
来源:互联网 发布:维基百科数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 12:00

4 图中的路径

4.1 距离

两顶点距离 指两者间最短路径的长度


4.2 A physical model of a graph.png

4.2 广度优先搜索

procedure BFS(G,s)    Input:  Graph G = (V,E),directed or undirected;vertex s ∈ V    Output: For all vertices u reachable from s,dist(u) is set            to the distance from s to u.    for all u ∈ V:        dist(u)= ∞    dist(s)=0    Q=[s] //queue containing just s    while Q is not empty:        u=eject(Q)        for all edges (u,v) ∈ E            if dist(v)= ∞                inject(Q,v)                dist(v)=dist(u)+1

4.3 边的长度

Annotate every edge eE with a length le . If e=(u,v) , we will sometimes also write l(u,v) or luv.

4.4 Dijkstra算法

4.4.1 广度优先搜索的一个改进


4.6 Breaking edges into unit-length pieces


  • 在时刻0为顶点s设定一个闹钟

  • 重复以下直到没有闹钟为止:


    • 从s到u的距离是T。
    • 对于G中u的每个邻居v:
    • 如果还未给v设定闹钟,则为其设定闹钟时刻T+l(u,v)
    • 如果v的闹钟时刻设定的比T+l(u,v)要晚,则将它设定为T+l(u,v)


procedure dijkstra(G,l,s)    Input:  Graph G=(V,E), directed or undirected;            positive edge lengths {le:e ∈ E};            vertex s ∈ V    Output: For all vertices u reachable from s,dist(u) is set            to the distance from s to u.    for all u ∈ V        dist(u) = ∞        prev(u) = nil    dist(s)=0    H=makequeue(V) //using dist-valus as keys    while H is not empty:        u=deletemin(H)        for all edges (u,v) ∈ E:            if dist(v) > dist(u)+l(u,v):                dist(v)=dist(u)+l(u,v)                prev(v)=u                decreasekey(H,v)

4.4.2 另一种解释

4.10 Single-edge extensions of known shortest paths

procedure dijkstra(G,l,s)    Input:  Graph G=(V,E), directed or undirected;            positive edge lengths {le:e ∈ E};            vertex s ∈ V    Output: For all vertices u reachable from s,dist(u) is set            to the distance from s to u.    Initialize dist(s) to 0,other dist(·) to ∞    R={} //the "known regions"    while R ≠ V:        Pick the node v ∉ R with smallest dist(·)        Add v to R        for all edges (v,z) ∈ E:            if dist(z) > dist(v)+l(v,z)                dist(z)=dist(v)+l(v,z)

4.4.3 运行时间


4.5 优先队列的实现

实现方式 deletemin(H) decreasekey(H,v) |V|*del+(|V|+|E|)*decrease 数组 O(V) O(1) O(V2) 二分堆 O(logV) O(logV) O((V+E)logV) d堆 O(d logVlogd) O(logVlog d) O((V d+E)logVlogd) Fibonacci堆 O(logV) O(1) (平摊后) O(VlogV+E)

4.6 含有负边的图的最短路径

4.6.1 负边

Bellman-Ford算法 :更新所有的边,每条边更新|V|1次。复杂度O(|V||E|)

procedure shortest-paths(G,l,s)    Input:  Graph G=(V,E), directed;            edge lengths {le:e ∈ E} with no negative cycles;            vertex s ∈ V    Output: For all vertices u reachable from s,dist(u) is set            to the distance from s to u.    for all u ∈ V        dist(u)= ∞        prev(u)= nil    dist(s)=0    repeat |V|-1 times:        for all e ∈ E:            update(e)

4.6.2 负环


图中存在 负环,当且仅当第|V|次迭代中有某个dist的值被减小。

4.7 有向无环图的最短路径


  • 不含 负边 的图
  • 不含 环 的图(dag)
procedure dag-shortest-paths(G,l,s)    Input:  Graph G=(V,E), dag;            edge lengths {le:e ∈ E};            vertex s ∈ V    Output: For all vertices u reachable from s,dist(u) is set            to the distance from s to u.    for all u ∈ V        dist(u)= ∞        prev(u)= nil    dist(s)=0    Linearize G //通过深度优先搜索线性化(拓扑排序)    for each u ∈ V in Linearized order:        for all edges (u,v) ∈ E:            update(u,v)
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