SpringMvc 从A页面重定向传值到B页面问题解决方法

来源:互联网 发布:keynote如何在windows 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:53






我用的图片上传组件是百度的Web Uploader,非常好用,界面美观,易操作。

imageUpdate.jsp页面<body><div class="page-container">    <form class="form form-horizontal" id="form-article-add">        <input type="hidden" id="channelId" name="channelId" value="${channelId}" />        <c:forEach items="${listResourceUrl}" var="a"  varStatus="i">            <div style="width:420px;float:left;position:relative;padding-top:30px;padding-left:50px">                <img width="130px;" height="130px;" src="${listResourceUrl[i.index]}" style="position: relative;left:17%">                <div class="row cl">                    <label class="form-label col-xs-4 col-sm-2">图片名称:</label>                    <div class="formControls ">                        <input type="text"  class="input-text" style="width:150px;" value="" placeholder="" id="" name="">                    </div>                </div>                <div class="row cl">                    <label class="form-label col-xs-4 col-sm-2">图片描述:</label>                    <div class="formControls ">                        <textarea name="" cols="" rows="" class="textarea"  style="width:150px;"  placeholder="说点什么...最少输入10个字符" datatype="*10-100" dragonfly="true" nullmsg="备注不能为空!" onKeyUp="textarealength(this,200)"></textarea>                    </div>                </div>            </div>        </c:forEach>            <div class="row cl">            <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-9 col-xs-offset-4 col-sm-offset-2">                <button style="position:relative;top:30px;margin-bottom:60px;left:40%;" class="btn btn-primary radius" type="submit"><i class="Hui-iconfont">&#xe632;</i> 保存并提交审核</button>            </div>        </div>    </form></div><script type="text/javascript" src="<%=path %>/resources/lib/ueditor/"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="<%=path %>/resources/defaultScript/com.imageSave.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=path %>/resources/defaultScript/com.upload.js"></script>
com.upload.js(function( $ ){    // 当domReady的时候开始初始化    $(function() {        var $wrap = $('.uploader-list-container'),            // 图片容器            $queue = $( '<ul class="filelist"></ul>' )                .appendTo( $wrap.find( '.queueList' ) ),            // 状态栏,包括进度和控制按钮            $statusBar = $wrap.find( '.statusBar' ),            // 文件总体选择信息。            $info = $statusBar.find( '.info' ),            // 上传按钮            $upload = $wrap.find( '.uploadBtn' ),            // 没选择文件之前的内容。            $placeHolder = $wrap.find( '.placeholder' ),            $progress = $statusBar.find( '.progress' ).hide(),            // 添加的文件数量            fileCount = 0,            // 添加的文件总大小            fileSize = 0,            // 优化retina, 在retina下这个值是2            ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,            // 缩略图大小            thumbnailWidth = 110 * ratio,            thumbnailHeight = 110 * ratio,            // 可能有pedding, ready, uploading, confirm, done.            state = 'pedding',            // 所有文件的进度信息,key为file id            percentages = {},            // 判断浏览器是否支持图片的base64            isSupportBase64 = ( function() {                var data = new Image();                var support = true;                data.onload = data.onerror = function() {                    if( this.width != 1 || this.height != 1 ) {                        support = false;                    }                }                data.src = "";                return support;            } )(),            // 检测是否已经安装flash,检测flash的版本            flashVersion = ( function() {                var version;                try {                    version = navigator.plugins[ 'Shockwave Flash' ];                    version = version.description;                } catch ( ex ) {                    try {                        version = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash')                                .GetVariable('$version');                    } catch ( ex2 ) {                        version = '0.0';                    }                }                version = version.match( /\d+/g );                return parseFloat( version[ 0 ] + '.' + version[ 1 ], 10 );            } )(),            supportTransition = (function(){                var s = document.createElement('p').style,                    r = 'transition' in s ||                            'WebkitTransition' in s ||                            'MozTransition' in s ||                            'msTransition' in s ||                            'OTransition' in s;                s = null;                return r;            })(),            // WebUploader实例            uploader;        if ( !WebUploader.Uploader.support('flash') && WebUploader.browser.ie ) {            // flash 安装了但是版本过低。            if (flashVersion) {                (function(container) {                    window['expressinstallcallback'] = function( state ) {                        switch(state) {                            case 'Download.Cancelled':                                alert('您取消了更新!')                                break;                            case 'Download.Failed':                                alert('安装失败')                                break;                            default:                                alert('安装已成功,请刷新!');                                break;                        }                        delete window['expressinstallcallback'];                    };                    var swf = 'expressInstall.swf';                    // insert flash object                    var html = '<object type="application/' +                            'x-shockwave-flash" data="' +  swf + '" ';                    if (WebUploader.browser.ie) {                        html += 'classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" ';                    }                    html += 'width="100%" height="100%" style="outline:0">'  +                        '<param name="movie" value="' + swf + '" />' +                        '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' +                        '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />' +                    '</object>';                    container.html(html);                })($wrap);            // 压根就没有安转。            } else {                $wrap.html('<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" target="_blank" border="0"><img alt="get flash player" src="http://www.adobe.com/macromedia/style_guide/images/160x41_Get_Flash_Player.jpg" /></a>');            }            return;        } else if (!WebUploader.Uploader.support()) {            alert( 'Web Uploader 不支持您的浏览器!');            return;        }        // 实例化        uploader = WebUploader.create({            pick: {                id: '#filePicker-2',                label: '点击选择图片'            },            formData: {                uid: 123            },            dnd: '#dndArea',            paste: '#uploader',            swf: '/resources/lib/ueditor/',            chunked: false,            auto: false,            chunkSize: 512 * 1024,            server: '/scms/image/uploadHeadPic',//上传的URL            // runtimeOrder: 'flash',            // accept: {            //     title: 'Images',            //     extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png',            //     mimeTypes: 'image/*'            // },            // 禁掉全局的拖拽功能。这样不会出现图片拖进页面的时候,把图片打开。            disableGlobalDnd: true,            fileNumLimit: 300,            fileSizeLimit: 200 * 1024 * 1024,    // 200 M            fileSingleSizeLimit: 50 * 1024 * 1024    // 50 M        });        // 当有文件添加进来的时候        uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) {            var $li = $(                            '<div id="' + file.id + '" class="file-item thumbnail">' +                            '<img>' +                            '<div class="info">' + file.name + '</div>' +                            '</div>'                    ),                    $img = $li.find('img');            // $list为容器jQuery实例            var $list = $("#fileList");            $list.append( $li );            var thumbnailWidth = 100;            var thumbnailHeight = 100;            // 创建缩略图            // 如果为非图片文件,可以不用调用此方法。            // thumbnailWidth x thumbnailHeight 为 100 x 100            uploader.makeThumb( file, function( error, src ) {                if ( error ) {                    $img.replaceWith('<span>不能预览</span>');                    return;                }                $img.attr( 'src', src );            }, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight );        });        // 文件上传过程中创建进度条实时显示。        uploader.on( 'uploadProgress', function( file, percentage ) {            var $li = $( '#'+file.id ),                    $percent = $li.find('.progress span');            // 避免重复创建            if ( !$percent.length ) {                $percent = $('<p class="progress"><span></span></p>')                        .appendTo( $li )                        .find('span');            }            $percent.css( 'width', percentage * 100 + '%' );        });        resourceUrl = [];                // 文件上传成功,给item添加成功class, 用样式标记上传成功。        uploader.on( 'uploadSuccess', function( file,response ) {            resourceUrl.push(response.url);            $("#resourceUrl").val(resourceUrl);        });         // 文件上传失败,显示上传出错。        uploader.on( 'uploadError', function( file ) {            var $li = $( '#'+file.id ),                    $error = $li.find('div.error');            // 避免重复创建            if ( !$error.length ) {                $error = $('<div class="error"></div>').appendTo( $li );            }            $error.text('上传失败');        });        // 完成上传完了,成功或者失败,先删除进度条。        uploader.on( 'uploadComplete', function( file ) {            $( '#'+file.id ).find('.progress').remove();        });        // 拖拽时不接受 js, txt 文件。        uploader.on( 'dndAccept', function( items ) {            var denied = false,                len = items.length,                i = 0,                // 修改js类型                unAllowed = 'text/plain;application/javascript ';            for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {                // 如果在列表里面                if ( ~unAllowed.indexOf( items[ i ].type ) ) {                    denied = true;                    break;                }            }            return !denied;        });        uploader.on('dialogOpen', function() {            console.log('here');        });        // uploader.on('filesQueued', function() {        //     uploader.sort(function( a, b ) {        //         if ( a.name < b.name )        //           return -1;        //         if ( a.name > b.name )        //           return 1;        //         return 0;        //     });        // });        // 添加“添加文件”的按钮,        uploader.addButton({            id: '#filePicker2',            label: '继续添加'        });        uploader.on('ready', function() {            window.uploader = uploader;        });        // 当有文件添加进来时执行,负责view的创建        function addFile( file ) {            var $li = $( '<li id="' + file.id + '">' +                    '<p class="title">' + file.name + '</p>' +                    '<p class="imgWrap"></p>'+                    '<p class="progress"><span></span></p>' +                    '</li>' ),                $btns = $('<div class="file-panel">' +                    '<span class="cancel">删除</span>' +                    '<span class="rotateRight">向右旋转</span>' +                    '<span class="rotateLeft">向左旋转</span></div>').appendTo( $li ),                $prgress = $li.find('p.progress span'),                $wrap = $li.find( 'p.imgWrap' ),                $info = $('<p class="error"></p>'),                showError = function( code ) {                    switch( code ) {                        case 'exceed_size':                            text = '文件大小超出';                            break;                        case 'interrupt':                            text = '上传暂停';                            break;                        default:                            text = '上传失败,请重试';                            break;                    }                    $info.text( text ).appendTo( $li );                };            if ( file.getStatus() === 'invalid' ) {                showError( file.statusText );            } else {                // @todo lazyload                $wrap.text( '预览中' );                uploader.makeThumb( file, function( error, src ) {                    var img;                    if ( error ) {                        $wrap.text( '不能预览' );                        return;                    }                    if( isSupportBase64 ) {                        img = $('<img src="'+src+'">');                        $wrap.empty().append( img );                    } else {                        $.ajax('../server/preview.php', {                            method: 'POST',                            data: src,                            dataType:'json'                        }).done(function( response ) {                            if (response.result) {                                img = $('<img src="'+response.result+'">');                                $wrap.empty().append( img );                            } else {                                $wrap.text("预览出错");                            }                        });                    }                }, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight );                percentages[ file.id ] = [ file.size, 0 ];                file.rotation = 0;            }            file.on('statuschange', function( cur, prev ) {                if ( prev === 'progress' ) {                    $prgress.hide().width(0);                } else if ( prev === 'queued' ) {                    $li.off( 'mouseenter mouseleave' );                    $btns.remove();                }                // 成功                if ( cur === 'error' || cur === 'invalid' ) {                    console.log( file.statusText );                    showError( file.statusText );                    percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = 1;                } else if ( cur === 'interrupt' ) {                    showError( 'interrupt' );                } else if ( cur === 'queued' ) {                    percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = 0;                } else if ( cur === 'progress' ) {                    $info.remove();                    $prgress.css('display', 'block');                } else if ( cur === 'complete' ) {                    $li.append( '<span class="success"></span>' );                }                $li.removeClass( 'state-' + prev ).addClass( 'state-' + cur );            });            $li.on( 'mouseenter', function() {                $btns.stop().animate({height: 30});            });            $li.on( 'mouseleave', function() {                $btns.stop().animate({height: 0});            });            $btns.on( 'click', 'span', function() {                var index = $(this).index(),                    deg;                switch ( index ) {                    case 0:                        uploader.removeFile( file );                        return;                    case 1:                        file.rotation += 90;                        break;                    case 2:                        file.rotation -= 90;                        break;                }                if ( supportTransition ) {                    deg = 'rotate(' + file.rotation + 'deg)';                    $wrap.css({                        '-webkit-transform': deg,                        '-mos-transform': deg,                        '-o-transform': deg,                        'transform': deg                    });                } else {                    $wrap.css( 'filter', 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation='+ (~~((file.rotation/90)%4 + 4)%4) +')');                    // use jquery animate to rotation                    // $({                    //     rotation: rotation                    // }).animate({                    //     rotation: file.rotation                    // }, {                    //     easing: 'linear',                    //     step: function( now ) {                    //         now = now * Math.PI / 180;                    //         var cos = Math.cos( now ),                    //             sin = Math.sin( now );                    //         $wrap.css( 'filter', "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + cos + ",M12=" + (-sin) + ",M21=" + sin + ",M22=" + cos + ",SizingMethod='auto expand')");                    //     }                    // });                }            });            $li.appendTo( $queue );        }        // 负责view的销毁        function removeFile( file ) {            var $li = $('#'+file.id);            delete percentages[ file.id ];            updateTotalProgress();            $li.off().find('.file-panel').off().end().remove();        }        function updateTotalProgress() {            var loaded = 0,                total = 0,                spans = $progress.children(),                percent;            $.each( percentages, function( k, v ) {                total += v[ 0 ];                loaded += v[ 0 ] * v[ 1 ];            } );            percent = total ? loaded / total : 0;            spans.eq( 0 ).text( Math.round( percent * 100 ) + '%' );            spans.eq( 1 ).css( 'width', Math.round( percent * 100 ) + '%' );            updateStatus();        }        function updateStatus() {            var text = '', stats;            if ( state === 'ready' ) {                text = '选中' + fileCount + '张图片,共' +                        WebUploader.formatSize( fileSize ) + '。';            } else if ( state === 'confirm' ) {                stats = uploader.getStats();                if ( stats.uploadFailNum ) {                    text = '已成功上传' + stats.successNum+ '张照片至XX相册,'+                        stats.uploadFailNum + '张照片上传失败,<a class="retry" href="#">重新上传</a>失败图片或<a class="ignore" href="#">忽略</a>'                }            } else {                stats = uploader.getStats();                text = '共' + fileCount + '张(' +                        WebUploader.formatSize( fileSize )  +                        '),已上传' + stats.successNum + '张';                if ( stats.uploadFailNum ) {                    text += ',失败' + stats.uploadFailNum + '张';                }            }            $info.html( text );        }        function setState( val ) {            var file, stats;            if ( val === state ) {                return;            }            $upload.removeClass( 'state-' + state );            $upload.addClass( 'state-' + val );            state = val;            switch ( state ) {                case 'pedding':                    $placeHolder.removeClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $queue.hide();                    $statusBar.addClass( 'element-invisible' );                    uploader.refresh();                    break;                case 'ready':                    $placeHolder.addClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $( '#filePicker2' ).removeClass( 'element-invisible');                    $queue.show();                    $statusBar.removeClass('element-invisible');                    uploader.refresh();                    break;                case 'uploading':                    $( '#filePicker2' ).addClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $progress.show();                    $upload.text( '暂停上传' );                    break;                case 'paused':                    $progress.show();                    $upload.text( '继续上传' );                    break;                case 'confirm':                    $progress.hide();                    $( '#filePicker2' ).removeClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $upload.text( '开始上传' );                    stats = uploader.getStats();                    if ( stats.successNum && !stats.uploadFailNum ) {                        setState( 'finish' );                        return;                    }                    break;                case 'finish':                    stats = uploader.getStats();                    if ( stats.successNum ) {                        alert( '上传成功' );                    } else {                        // 没有成功的图片,重设                        state = 'done';                        location.reload();                    }                    break;            }            updateStatus();        }        uploader.onUploadProgress = function( file, percentage ) {            var $li = $('#'+file.id),                $percent = $li.find('.progress span');            $percent.css( 'width', percentage * 100 + '%' );            percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = percentage;            updateTotalProgress();        };        uploader.onFileQueued = function( file ) {            fileCount++;            fileSize += file.size;            if ( fileCount === 1 ) {                $placeHolder.addClass( 'element-invisible' );                $statusBar.show();            }            addFile( file );            setState( 'ready' );            updateTotalProgress();        };        uploader.onFileDequeued = function( file ) {            fileCount--;            fileSize -= file.size;            if ( !fileCount ) {                setState( 'pedding' );            }            removeFile( file );            updateTotalProgress();        };        uploader.on( 'all', function( type ) {            var stats;            switch( type ) {                case 'uploadFinished':                    setState( 'confirm' );                    break;                case 'startUpload':                    setState( 'uploading' );                    break;                case 'stopUpload':                    setState( 'paused' );                    break;            }        });        uploader.onError = function( code ) {            alert( 'Eroor: ' + code );        };        $upload.on('click', function() {            if ( $(this).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {                return false;            }            if ( state === 'ready' ) {                uploader.upload();            } else if ( state === 'paused' ) {                uploader.upload();            } else if ( state === 'uploading' ) {                uploader.stop();            }        });        $info.on( 'click', '.retry', function() {            uploader.retry();        } );        $info.on( 'click', '.ignore', function() {            alert( 'todo' );        } );        $upload.addClass( 'state-' + state );        updateTotalProgress();    });})( jQuery );
com.imageSave.js/** * @Author:张瑞 * @DateTime:2016-10-19 * @Description:添加 * @Version:1.0.0 */ function article_save(){    alert("刷新父级的时候会自动关闭弹层。");    window.parent.location.reload();}$(function(){    $('.skin-minimal input').iCheck({        checkboxClass: 'icheckbox-blue',        radioClass: 'iradio-blue',        increaseArea: '20%'    });    $list = $("#fileList"),    $btn = $("#btn-star"),    state = "pending",    uploader;    var uploader = WebUploader.create({        auto: true,        swf: 'lib/webuploader/0.1.5/Uploader.swf',        // 文件接收服务端。        server: 'http://lib.h-ui.net/webuploader/0.1.5/server/fileupload.php',        // 选择文件的按钮。可选。        // 内部根据当前运行是创建,可能是input元素,也可能是flash.        pick: '#filePicker',        // 不压缩image, 默认如果是jpeg,文件上传前会压缩一把再上传!        resize: false,        // 只允许选择图片文件。        accept: {            title: 'Images',            extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png',            mimeTypes: 'image/*'        }    });    uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) {        var $li = $(            '<div id="' + file.id + '" class="item">' +                '<div class="pic-box"><img></div>'+                '<div class="info">' + file.name + '</div>' +                '<p class="state">等待上传...</p>'+            '</div>'        ),        $img = $li.find('img');        $list.append( $li );        // 创建缩略图        // 如果为非图片文件,可以不用调用此方法。        // thumbnailWidth x thumbnailHeight 为 100 x 100        uploader.makeThumb( file, function( error, src ) {            if ( error ) {                $img.replaceWith('<span>不能预览</span>');                return;            }            $img.attr( 'src', src );        }, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight );    });    // 文件上传过程中创建进度条实时显示。    uploader.on( 'uploadProgress', function( file, percentage ) {        var $li = $( '#'+file.id ),            $percent = $li.find('.progress-box .sr-only');        // 避免重复创建        if ( !$percent.length ) {            $percent = $('<div class="progress-box"><span class="progress-bar radius"><span class="sr-only" style="width:0%"></span></span></div>').appendTo( $li ).find('.sr-only');        }        $li.find(".state").text("上传中");        $percent.css( 'width', percentage * 100 + '%' );    });    // 文件上传成功,给item添加成功class, 用样式标记上传成功。    uploader.on( 'uploadSuccess', function( file ) {        $( '#'+file.id ).addClass('upload-state-success').find(".state").text("已上传");    });    // 文件上传失败,显示上传出错。    uploader.on( 'uploadError', function( file ) {        $( '#'+file.id ).addClass('upload-state-error').find(".state").text("上传出错");    });    // 完成上传完了,成功或者失败,先删除进度条。    uploader.on( 'uploadComplete', function( file ) {        $( '#'+file.id ).find('.progress-box').fadeOut();    });    uploader.on('all', function (type) {        if (type === 'startUpload') {            state = 'uploading';        } else if (type === 'stopUpload') {            state = 'paused';        } else if (type === 'uploadFinished') {            state = 'done';        }        if (state === 'uploading') {            $btn.text('暂停上传');        } else {            $btn.text('开始上传');        }    });    $btn.on('click', function () {        if (state === 'uploading') {            uploader.stop();        } else {            uploader.upload();        }    });});(function( $ ){    // 当domReady的时候开始初始化    $(function() {        var $wrap = $('.uploader-list-container'),            // 图片容器            $queue = $( '<ul class="filelist"></ul>' )                .appendTo( $wrap.find( '.queueList' ) ),            // 状态栏,包括进度和控制按钮            $statusBar = $wrap.find( '.statusBar' ),            // 文件总体选择信息。            $info = $statusBar.find( '.info' ),            // 上传按钮            $upload = $wrap.find( '.uploadBtn' ),            // 没选择文件之前的内容。            $placeHolder = $wrap.find( '.placeholder' ),            $progress = $statusBar.find( '.progress' ).hide(),            // 添加的文件数量            fileCount = 0,            // 添加的文件总大小            fileSize = 0,            // 优化retina, 在retina下这个值是2            ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,            // 缩略图大小            thumbnailWidth = 110 * ratio,            thumbnailHeight = 110 * ratio,            // 可能有pedding, ready, uploading, confirm, done.            state = 'pedding',            // 所有文件的进度信息,key为file id            percentages = {},            // 判断浏览器是否支持图片的base64            isSupportBase64 = ( function() {                var data = new Image();                var support = true;                data.onload = data.onerror = function() {                    if( this.width != 1 || this.height != 1 ) {                        support = false;                    }                }                data.src = "";                return support;            } )(),            // 检测是否已经安装flash,检测flash的版本            flashVersion = ( function() {                var version;                try {                    version = navigator.plugins[ 'Shockwave Flash' ];                    version = version.description;                } catch ( ex ) {                    try {                        version = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash')                                .GetVariable('$version');                    } catch ( ex2 ) {                        version = '0.0';                    }                }                version = version.match( /\d+/g );                return parseFloat( version[ 0 ] + '.' + version[ 1 ], 10 );            } )(),            supportTransition = (function(){                var s = document.createElement('p').style,                    r = 'transition' in s ||                            'WebkitTransition' in s ||                            'MozTransition' in s ||                            'msTransition' in s ||                            'OTransition' in s;                s = null;                return r;            })(),            // WebUploader实例            uploader;        if ( !WebUploader.Uploader.support('flash') && WebUploader.browser.ie ) {            // flash 安装了但是版本过低。            if (flashVersion) {                (function(container) {                    window['expressinstallcallback'] = function( state ) {                        switch(state) {                            case 'Download.Cancelled':                                alert('您取消了更新!')                                break;                            case 'Download.Failed':                                alert('安装失败')                                break;                            default:                                alert('安装已成功,请刷新!');                                break;                        }                        delete window['expressinstallcallback'];                    };                    var swf = 'expressInstall.swf';                    // insert flash object                    var html = '<object type="application/' +                            'x-shockwave-flash" data="' +  swf + '" ';                    if (WebUploader.browser.ie) {                        html += 'classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" ';                    }                    html += 'width="100%" height="100%" style="outline:0">'  +                        '<param name="movie" value="' + swf + '" />' +                        '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' +                        '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />' +                    '</object>';                    container.html(html);                })($wrap);            // 压根就没有安转。            } else {                $wrap.html('<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" target="_blank" border="0"><img alt="get flash player" src="http://www.adobe.com/macromedia/style_guide/images/160x41_Get_Flash_Player.jpg" /></a>');            }            return;        } else if (!WebUploader.Uploader.support()) {            alert( 'Web Uploader 不支持您的浏览器!');            return;        }        // 实例化        uploader = WebUploader.create({            pick: {                id: '#filePicker-2',                label: '点击选择图片'            },            formData: {                uid: 123            },            dnd: '#dndArea',            paste: '#uploader',            swf: 'lib/webuploader/0.1.5/Uploader.swf',            chunked: false,            chunkSize: 512 * 1024,            server: 'http://lib.h-ui.net/webuploader/0.1.5/server/fileupload.php',            // runtimeOrder: 'flash',            // accept: {            //     title: 'Images',            //     extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png',            //     mimeTypes: 'image/*'            // },            // 禁掉全局的拖拽功能。这样不会出现图片拖进页面的时候,把图片打开。            disableGlobalDnd: true,            fileNumLimit: 300,            fileSizeLimit: 200 * 1024 * 1024,    // 200 M            fileSingleSizeLimit: 50 * 1024 * 1024    // 50 M        });        // 拖拽时不接受 js, txt 文件。        uploader.on( 'dndAccept', function( items ) {            var denied = false,                len = items.length,                i = 0,                // 修改js类型                unAllowed = 'text/plain;application/javascript ';            for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {                // 如果在列表里面                if ( ~unAllowed.indexOf( items[ i ].type ) ) {                    denied = true;                    break;                }            }            return !denied;        });        uploader.on('dialogOpen', function() {            console.log('here');        });        // uploader.on('filesQueued', function() {        //     uploader.sort(function( a, b ) {        //         if ( a.name < b.name )        //           return -1;        //         if ( a.name > b.name )        //           return 1;        //         return 0;        //     });        // });        // 添加“添加文件”的按钮,        uploader.addButton({            id: '#filePicker2',            label: '继续添加'        });        uploader.on('ready', function() {            window.uploader = uploader;        });        // 当有文件添加进来时执行,负责view的创建        function addFile( file ) {            var $li = $( '<li id="' + file.id + '">' +                    '<p class="title">' + file.name + '</p>' +                    '<p class="imgWrap"></p>'+                    '<p class="progress"><span></span></p>' +                    '</li>' ),                $btns = $('<div class="file-panel">' +                    '<span class="cancel">删除</span>' +                    '<span class="rotateRight">向右旋转</span>' +                    '<span class="rotateLeft">向左旋转</span></div>').appendTo( $li ),                $prgress = $li.find('p.progress span'),                $wrap = $li.find( 'p.imgWrap' ),                $info = $('<p class="error"></p>'),                showError = function( code ) {                    switch( code ) {                        case 'exceed_size':                            text = '文件大小超出';                            break;                        case 'interrupt':                            text = '上传暂停';                            break;                        default:                            text = '上传失败,请重试';                            break;                    }                    $info.text( text ).appendTo( $li );                };            if ( file.getStatus() === 'invalid' ) {                showError( file.statusText );            } else {                // @todo lazyload                $wrap.text( '预览中' );                uploader.makeThumb( file, function( error, src ) {                    var img;                    if ( error ) {                        $wrap.text( '不能预览' );                        return;                    }                    if( isSupportBase64 ) {                        img = $('<img src="'+src+'">');                        $wrap.empty().append( img );                    } else {                        $.ajax('lib/webuploader/0.1.5/server/preview.php', {                            method: 'POST',                            data: src,                            dataType:'json'                        }).done(function( response ) {                            if (response.result) {                                img = $('<img src="'+response.result+'">');                                $wrap.empty().append( img );                            } else {                                $wrap.text("预览出错");                            }                        });                    }                }, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight );                percentages[ file.id ] = [ file.size, 0 ];                file.rotation = 0;            }            file.on('statuschange', function( cur, prev ) {                if ( prev === 'progress' ) {                    $prgress.hide().width(0);                } else if ( prev === 'queued' ) {                    $li.off( 'mouseenter mouseleave' );                    $btns.remove();                }                // 成功                if ( cur === 'error' || cur === 'invalid' ) {                    console.log( file.statusText );                    showError( file.statusText );                    percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = 1;                } else if ( cur === 'interrupt' ) {                    showError( 'interrupt' );                } else if ( cur === 'queued' ) {                    percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = 0;                } else if ( cur === 'progress' ) {                    $info.remove();                    $prgress.css('display', 'block');                } else if ( cur === 'complete' ) {                    $li.append( '<span class="success"></span>' );                }                $li.removeClass( 'state-' + prev ).addClass( 'state-' + cur );            });            $li.on( 'mouseenter', function() {                $btns.stop().animate({height: 30});            });            $li.on( 'mouseleave', function() {                $btns.stop().animate({height: 0});            });            $btns.on( 'click', 'span', function() {                var index = $(this).index(),                    deg;                switch ( index ) {                    case 0:                        uploader.removeFile( file );                        return;                    case 1:                        file.rotation += 90;                        break;                    case 2:                        file.rotation -= 90;                        break;                }                if ( supportTransition ) {                    deg = 'rotate(' + file.rotation + 'deg)';                    $wrap.css({                        '-webkit-transform': deg,                        '-mos-transform': deg,                        '-o-transform': deg,                        'transform': deg                    });                } else {                    $wrap.css( 'filter', 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation='+ (~~((file.rotation/90)%4 + 4)%4) +')');                    // use jquery animate to rotation                    // $({                    //     rotation: rotation                    // }).animate({                    //     rotation: file.rotation                    // }, {                    //     easing: 'linear',                    //     step: function( now ) {                    //         now = now * Math.PI / 180;                    //         var cos = Math.cos( now ),                    //             sin = Math.sin( now );                    //         $wrap.css( 'filter', "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + cos + ",M12=" + (-sin) + ",M21=" + sin + ",M22=" + cos + ",SizingMethod='auto expand')");                    //     }                    // });                }            });            $li.appendTo( $queue );        }        // 负责view的销毁        function removeFile( file ) {            var $li = $('#'+file.id);            delete percentages[ file.id ];            updateTotalProgress();            $li.off().find('.file-panel').off().end().remove();        }        function updateTotalProgress() {            var loaded = 0,                total = 0,                spans = $progress.children(),                percent;            $.each( percentages, function( k, v ) {                total += v[ 0 ];                loaded += v[ 0 ] * v[ 1 ];            } );            percent = total ? loaded / total : 0;            spans.eq( 0 ).text( Math.round( percent * 100 ) + '%' );            spans.eq( 1 ).css( 'width', Math.round( percent * 100 ) + '%' );            updateStatus();        }        function updateStatus() {            var text = '', stats;            if ( state === 'ready' ) {                text = '选中' + fileCount + '张图片,共' +                        WebUploader.formatSize( fileSize ) + '。';            } else if ( state === 'confirm' ) {                stats = uploader.getStats();                if ( stats.uploadFailNum ) {                    text = '已成功上传' + stats.successNum+ '张照片至XX相册,'+                        stats.uploadFailNum + '张照片上传失败,<a class="retry" href="#">重新上传</a>失败图片或<a class="ignore" href="#">忽略</a>'                }            } else {                stats = uploader.getStats();                text = '共' + fileCount + '张(' +                        WebUploader.formatSize( fileSize )  +                        '),已上传' + stats.successNum + '张';                if ( stats.uploadFailNum ) {                    text += ',失败' + stats.uploadFailNum + '张';                }            }            $info.html( text );        }        function setState( val ) {            var file, stats;            if ( val === state ) {                return;            }            $upload.removeClass( 'state-' + state );            $upload.addClass( 'state-' + val );            state = val;            switch ( state ) {                case 'pedding':                    $placeHolder.removeClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $queue.hide();                    $statusBar.addClass( 'element-invisible' );                    uploader.refresh();                    break;                case 'ready':                    $placeHolder.addClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $( '#filePicker2' ).removeClass( 'element-invisible');                    $queue.show();                    $statusBar.removeClass('element-invisible');                    uploader.refresh();                    break;                case 'uploading':                    $( '#filePicker2' ).addClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $progress.show();                    $upload.text( '暂停上传' );                    break;                case 'paused':                    $progress.show();                    $upload.text( '继续上传' );                    break;                case 'confirm':                    $progress.hide();                    $( '#filePicker2' ).removeClass( 'element-invisible' );                    $upload.text( '开始上传' );                    stats = uploader.getStats();                    if ( stats.successNum && !stats.uploadFailNum ) {                        setState( 'finish' );                        return;                    }                    break;                case 'finish':                    stats = uploader.getStats();                    if ( stats.successNum ) {                        alert( '上传成功' );                    } else {                        // 没有成功的图片,重设                        state = 'done';                        location.reload();                    }                    break;            }            updateStatus();        }        uploader.onUploadProgress = function( file, percentage ) {            var $li = $('#'+file.id),                $percent = $li.find('.progress span');            $percent.css( 'width', percentage * 100 + '%' );            percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = percentage;            updateTotalProgress();        };        uploader.onFileQueued = function( file ) {            fileCount++;            fileSize += file.size;            if ( fileCount === 1 ) {                $placeHolder.addClass( 'element-invisible' );                $statusBar.show();            }            addFile( file );            setState( 'ready' );            updateTotalProgress();        };        uploader.onFileDequeued = function( file ) {            fileCount--;            fileSize -= file.size;            if ( !fileCount ) {                setState( 'pedding' );            }            removeFile( file );            updateTotalProgress();        };        uploader.on( 'all', function( type ) {            var stats;            switch( type ) {                case 'uploadFinished':                    setState( 'confirm' );                    break;                case 'startUpload':                    setState( 'uploading' );                    break;                case 'stopUpload':                    setState( 'paused' );                    break;            }        });        uploader.onError = function( code ) {            alert( 'Eroor: ' + code );        };        $upload.on('click', function() {            if ( $(this).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {                return false;            }            if ( state === 'ready' ) {                uploader.upload();            } else if ( state === 'paused' ) {                uploader.upload();            } else if ( state === 'uploading' ) {                uploader.stop();            }        });        $info.on( 'click', '.retry', function() {            uploader.retry();        } );        $info.on( 'click', '.ignore', function() {            alert( 'todo' );        } );        $upload.addClass( 'state-' + state );        updateTotalProgress();    });})( jQuery );
后台主要代码:/**     * 新增图片分类     * @return     */    @RequestMapping(value="/imageSave",method=RequestMethod.GET)    public String imageSave(Model model){        //TODO        //注意:这里要根据title='图片管理'来查询出父id,这里就先固定,后面修改。        model.addAttribute("imageCategoryChannel",this.channelService.listChannelByParent(20));        model.addAttribute("fileEntity", new FileEntity());        return "image/imageSave";    }    /**     * 新增图片分类,返回列表     * @return     */    @RequestMapping(value="/imageSave",method=RequestMethod.POST)    public String imageSave(FileEntity fileEntity,RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){        String [] listResourceUrl = fileEntity.getResourceUrl().split(",");        redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("channelId", fileEntity.getChannelId());        redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("listResourceUrl", listResourceUrl);        return "redirect:/image/imageUpdate";    }    @RequestMapping("/uploadHeadPic")    @ResponseBody    public String uploadHeadPic(@RequestParam("file")MultipartFile[] files,HttpSession session,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response){        String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(new Date());        String destDir = "/upload/user/" + dateStr +"/";        String saveName = null;        String path = request.getContextPath();        try {            String[] fileNames = new String[files.length];    //      System.out.println(files.length);            int index = 0;            for (MultipartFile file : files) {                // 判断文件的MIMEtype                if (file != null) {                    String type = file.getContentType();                    if (type == null || !FileUploadUtil.allowUpload(type))                        throw new Exception("请上传允许格式的文件");                    System.out.println("type=" + type);                }                String fileName = FileUploadUtil.rename(file.getOriginalFilename());                int end = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");                saveName = fileName.substring(0, end);                String realPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/");                File destFile = new File(realPath+destDir);                if(!destFile.exists()){                    destFile.mkdirs();                }                File f = new File(destFile,saveName + "_src.jpg");                file.transferTo(f);                f.createNewFile();                fileNames[index++] =path+destDir+saveName + "_src.jpg";            }         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();         }        return JSON.toJSONString(new Result(request.getSession()                .getServletContext().getContextPath()                +destDir+saveName+ "_src.jpg", "上传成功!",null));    }    protected class Result {        private String url;        private String msg;        private String uuid;        public String getUuid() {            return uuid;        }        public String getUrl() {            return url;        }        public String getMsg() {            return msg;        }        public Result(String url, String msg, String uuid) {            super();            this.url = url;            this.msg = msg;            this.uuid = uuid;        }    }
imageSave.jsp需要webuploader.css<body><div class="page-container">    <sf:form class="form form-horizontal" id="form-article-add" modelAttribute="fileEntity" action="imageSave">        <div class="row cl">            <label class="form-label col-xs-4 col-sm-2"><span class="c-red">*</span>分类栏目:</label>            <div class="formControls col-xs-8 col-sm-9">                <span class="select-box">                    <select name="" class="select">                        <option value="0">选择类别</option>                        <c:forEach items="${imageCategoryChannel }" var="imageCategory">                            <option value="${imageCategory.id }">${imageCategory.title }</option>                        </c:forEach>                    </select>                    <input type="hidden" id="channelId" name="channelId" value="0" />                </span>            </div>        </div>        <div class="row cl">            <label class="form-label col-xs-4 col-sm-2">图片上传:</label>            <div class="formControls col-xs-8 col-sm-9">                <div class="uploader-list-container">                     <div class="queueList">                        <div id="dndArea" class="placeholder">                        <div id="filePicker"></div>                            <div id="filePicker-2"></div>                            <p>或将照片拖到这里,单次最多可选300张</p>                        </div>                    </div>                    <input type="hidden" id="resourceUrl" name="resourceUrl" value="0" />                    <div class="statusBar" style="display:none;">                        <div class="progress"> <span class="text">0%</span> <span class="percentage"></span> </div>                        <div class="info"></div>                        <div class="btns">                            <div id="filePicker2"></div>                            <div class="uploadBtn">开始上传</div>                        </div>                    </div>                </div>            </div>        </div>        <div class="row cl">            <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-9 col-xs-offset-4 col-sm-offset-2">                <button class="btn btn-primary radius" type="submit"><i class="Hui-iconfont">&#xe632;</i> 保存并提交审核</button>            </div>        </div>    </sf:form></div></body><script type="text/javascript" src="<%=path %>/resources/lib/ueditor/"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="<%=path %>/resources/defaultScript/com.upload.js"></script>


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