
来源:互联网 发布:兄弟连 php 课程表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 16:54
* The following example shows a production line, which carries* packages of soft cheese. The cheese packages consist of three* types of flavor: cream, ham and paprika. During quality* inspection each package is checked for its right content.* Each has to contain 4 pieces of cream cheese ('Sahne'),* 2 pieces of ham ('Schinken') and 2 pieces of paprika ('Paprika')* - any deviation is reported otherwise. To obtain the number of* each flavor, we use the shape-based matching feature. After we* define the models, we count the occurrence of the models to* get the actual number of the cheese flavors. Finally we give out* the statistics for each inspection.*dev_close_window ()dev_update_off ()read_image (Image, 'food/soft_cheese_01')dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowHandle)set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')dev_set_line_width (2)*** As a first step, determine the shape models for the three flavorsrgb1_to_gray (Image, GrayImage)*功能:将一个多边形存储为一个已填充区域。gen_region_polygon_filled (Paprika, [77,84,203], [306,405,347])erosion_circle (Paprika, Paprika, 3.5)PaprikaCount := 2gen_region_polygon_filled (Cream, [94,171,210], [424,488,363])erosion_circle (Cream, Cream, 3.5)CreamCount := 4gen_region_polygon_filled (Ham, [185,285,225], [496,492,367])erosion_circle (Ham, Ham, 3.5)HamCount := 2*reduce_domain (GrayImage, Paprika, ImageReduced)create_shape_model (ImageReduced, 'auto', 0, rad(360), rad(1.5), ['point_reduction_high','no_pregeneration'], 'use_polarity', [25,30], 5, ModelID1)reduce_domain (GrayImage, Cream, ImageReduced)create_shape_model (ImageReduced, 'auto', 0, rad(360), rad(1.5), ['point_reduction_high','no_pregeneration'], 'use_polarity', [25,50], 'auto', ModelID2)reduce_domain (GrayImage, Ham, ImageReduced)create_shape_model (ImageReduced, 'auto', 0, rad(360), rad(1.5), ['point_reduction_high','no_pregeneration'], 'use_polarity', [25,50], 'auto', ModelID3)*** Check for the occurrence of each cheese flavor by using the find model toolModelIDs := [ModelID1,ModelID2,ModelID3]ColorIndex := ['red','magenta','yellow']TypesIndex := ['P','C','H']*NumImages := 18for Index := 1 to NumImages by 1    AnglesTypes := []    Types := []    read_image (Image, 'food/soft_cheese_' + Index$'02')    rgb1_to_gray (Image, GrayImage)    threshold (GrayImage, Region, 70, 255)    fill_up (Region, RegionFillUp)    opening_circle (RegionFillUp, RegionOpening, 3.5)    reduce_domain (GrayImage, RegionOpening, ImageReduced)    shape_trans (RegionOpening, Circle, 'outer_circle')    find_shape_models (ImageReduced, ModelIDs, 0, rad(360), 0.5, 8, 0.5, 'least_squares', 0, 0.8, Row, Column, Angle, Score, ModelIndex)    area_center (Circle, Area, RowObj, ColumnObj)    *    * display found matches and all over statistics    dev_clear_window ()    dev_display (Image)    if (|Score| == 0)        disp_message (WindowHandle, 'No Model found!', true, 25, 20, 'black', 'true')    else        CountModels := [0,0,0]//计数        for I := 0 to |Score| - 1 by 1            Types := [Types,TypesIndex[ModelIndex[I]]]            dev_set_color (ColorIndex[ModelIndex[I]])            CountModels[ModelIndex[I]] := CountModels[ModelIndex[I]] + 1            get_shape_model_contours (Contour, ModelIDs[ModelIndex[I]], 1)            vector_angle_to_rigid (0, 0, 0, Row[I], Column[I], Angle[I], HomMat2D)            affine_trans_contour_xld (Contour, ContoursAffinTrans, HomMat2D)            dev_display (ContoursAffinTrans)            *            * remember order of flavors            *(00)点根据HotMat2D转换到新的坐标点,注意RowPiece与Row值相等            affine_trans_point_2d (HomMat2D, 0, 0, RowPiece, ColumnPiece)            *计算两点确定的直线与水平线的夹角            angle_lx (RowObj, ColumnObj, RowPiece, ColumnPiece, AngleTyp)            if (deg(AngleTyp) > 0)                AnglesTypes := [AnglesTypes,deg(AngleTyp)]            else                AnglesTypes := [AnglesTypes,360 + deg(AngleTyp)]            endif        endfor        *自定义函数        display_statistic (Circle, WindowHandle, CountModels, PaprikaCount, CreamCount, HamCount, AnglesTypes, Types)        *    endif    if (Index < NumImages)        disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')        stop ()    endifendforclear_shape_model (ModelID1)clear_shape_model (ModelID2)clear_shape_model (ModelID3)
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