VR系列——Oculus Audio sdk文档:五、Wwise集成Oculus声场定位指南(3)——声音的特性、整合Oculus Spatializer及OSP版本在Wwise中的迁移

来源:互联网 发布:南山软件产业基地一栋 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 03:54

声音的特性(Sound Properties)

  For a sound to be spatialized, you must ensure that sounds are set to use the bus to which you added OSP:


  Ensure that your sound positioning is set to 3D:


  Upon setting the sound to the OSP bus, a Mixer plug-in tab will show up on the sounds Sound Property Editor:



Disable Reflections

Disables reflections for this sound.

Use Inverse Square Attenuation

Applies a realistic built-in inverse square attenuation curve for this sound

笔记和最佳实践(Notes and Best Practices)

  Currently, only mono (1-channel) and stereo (2-channel) sounds will spatialize. Any sounds with a higher channel count will not be spatialized.

  A stereo sound will be collapsed down to a monophonic sound by having both channels mixed into a single channel and attenuated. Keep in mind that by collapsing the stereo sound to a mono sound, phasing anomalies with the audio spectrum may occur. It is highly recommended that the input sound is authored as a mono sound.

  Spatialized sounds will not be able to use stereo spread to make a sound encompass the listener as it gets closer (this a common practice for current spatialization techniques).

整合Oculus Spatializer(Integrating the Oculus Spatializer)

  This section is for programmers who are integrating Wwise libraries and plugin registration within their application code base.

  Add the commented-out code at the bottom of the file OculusSpatializer.h file to the code where the Wwise run-time is being initialized.

  复制路径 <平台> \ bin\plugins下的oculusspatializer.dll的文件到存在Wwise-enabled

  application .exe的文件夹中。当Wwise初始化和注册调用被执行时使得Wwise运行去加载插件。例如,如果你正在使用UE4、地方插件到以下文件夹:UE4\Engine\Binaries\。
  Copy OculusSpatializer.dll found within \bin\plugins folder into the folder where the Wwise-enabled application .exe resides. This allows the Wwise run-time to load the plugin when Wwise initialization and registration calls are executed. For example, if you are using UE4, place the plugin into the following folder: UE4\Engine\Binaries\.

  The spatializer assumes that only one listener is being used to drive the spatialization. The listener is equivalent to the user’s head location in space, so please be sure to update as quickly as possible. See Wwise documentation for any caveats on placing a listener update to an alternative thread from the main thread.

  Provided that the listener and sounds are properly updated within the application, the sounds that have been set to the OSP bus will have a greater sense of 3D presence!

OSP版本在Wwise中的迁移(OSP Version Migration in Wwise)

  在Wwise中迁移到一个新的Oculus Spatializer插件版本,遵循这些步骤:
  To migrate to a new version of the Oculus Spatializer Plugin for Wwise, follow these steps:

  1. 从现有版本音频SDK组件创建工具的安装目录中复制oculusspatializer.dll和oculusspatializer.xml的新版本(32位或64位)。
  2. 在你现有的版本的应用程序目录中复制oculusspatializer.dll和oculusspatializer.xml的新版本(32位或64位)。
  3. 打开组织创建工具形成声音堆。
  4. 启动你的应用程序和负载产生新的声音堆。

  1. Copy the new versions of OculusSpatializer.dll and OculusSpatializer.xml (32 bit or 64 bit) from the Audio SDK over the existing versions in your Wwise Authoring tool installation directory.
  2. Copy the new versions of OculusSpatializer.dll (32 bit or 64 bit) over the existing version in your application directory.
  3. Open the Wwise Authoring tool and generate sound banks.
  4. Launch your application and load newly generated sound banks.
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