linux c之htpasswd

来源:互联网 发布:macbook air 屏幕优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:01
/* * htpasswd.c: simple program for manipulating password file for NCSA httpd * * Rob McCool *//* Modified 29aug97 by Jef Poskanzer to accept new password on stdin,** if stdin is a pipe or file.  This is necessary for use from CGI.*/#include <sys/types.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <signal.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <crypt.h>//extern char *crypt(const char *key, const char *setting);#define LF 10#define CR 13#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256int tfd;char temp_template[] = "/tmp/htp.XXXXXX";void interrupted(int);static char * strd(char *s) {    char *d;    d=(char *)malloc(strlen(s) + 1);    strcpy(d,s);    return(d);}static void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop) {    int x = 0,y;    for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++)        word[x] = line[x];    word[x] = '\0';    if(line[x]) ++x;    y=0;    while((line[y++] = line[x++]));}#ifdef  _WIN32static int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f) {    register int i=0;    while(1) {        s[i] = (char)fgetc(f);        if(s[i] == CR)            s[i] = fgetc(f);        if((s[i] == 0x4) || (s[i] == LF) || (i == (n-1))) {            s[i] = '\0';            return (feof(f) ? 1 : 0);        }        ++i;    }}#endifstatic void putline(FILE *f,char *l) {    int x;    for(x=0;l[x];x++) fputc(l[x],f);    fputc('\n',f);}/* From local_passwd.c (C) Regents of Univ. of California blah blah */static unsigned char itoa64[] =         /* 0 ... 63 => ascii - 64 */        "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";static void to64(register char *s, register long v, register int n) {    while (--n >= 0) {        *s++ = itoa64[v&0x3f];        v >>= 6;    }}#ifdef MPE/* MPE lacks getpass() and a way to suppress stdin echo.  So for now, justissue the prompt and read the results with echo.  (Ugh). */char *getpass(const char *prompt) {    static char password[81];    fputs(prompt,stderr);    gets((char *)&password);    if (strlen((char *)&password) > 8) {        password[8]='\0';    }    return (char *)&password;}#endifstatic void add_password( char* user, FILE* f ){    char pass[100];    char* pw;    char* cpw;    char salt[3];    if ( ! isatty( fileno( stdin ) ) )    {        (void) fgets( pass, sizeof(pass), stdin );        if ( pass[strlen(pass) - 1] == '\n' )            pass[strlen(pass) - 1] = '\0';        pw = pass;    }    else    {        pw = strd( (char*) getpass( "New password:" ) );        if ( strcmp( pw, (char*) getpass( "Re-type new password:" ) ) != 0 )        {            (void) fprintf( stderr, "They don't match, sorry.\n" );            if ( tfd != -1 )                unlink( temp_template );            exit( 1 );        }    }    (void) srandom( (int) time( (time_t*) 0 ) );    to64( &salt[0], random(), 2 );    // LIBS+=-lcrypt    cpw = crypt( pw, salt );    (void) fprintf( f, "%s:%s\n", user, cpw );}static void usage(void) {    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: htpasswd [-c] passwordfile username\n");    fprintf(stderr,"The -c flag creates a new file.\n");    exit(1);}void interrupted(int signo) {    fprintf(stderr,"Interrupted.\n");    if(tfd != -1)        unlink(temp_template);    exit(1);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    FILE *tfp,*f;    char user[MAX_STRING_LEN];    char line[MAX_STRING_LEN];    char l[MAX_STRING_LEN];    char w[MAX_STRING_LEN];    char command[MAX_STRING_LEN];    int found;    tfd = -1;    signal(SIGINT,(void (*)(int))interrupted);    if(argc == 4) {        if(strcmp(argv[1],"-c"))            usage();        if(!(tfp = fopen(argv[2],"w"))) {            fprintf(stderr,"Could not open passwd file %s for writing.\n", argv[2]);            perror("fopen");            exit(1);        }        printf("Adding password for %s.\n",argv[3]);        add_password(argv[3],tfp);        fclose(tfp);        exit(0);    } else if(argc != 3) usage();    tfd = mkstemp(temp_template);    if(!(tfp = fdopen(tfd,"w"))) {        fprintf(stderr,"Could not open temp file.\n");        exit(1);    }    if(!(f = fopen(argv[1],"r"))) {        fprintf(stderr,                "Could not open passwd file %s for reading.\n",argv[1]);        fprintf(stderr,"Use -c option to create new one.\n");        exit(1);    }    strcpy(user,argv[2]);    found = 0;    while(!(getline(line,MAX_STRING_LEN,f))) {        if(found || (line[0] == '#') || (!line[0])) {            putline(tfp,line);            continue;        }        strcpy(l,line);        getword(w,l,':');        if(strcmp(user,w)) {            putline(tfp,line);            continue;        }        else {            printf("Changing password for user %s\n",user);            add_password(user,tfp);            found = 1;        }    }    if(!found) {        printf("Adding user %s\n",user);        add_password(user,tfp);    }    fclose(f);    fclose(tfp);    sprintf(command,"cp %s %s",temp_template,argv[1]);    system(command);    unlink(temp_template);    exit(0);}

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