来源:互联网 发布:stc52单片机键盘原理图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 16:09

Representational state transfer (REST) refers to architectures that follow six constraints:(REST指遵循以下6条约束的架构)

  1. Separation of concerns via a client-server model.客户-服务器
  2. State is stored entirely on the client and the communication between the client and server is stateless.客户服务器之间采用无状态通信,状态完全存储于客户端
  3. The client will cache data to improve network efficiency.客户端缓存数据以提高网络效率
  4. There is a uniform interface (in the form of an API) between the server and client.客户服务器之间采用统一接口
  5. As complexity is added into the system, layers are introduced.There may be multiple layers of RESTful components.在系统之上添加“逻辑层”,可能有包含 RESTful 组件的多个逻辑层
  6. Follows a code-on-demand pattern, where code can be downloaded on the fly (in our case implemented in Lambda) and changed without having to update clients.代码可以动态加载,客户端无需关注代码的变更,只需调用相应接口
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