
来源:互联网 发布:c语言结构体链表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:56



 class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            var test = new PgBulkCopyHelper<SingleBuilding>("bld_amap_gzmain");            foreach (string pName in test.PropNames)            {                Console.WriteLine("name: {0},\t\ttype: {1}", pName, test.PropInfo[pName]);            }            //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            //定义每次插入的最大数量限制            int maxNum = 1; //100000;            //初始化对应的数据表            DataTable dataTable = test.InitDataTable();            string connectionString = "Host=localhost;Username=king;Password=wu12345;Database=dellstore";            List<List<SingleBuilding>> bldsList = new List<List<SingleBuilding>>();            NpgsqlPolygon plg1 = new NpgsqlPolygon(10);            plg1.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(0.0, 0.0));            plg1.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(6.0, -1.0));            plg1.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(5.0, 3.0));            plg1.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(1.0, 2.0));            NpgsqlPolygon plg2 = new NpgsqlPolygon(10);            plg2.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(100.0, 10.0));            plg2.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(40.0, 180.0));            plg2.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(190.0, 60.0));            plg2.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(10.0, 60.0));            plg2.Add(new NpgsqlPoint(160.0, 180.0));            List<SingleBuilding> sblist1 = new List<SingleBuilding>(){              new SingleBuilding(){id=System.Guid.NewGuid(),                                   tile_x=1,                                            tile_y=2,                                            bps_gc=plg1,                                   bps_llc=plg2,                                   cp_gc=new NpgsqlPoint(0,0),                                      cp_llc=new NpgsqlPoint(100,10),                                     name="测试文本1",                                   bld_floor=111,                                        height=22                         },              new SingleBuilding(){id=System.Guid.NewGuid(),                                   tile_x=1,                                            tile_y=2,                                            bps_gc=plg1,                                   bps_llc=plg2,                                   cp_gc=new NpgsqlPoint(0,0),                                      cp_llc=new NpgsqlPoint(100,10),                                     name="测试文本2",                                   bld_floor=222,                                        height=444                   }            };            bldsList.Add(sblist1);            using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))            {                conn.Open();                foreach (List<SingleBuilding> blds in bldsList)                {                    if (blds != null && blds.Count > 0)                    {                        //填充数据                        test.FillDataTable(blds, dataTable);                    }                    //判断 dataTable 里面的数据量是否已经超过规定最大行数 maxNum                    if (dataTable.Rows.Count>maxNum)                    {                        //如果是,则将 dataTable 里面的数据插入到数据库中                        test.BulkInsert(conn, dataTable);                        //清空 dataTable 中的现有数据                        dataTable.Clear();                    }                }            }        }    }    public class SingleBuilding    {        //创建数据表的SQL语句如下:        /*        CREATE TABLE bld_amap_gzmain (            id uuid PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,            tile_x integer,             --x index of the map tile where the building is located            tile_y integer,             --y index of the map tile where the building is located            bps_gc polygon NOT NULL,    --the points of the bottom outline of the building, geodetic coordinates            bps_llc polygon NOT NULL,   --the points of the bottom outline of the building, Latitude and longitude coordinates            cp_gc point NOT NULL,       --the center point of the building, geodetic coordinates            cp_llc point NOT NULL,      --the center point of the building, Latitude and longitude coordinates            name text,            bld_floor smallint,         --the number of floors of the building            height real                 --the height of building        );        */        public Guid id { get; set; }        public int? tile_x { get; set; }        public int? tile_y { get; set; }        public NpgsqlPolygon bps_gc { get; set; }        public NpgsqlPolygon bps_llc { get; set; }        public NpgsqlPoint cp_gc { get; set; }        public NpgsqlPoint cp_llc { get; set; }        public string name { get; set; }        public short? bld_floor { get; set; }        public float? height { get; set; }    }


using Npgsql;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Data;using System.Globalization;using System.Linq;using System.Reflection;namespace PgBulkCopyHelper{    /// <summary>    /// 用以快速将大批量数据插入到postgresql中    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="TEntity"></typeparam>    public class PgBulkCopyHelper<TEntity>    {        /// <summary>        /// TEntity的属性信息        /// Dictionary(string "property_name", Type property_type)        /// </summary>        public Dictionary<string, Type> PropInfo { get; set; }        /// <summary>        /// TEntity的属性名称列表        /// </summary>        public List<string> PropNames { get; set; }        /// <summary>        /// 数据表全名:schema.tableName or tableName        /// </summary>        public string FullTableName { get; set; }        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="schema">数据表的schema,一般为public</param>        /// <param name="tableName">数据表的名称</param>        public PgBulkCopyHelper(string schema, string tableName)        {            PropNames = new List<string>();            PropInfo = new Dictionary<string, Type>();            PropertyInfo[] typeArgs = GetPropertyFromTEntity();            foreach (PropertyInfo tParam in typeArgs)            {                PropNames.Add(tParam.Name);                PropInfo[tParam.Name] = tParam.PropertyType;            }            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName))            {                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(schema))                {                    FullTableName = tableName;                }                else                    FullTableName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", schema, tableName);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="tableName">数据表的名称</param>        public PgBulkCopyHelper(string tableName)            :this(null, tableName)        { }        /// <summary>        /// 获取TEntity的属性信息        /// </summary>        /// <returns>TEntity的属性信息的列表</returns>        private PropertyInfo[] GetPropertyFromTEntity()        {            Type t = typeof(TEntity);            PropertyInfo[] typeArgs = t.GetProperties();            return typeArgs;        }        /// <summary>        /// 根据TEntity的属性信息构造对应数据表        /// </summary>        /// <returns>只有字段信息的数据表</returns>        public DataTable InitDataTable()        {            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();            foreach(PropertyInfo tParam in GetPropertyFromTEntity())            {                Type propType = tParam.PropertyType;                //由于 DataSet 不支持 System.Nullable<> 类型,因此要先做判断                if ((propType.IsGenericType) && (propType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))                    propType = propType.GetGenericArguments()[0];                dataTable.Columns.Add(tParam.Name, propType);            }            return dataTable;        }        /// <summary>        /// 根据TEntity可枚举列表填充给定的数据表        /// </summary>        /// <param name="entities">TEntity类型的可枚举列表</param>        /// <param name="dataTable">数据表</param>        public void FillDataTable(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities, DataTable dataTable)        {            if (entities != null && entities.Count() > 0)            {                foreach (TEntity entity in entities)                {                    FillDataTable(entity, dataTable);                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 在DataTable中插入单条数据        /// </summary>        /// <param name="entity">具体数据</param>        /// <param name="dataTable">数据表</param>        public void FillDataTable(TEntity entity, DataTable dataTable)        {            var dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();            int colNum = dataTable.Columns.Count;            PropertyInfo[] typeArgs = GetPropertyFromTEntity();            for (int i = 0; i < colNum; i++)            {                dataRow[i] = typeArgs[i].GetValue(entity);            }            dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);        }        /// <summary>        /// 通过PostgreSQL连接把dataTable中的数据整块填充到数据库对应的数据表中        /// 注意,该函数不负责NpgsqlConnection的创建、打开以及关闭        /// </summary>        /// <param name="conn">PostgreSQL连接</param>        /// <param name="dataTable">数据表</param>        public void BulkInsert(NpgsqlConnection conn, DataTable dataTable)        {            var commandFormat = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "COPY {0} FROM STDIN BINARY", FullTableName);            using (var writer = conn.BeginBinaryImport(commandFormat))            {                foreach (DataRow item in dataTable.Rows)                    writer.WriteRow(item.ItemArray);            }        }    }}




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