Paper Reading:Spatial Transformer Networks(with code explanation)

来源:互联网 发布:杭州淘宝城附近楼盘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 14:36

原文:Spatial Transformer Networks

前言:卷积神经网络(CNN)已经可以构建出一个强大的分类模型,但它仍然缺乏能力来应对输入数据的空间变换,比如:平移、缩放、旋转,尽管convolutional层和pooling层在一定程度上解决了平移和缩放的问题,但很多时候面对旋转、大尺度的缩放等情况时仍然无能为力。这篇文章提出了一种叫做空间变换网络(Spatial Transform Networks, STN)的模型,它能自动学习变换参数,对上一层的图像进行处理,在一定程度上自适应实现这些变换,从而实现对空间变换的不变性。当输入数据的空间变换差异较大时,STN可以将输入的数据进行“矫正”,进而提高分类的准确性。



















1、Localisation Network

2、 Parameterised Sampling Grid
  该部分将输入坐标转换为输出坐标。假设输入U每个像素的坐标为(xsi,ysi),输出V的每个像素坐标为(xti,yti),空间变换函数Tθ为仿射变换函数,那么 (xsi,ysi) 和 (xti,yti) 的对应关系可以写为:

  这里有一点需要注意,论文中用的是输入图像的坐标(xsi,ysi) =θ* (xti,yti)(输出图像的坐标),即根据输出图像V中一点的坐标找该点在输入图像U中的对应坐标,这正好是我们前边仿射变换的逆过程。

3、Differentiable Image Sampling

  最后,就可以采用不同的插值方法将输入图像映射到输出图像。入下式 k为不同的sampling kernel。







  根据链式求导法则这里写图片描述 ,所以我们需要求Vxxθ






void SpatialTransformerLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {    string prefix = "\t\tSpatial Transformer Layer:: LayerSetUp: \t";    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().transform_type() == "affine") {        transform_type_ = "affine";    } else {        CHECK(false) << prefix << "Transformation type only supports affine now!" << std::endl;    }    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().sampler_type() == "bilinear") {        sampler_type_ = "bilinear";    } else {        CHECK(false) << prefix << "Sampler type only supports bilinear now!" << std::endl;    }    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().to_compute_du()) {        to_compute_dU_ = true;    }    std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting output_H_ and output_W_"<<std::endl;    output_H_ = bottom[0]->shape(2);    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_output_h()) {        output_H_ = this->layer_param_.st_param().output_h();    }    output_W_ = bottom[0]->shape(3);    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_output_w()) {        output_W_ = this->layer_param_.st_param().output_w();    }    std::cout<<prefix<<"output_H_ = "<<output_H_<<", output_W_ = "<<output_W_<<std::endl;    std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined parameters"<<std::endl;    is_pre_defined_theta[0] = false;    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_theta_1_1()) {        is_pre_defined_theta[0] = true;        ++ pre_defined_count;        pre_defined_theta[0] = this->layer_param_.st_param().theta_1_1();        std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined theta[1][1] = "<<pre_defined_theta[0]<<std::endl;    }    is_pre_defined_theta[1] = false;    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_theta_1_2()) {        is_pre_defined_theta[1] = true;        ++ pre_defined_count;        pre_defined_theta[1] = this->layer_param_.st_param().theta_1_2();        std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined theta[1][2] = "<<pre_defined_theta[1]<<std::endl;    }    is_pre_defined_theta[2] = false;    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_theta_1_3()) {        is_pre_defined_theta[2] = true;        ++ pre_defined_count;        pre_defined_theta[2] = this->layer_param_.st_param().theta_1_3();        std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined theta[1][3] = "<<pre_defined_theta[2]<<std::endl;    }    is_pre_defined_theta[3] = false;    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_theta_2_1()) {        is_pre_defined_theta[3] = true;        ++ pre_defined_count;        pre_defined_theta[3] = this->layer_param_.st_param().theta_2_1();        std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined theta[2][1] = "<<pre_defined_theta[3]<<std::endl;    }    is_pre_defined_theta[4] = false;    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_theta_2_2()) {        is_pre_defined_theta[4] = true;        ++ pre_defined_count;        pre_defined_theta[4] = this->layer_param_.st_param().theta_2_2();        std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined theta[2][2] = "<<pre_defined_theta[4]<<std::endl;    }    is_pre_defined_theta[5] = false;    if(this->layer_param_.st_param().has_theta_2_3()) {        is_pre_defined_theta[5] = true;        ++ pre_defined_count;        pre_defined_theta[5] = this->layer_param_.st_param().theta_2_3();        std::cout<<prefix<<"Getting pre-defined theta[2][3] = "<<pre_defined_theta[5]<<std::endl;    }    // check the validation for the parameter theta    CHECK(bottom[1]->count(1) + pre_defined_count == 6) << "The dimension of theta is not six!"            << " Only " << bottom[1]->count(1) << " + " << pre_defined_count << std::endl;    CHECK(bottom[1]->shape(0) == bottom[0]->shape(0)) << "The first dimension of theta and " <<            "U should be the same" << std::endl;    // initialize the matrix for output grid    std::cout<<prefix<<"Initializing the matrix for output grid"<<std::endl;    vector<int> shape_output(2);    shape_output[0] = output_H_ * output_W_; shape_output[1] = 3;    output_grid.Reshape(shape_output);    Dtype* data = output_grid.mutable_cpu_data();    //这里初始化了保存输出V的坐标的矩阵,并做了Normalization,将坐标归一化到了[-1,1],每个点的坐标为[x,y,1]    for(int i=0; i<output_H_ * output_W_; ++i) {        data[3 * i] = (i / output_W_) * 1.0 / output_H_ * 2 - 1;        data[3 * i + 1] = (i % output_W_) * 1.0 / output_W_ * 2 - 1;        data[3 * i + 2] = 1;    }    // initialize the matrix for input grid    std::cout<<prefix<<"Initializing the matrix for input grid"<<std::endl;    vector<int> shape_input(3);    shape_input[0] = bottom[1]->shape(0); shape_input[1] = output_H_ * output_W_; shape_input[2] = 2;    input_grid.Reshape(shape_input);    std::cout<<prefix<<"Initialization finished."<<std::endl;}


void SpatialTransformerLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {    string prefix = "\t\tSpatial Transformer Layer:: Forward_cpu: \t";    // CHECK(false) << "Don't use the CPU implementation! If you really want to, delete the" <<            // " CHECK in st_layer.cpp file. Line number: 240-241." << std::endl;    if(global_debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Starting!"<<std::endl;    //U为输入的图像(可以为整个网络的输入,也可以为某一层的feature map)    //theta为前边计算得到的仿射矩阵    const Dtype* U = bottom[0]->cpu_data();    const Dtype* theta = bottom[1]->cpu_data();    const Dtype* output_grid_data = output_grid.cpu_data();    Dtype* input_grid_data = input_grid.mutable_cpu_data();    Dtype* V = top[0]->mutable_cpu_data();    caffe_set(input_grid.count(), (Dtype)0, input_grid_data);    caffe_set(top[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, V);    // for each input    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {        Dtype* coordinates = input_grid_data + (output_H_ * output_W_ * 2) * i;        //计算输出V中的每一个点的坐标在输入U中对应的坐标        caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, output_H_ * output_W_, 2, 3, (Dtype)1.,              output_grid_data, theta + 6 * i, (Dtype)0., coordinates);        int row_idx; Dtype px, py;        for(int j = 0; j < C; ++j)            for(int s = 0; s < output_H_; ++s)                for(int t = 0; t < output_W_; ++t) {                    row_idx = output_W_ * s + t;                    px = coordinates[row_idx * 2];                    py = coordinates[row_idx * 2 + 1];                    //该函数通过双线性插值得到V中每个点的像素值,具体实现见下一段代码                    V[top[0]->offset(i, j, s, t)] = transform_forward_cpu(                            U + bottom[0]->offset(i, j, 0, 0), px, py);                }    }    if(global_debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Finished."<<std::endl;}


Dtype SpatialTransformerLayer<Dtype>::transform_forward_cpu(const Dtype* pic, Dtype px, Dtype py) {    bool debug = false;    string prefix = "\t\tSpatial Transformer Layer:: transform_forward_cpu: \t";    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Starting!\t"<<std::endl;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(px, py) = ("<<px<<", "<<py<<")"<<std::endl;    Dtype res = (Dtype)0.;    //Normalization到[-1,1]区间的坐标值还原到原来区间    Dtype x = (px + 1) / 2 * H;     Dtype y = (py + 1) / 2 * W;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(x, y) = ("<<x<<", "<<y<<")"<<std::endl;    int m, n; Dtype w;    //下面4部分分别为双线性插值对应的4个点,res为插值得到的像素值    m = floor(x); n = floor(y); w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"1: (m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        res += w * pic[m * W + n];        if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"w = "<<w<<", pic[m, n] = "<<pic[m * W + n]<<std::endl;    }    m = floor(x) + 1; n = floor(y); w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"2: (m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        res += w * pic[m * W + n];        if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"w = "<<w<<", pic[m, n] = "<<pic[m * W + n]<<std::endl;    }    m = floor(x); n = floor(y) + 1; w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"3: (m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        res += w * pic[m * W + n];        if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"w = "<<w<<", pic[m, n] = "<<pic[m * W + n]<<std::endl;    }    m = floor(x) + 1; n = floor(y) + 1; w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"4: (m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        res += w * pic[m * W + n];        if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"w = "<<w<<", pic[m, n] = "<<pic[m * W + n]<<std::endl;    }    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Finished. \tres = "<<res<<std::endl;    return res;}


void SpatialTransformerLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,    const vector<bool>& propagate_down,    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {        string prefix = "\t\tSpatial Transformer Layer:: Backward_cpu: \t";        CHECK(false) << "Don't use the CPU implementation! If you really want to, delete the" <<                " CHECK in st_layer.cpp file. Line number: 420-421." << std::endl;        if(global_debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Starting!"<<std::endl;        const Dtype* dV = top[0]->cpu_diff();        const Dtype* input_grid_data = input_grid.cpu_data();        const Dtype* U = bottom[0]->cpu_data();        Dtype* dU = bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();        Dtype* dTheta = bottom[1]->mutable_cpu_diff();        Dtype* input_grid_diff = input_grid.mutable_cpu_diff();        caffe_set(bottom[0]->count(), (Dtype)0, dU);        caffe_set(bottom[1]->count(), (Dtype)0, dTheta);        caffe_set(input_grid.count(), (Dtype)0, input_grid_diff);        for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {            const Dtype* coordinates = input_grid_data + (output_H_ * output_W_ * 2) * i;            Dtype* coordinates_diff = input_grid_diff + (output_H_ * output_W_ * 2) * i;            int row_idx; Dtype px, py, dpx, dpy, delta_dpx, delta_dpy;            for(int s = 0; s < output_H_; ++s)                for(int t = 0; t < output_W_; ++t) {                    row_idx = output_W_ * s + t;                    px = coordinates[row_idx * 2];                    py = coordinates[row_idx * 2 + 1];                    for(int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {                        delta_dpx = delta_dpy = (Dtype)0.;                        //计算dx和dU,具体实现见下一段代码                        transform_backward_cpu(dV[top[0]->offset(i, j, s, t)], U + bottom[0]->offset(i, j, 0, 0),                                px, py, dU + bottom[0]->offset(i, j, 0, 0), delta_dpx, delta_dpy);                        coordinates_diff[row_idx * 2] += delta_dpx;                        coordinates_diff[row_idx * 2 + 1] += delta_dpy;                    }                    dpx = coordinates_diff[row_idx * 2];                    dpy = coordinates_diff[row_idx * 2 + 1];                    //这里对应了上面求dx/dTheta和dx/dTheta的部分                    dTheta[6 * i] += dpx * (s * 1.0 / output_H_ * 2 - 1);                    dTheta[6 * i + 1] += dpx * (t * 1.0 / output_W_ * 2 - 1);                    dTheta[6 * i + 2] += dpx;                    dTheta[6 * i + 3] += dpy * (s * 1.0 / output_H_ * 2 - 1);                    dTheta[6 * i + 4] += dpy * (t * 1.0 / output_W_ * 2 - 1);                    dTheta[6 * i + 5] += dpy;                }        }        if(global_debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Finished."<<std::endl;}


void SpatialTransformerLayer<Dtype>::transform_backward_cpu(Dtype dV, const Dtype* U, const Dtype px,        const Dtype py, Dtype* dU, Dtype& dpx, Dtype& dpy) {    bool debug = false;    string prefix = "\t\tSpatial Transformer Layer:: transform_backward_cpu: \t";    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Starting!"<<std::endl;    //Normalization到[-1,1]区间的坐标值还原到原来区间    Dtype x = (px + 1) / 2 * H;     Dtype y = (py + 1) / 2 * W;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(x, y) = ("<<x<<", "<<y<<")"<<std::endl;    int m, n; Dtype w;    //下面4部分也对应了双线性插值的那4个点    m = floor(x); n = floor(y); w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        //U中的(m,n)是V中(s,t)对应的点的坐标,则梯度向前传播        dU[m * W + n] += w * dV;        //对应上面的dV/dx和dV/dy        if(abs(x - m) < 1) {            if(m >= x) {                dpx += max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpx -= max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            }        }        if(abs(y - n) < 1) {            if(n >= y) {                dpy += max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpy -= max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            }        }    }    m = floor(x) + 1; n = floor(y); w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        dU[m * W + n] += w * dV;        if(abs(x - m) < 1) {            if(m >= x) {                dpx += max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpx -= max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            }        }        if(abs(y - n) < 1) {            if(n >= y) {                dpy += max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpy -= max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            }        }    }    m = floor(x); n = floor(y) + 1; w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        dU[m * W + n] += w * dV;        if(abs(x - m) < 1) {            if(m >= x) {                dpx += max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpx -= max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            }        }        if(abs(y - n) < 1) {            if(n >= y) {                dpy += max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpy -= max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            }        }    }    m = floor(x) + 1; n = floor(y) + 1; w = 0;    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"(m, n) = ("<<m<<", "<<n<<")"<<std::endl;    if(m >= 0 && m < H && n >= 0 && n < W) {        w = max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * max(0, 1 - abs(y - n));        dU[m * W + n] += w * dV;        if(abs(x - m) < 1) {            if(m >= x) {                dpx += max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpx -= max(0, 1 - abs(y - n)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * H / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpx -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(y - n))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<H / 2<<std::endl;            }        }        if(abs(y - n) < 1) {            if(n >= y) {                dpy += max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy += "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            } else {                dpy -= max(0, 1 - abs(x - m)) * U[m * W + n] * dV * W / 2;                if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"dpy -= "<<max(0, 1 - abs(x - m))<<" * "<<U[m * W + n]<<" * "<<dV<<" * "<<W / 2<<std::endl;            }        }    }    if(debug) std::cout<<prefix<<"Finished."<<std::endl;}
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