PYQT5 实现 无frame窗口的拖动和放缩

来源:互联网 发布:python rest接口测试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 10:55
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2016年12月14日@author: DXLCopyright (C) 2004-2019 Shandong Zhaoyuan Software Development Co.,Ltd'''import cgitbcgitb.enable( format='text')from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QApplicationfrom PyQt5.QtCore import Qt import sipfrom ctypes.wintypes import *print (help(MSG))PADDING = 2UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFTTOP,LEFTBOTTOM,RIGHTTOP,RIGHTBOTTOM,UNDIRECT = range(9)HTLEFT = 10HTRIGHT = 11HTTOP = 12HTTOPLEFT = 13HTTOPRIGHT = 14HTBOTTOM = 15HTBOTTOMLEFT = 16HTBOTTOMRIGHT = 17HTCAPTION = 2      class CustomWidget(QWidget):    def __init__(self,parent=None):        QWidget.__init__(self,parent)        self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint)    def isInTitle(self, xPos, yPos):        return yPos < 30    def GET_X_LPARAM(self, param):        return param & 0xffff    def GET_Y_LPARAM(self, param):        return param >> 16    def nativeEvent(self,eventType,message):        result = 0        msg2 = ctypes.wintypes.MSG.from_address(message.__int__())        minV,maxV = 18,22        if msg2.message == 0x0084:            print(msg2)            xPos = self.GET_X_LPARAM(msg2.lParam) - self.frameGeometry().x()            yPos = self.GET_Y_LPARAM(msg2.lParam) - self.frameGeometry().y()#             if self.childAt(xPos,yPos) == 0:#                 result = HTCAPTION#             else:#                 return (False,result)            if(xPos > minV and xPos < maxV):                result = HTLEFT            elif(xPos > (self.width() - maxV) and xPos < (self.width() - minV)):                result = HTRIGHT            elif(yPos > minV and yPos < maxV):                result = HTTOP            elif(yPos > (self.height() - maxV) and yPos < (self.height() - minV)):                result = HTBOTTOM            elif(xPos > minV and xPos < maxV and yPos > minV and yPos < maxV):                result = HTTOPLEFT            elif(xPos > (self.width() - maxV) and xPos < (self.width() - minV) and yPos > minV and yPos < maxV):                result = HTTOPRIGHT            elif(xPos > minV and xPos < maxV and yPos > (self.height() - maxV) and yPos < (self.height() - minV)):                result = HTBOTTOMLEFT            elif(xPos > (self.width() - maxV) and xPos < (self.width() - minV) and yPos > (self.height() - maxV) and yPos < (self.height() - minV)):                result = HTBOTTOMRIGHT            else:                result = HTCAPTION            return (True,result)        ret= QWidget.nativeEvent(self,eventType,message)        return retif __name__ == '__main__':    app = QApplication([])    try:        w = CustomWidget ()    except:        import traceback        traceback.print_exc()    app.exec_()
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