; iHash = (LOWORD((DWORD_PTR)pMessageMap) ^ message) & (iHashMax-1); winMsgLock.Lock(CRIT_WINMSGCACHE); AFX_MSG_CACHE* pMsgCache; pMsgCache = &_afxMsgCache[iHash]; const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY* lpEntry; if (message == pMsgCache->nMsg && pMessageMap == pMsgCache->pMessageMap) { // cache hit lpEntry = pMsgCache->lpEntry; winMsgLock.Unlock(); if (lpEntry == NULL) return FALSE; // cache hit, and it needs to be handled if (message < 0xC000) goto LDispatch; else goto LDispatchRegistered; } else { // not in cache, look for it pMsgCache->nMsg = message; pMsgCache->pMessageMap = pMessageMap;
        for (/* pMessageMap already init'ed */; pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap != NULL;             pMessageMap = (*pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap)())        {            // Note: catch not so common but fatal mistake!!            //      BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyWnd, CMyWnd)            ASSERT(pMessageMap != (*pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap)());            if (message < 0xC000)            {                // constant window message                if ((lpEntry = AfxFindMessageEntry(pMessageMap->lpEntries,                    message, 0, 0)) != NULL)                {                    pMsgCache->lpEntry = lpEntry;                    winMsgLock.Unlock();                    goto LDispatch;                }            }            else            {                // registered windows message                lpEntry = pMessageMap->lpEntries;                while ((lpEntry = AfxFindMessageEntry(lpEntry, 0xC000, 0, 0)) != NULL)                {                    UINT* pnID = (UINT*)(lpEntry->nSig);                    ASSERT(*pnID >= 0xC000 || *pnID == 0);                        // must be successfully registered                    if (*pnID == message)                    {                        pMsgCache->lpEntry = lpEntry;                        winMsgLock.Unlock();                        goto LDispatchRegistered;                    }                    lpEntry++;      // keep looking past this one                }            }        }        pMsgCache->lpEntry = NULL;        winMsgLock.Unlock();        return FALSE;    }LDispatch:    ASSERT(message < 0xC000);    mmf.pfn = lpEntry->pfn;    switch (lpEntry->nSig)    {    default:        ASSERT(FALSE);        break;    case AfxSig_l_p:        {            CPoint point(lParam);                    lResult = (this->*mmf.pfn_l_p)(point);            break;        }            case AfxSig_b_D_v:        lResult = (this->*mmf.pfn_b_D)(CDC::FromHandle(reinterpret_cast<HDC>(wParam)));        break;



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