cpp 8.5

来源:互联网 发布:python爬取股票数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:08


#include<iostream>double cube(double a);double refcube(double &ra);int main(){using namespace std;double x = 3.0;cout << cube(x);cout << " = cube of " << x << endl;cout << refcube(x);cout << " = cube of " << x << endl;system("pause");return 0;}double cube(double a){a *= a*a;return a;}double refcube(double &ra){ra *= ra*ra;return ra;}


#include<iostream>#include<string>struct free_throws{std::string name;int made;int attempts;float percent;};void display(const free_throws & ft);void set_pc(free_throws &ft);free_throws &accumulate(free_throws & target, const free_throws & source);int main(){free_throws one = { "Ifelsa Branch", 13, 14 };free_throws two = { "Andor Knott", 10, 16 };free_throws three = { "Minnie Max", 7, 9 };free_throws four = { "Whily Looper", 5, 9 };free_throws five = { "Long Long", 6, 14 };free_throws team = { "Throwgoods", 0, 0 };free_throws dup;set_pc(one);display(one);accumulate(team, one);display(team);display(accumulate(team, two));accumulate(accumulate(team, three), four);display(team);dup = accumulate(team, five);std::cout << "Displaying team:\n";display(team);std::cout << "Display dup after assignment:\n";display(dup);set_pc(four);accumulate(dup, five) = four;std::cout << "Displaying dup after ill-advise assignment:\n";display(dup);system("pause");return 0;}void display(const free_throws & ft){using std::cout;cout << "Name: " << ft.name << '\n';cout << " Made: " << ft.made << '\t';cout << "Attempts: " << ft.attempts << '\t';cout << "Percent: " << ft.percent << '\n';}void set_pc(free_throws & ft){if (ft.attempts != 0)ft.percent = 100.0f *float(ft.made) / float(ft.attempts);elseft.percent = 0;}free_throws & accumulate(free_throws & target, const free_throws & source){target.attempts += source.attempts;target.made += source.made;set_pc(target);return target;}

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