DCOS建立 universe私有框架库

来源:互联网 发布:apple解压软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 06:42



在linker-univers 下repo文件夹下,按照在线资源目录结构设置目录



cd /root/linkerUniverse-master/scripts




cd /root/linkerUniverse-master/docker/local-universe

sudo make base

sudo make local-universe



docker image



docker save ID > image.tar



docker load -i image.tar



1 每个主节点下载thelocal-universe container


2 在主节点本地容器里加载container的docker 实例

$ docker load < local-universe.tar.gz


3 在主节点的dcos-local-universe-http.service里定义/etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-http.service 并启动

$ cp dcos-local-universe-http.service/etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-http.service

$ systemctl daemon-reload

$ systemctl start dcos-local-universe-http



$ cp dcos-local-universe-registry.service/etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-registry.service

$ systemctl daemon-reload

$ systemctl start dcos-local-universe-registry



$ dcos package repo remove Universe

$ dcos package repo remove Universe-1.7

Add the local repository by using the DCOS-CLI.


$ dcos package repo add local-universehttp://master.mesos:8082/repo

To pull from this new repository, you'll need to setupthe docker daemon on every agent to have a valid SSL certificate. To do this,on every agent in your cluster, run the following:


$ mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/master.mesos:5000

$ curl -o /etc/docker/certs.d/master.mesos:5000/ca.crthttp://master.mesos:8082/certs/domain.crt

$ systemctl restart docker

Note that you're welcome to use the instructions forinsecure registries instead of this step. We don't recommend this.




I can't install CLI subcommands.


Packages are being hosted at master.mesos:8082. If youcannot resolve (or connect) to that from your DC/OS CLI install, you won't beable to install subcommands. If you're able to connect to port 8082 on yourmasters, the easiest way around this is adding the IP for one of the masters to/etc/hosts.


The images are broken!


We host everything from inside your cluster, includingthe images. They're getting served up by master.mesos:8082. If you haveconnectivity to that IP, you can add it to /etc/hosts and get the imagesworking.


I don't see the package I was looking for!


By default, we only bundle the selected packages. Ifyou'd like to get something else, run the build your own instructions yourself.


Building Your Own


Both nginx and the docker registry get bundled intothe same container. This requires building the "universe-base"container before you actually compile the universe container.


$ sudo make base

Once you've build the "universe-base"container, you'll be able to create a local-universe one. To keep size and timedown, it is common to select only what you'd like to see. By default, selectedapplications are the only ones included. You can pass a list in if you'd liketo see something more than that.


$ sudo make local-universe


##针对open dcos需要安装open dcos cli

curl -fLsS --retry 20 -Y 100000 -y 60https://downloads.dcos.io/binaries/cli/linux/x86-64/dcos-1.8/dcos -o dcos&& 

 sudo mv dcos /usr/local/bin && 

 sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dcos&& 

 dcos config set core.dcos_url 



##设置dcos cli的SSL认证

dcos config set core.ssl_verify false



dcos package repo add local-universehttp://master.mesos:8082/repo


##查看本地的localrepository list

dcos package  repo list

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