Create Hadoop project in IDEA Intellij and Commit project to Hadoop platform

来源:互联网 发布:李小龙格斗数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 09:42

1.First ,we should set up Java ,Hadoop,and  IDEA Intellij-2016.3 . I have Installed Java-1.8 , Hadoop-2.7.3 and IDEA Intellij-2016.3 

2.Start-up HDFS ,YARN

3.We create new Maven Project, then click next

4.Input GroupId and ArtifactId,Then selectnext

5.Input Project name and location and click finish

6.Set Run Configuration with the optionRun ->Edit Configurations,SetProgram argumentswithinput file pathand output file path(It can be in HDFS).Then click OK.

7.Select File -> Project Structure to add hadoop jars,Which are common , yarn , mapreduce , hdfs  coming from ~hadoop home/share/hadoop Click OK.

8.Then you can run your MapReduce program in local.

9.If you want commit project to Hadoop platform, you must setartifacts to createProject Jar. In this step, you should selectFile -> Project Structureto add artifacts.Click" + " and write Name .Then Click"+ " , which is underOutput Layout. Finally modificationMain Class, which is your project' s main class.ClickOK.

10.Build artifact. Select Build ->Build Artifacts ...->MatrixMultiply (which is created by yourself in previous step).

11.Commit project to Hadoop platform. You should add code in your project as :

conf.set("mapred.jar", "./out/artifacts/MatrixMultiply/MatrixMultiply.jar");conf.set("", "yarn");
12.Look at the result:According to the log , we can get that the job have committed to hadoop platform.

13.We can view the job' s information at http://localhost:8088.

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