
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝自定义属性怎么写 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 03:14


本文内容来源于王爽《汇编语言(第三版)》实验10 编写子程序





;proc_name: show_str;function:  output a string with one color in a certain postion  ;interface: (dh) = row(0~24),(dl) = column(0~79);           (cl) = color, ds:si points to the first address of the string;return:    voidshow_str:       push    ax                push    bx                push    cx                push    dx                push    es                push    si                mov     ax,0b800h                mov     es,ax                ;set row                mov     al,160                mul     dh                mov     bx,ax                ;set column                mov     dh,0                add     dx,dx                mov     di,dx                ;output the string                mov     ah,clshow_str_s:     mov     al,[si]                mov     ch,0                mov     cl,al                jcxz    show_str_ok                mov     es:[bx+di],ax                inc     si                add     di,2                jmp     short show_str_sshow_str_ok:    pop     si                pop     es                pop     dx                pop     cx                pop     bx                pop     ax                      ret


由于除法指令div在某些情况下会出现溢出的状况(比如:(ax) = 0ffffh, (bx) = 1,
DIV BL得到的商0ffffh,无法在寄存器al中存放)

;proc_name: divdw;function:  Division operation(avoid overflow);           the dividend is dword type and the divisor is word type;           the result is dword type, the remainder is word type.;interface: (ax) = the low 16 bit of the dividend;           (dx) = the high 16 bit of the dividend;           (cx) = divisor(word type);return:    (dx) = the high 16 bit of the result;           (ax) = the low 16 bit of the result;           (cx) = the remainderdivdw:      push    dx            push    ax            mov     bp,sp            mov     dx,0            mov     ax,[bp+2]            div     cx            push    ax            mov     ax,[bp]            div     cx            mov     cx,dx            pop     dx            add     sp,4            ret



;proc_name: dtoc;function:  translate word type data into a decimal digit string which;           ends with 0;interface: (ax) = data in word type;           ds:si points to the first address to the string;return:    voiddtoc:           push    ax                push    bx                push    cx                push    dx                push    si                mov     bp,sp                mov     bx,10                mov     dx,0        dtoc_s: div     bx                mov     cx,dx                add     cx,'0'                push    cx                mov     cx,ax                jcxz    dtoc_ok                mov     dx,0                jmp     dtoc_s        dtoc_ok:                    pop     ax                mov     [si],al                mov     cx,bp                sub     cx,sp                jcxz    dtoc_out                inc     si                loop    dtoc_ok        dtoc_out:                mov     al,0                mov     [si+1],al                pop     si                pop     dx                pop     cx                pop     bx                pop     ax                ret




assume      cs:code,ss:stack,ds:datastack       segment    db 256 dup(?)stack       endsdata        segment    db 256 dup(?)data        endscode        segmentmain:       mov     ax,12666            mov     bx,data            mov     ds,bx            mov     si,0            call    dtoc            mov     dh,8            mov     dl,3            mov     cl,2            call    show_str            mov     ax,4c00h            int     21h;---------------------------------;proc_name: dtoc;function:  translate word type data into a decimal digit string which;           ends with 0;interface: (ax) = data in word type;           ds:si points to the first address to the string;return:    voiddtoc:           push    ax                push    bx                push    cx                push    dx                push    si                mov     bp,sp                mov     bx,10                mov     dx,0        dtoc_s: div     bx                mov     cx,dx                add     cx,'0'                push    cx                mov     cx,ax                jcxz    dtoc_ok                mov     dx,0                jmp     dtoc_s        dtoc_ok:                    pop     ax                mov     [si],al                mov     cx,bp                sub     cx,sp                jcxz    dtoc_out                inc     si                loop    dtoc_ok        dtoc_out:                mov     al,0                mov     [si+1],al                pop     si                pop     dx                pop     cx                pop     bx                pop     ax                ret;---------------------------------------------------;proc_name: show_str;function:  output a string with one color in a certain postion  ;interface: (dh) = row(0~24),(dl) = column(0~79);           (cl) = color, ds:si points to the first address of the string;return:    voidshow_str:       push    ax                push    bx                push    cx                push    dx                push    es                push    si                mov     ax,0b800h                mov     es,ax                ;set row                mov     al,160                mul     dh                mov     bx,ax                ;set column                mov     dh,0                add     dx,dx                mov     di,dx                ;output the string                mov     ah,clshow_str_s:     mov     al,[si]                mov     ch,0                mov     cl,al                jcxz    show_str_ok                mov     es:[bx+di],ax                inc     si                add     di,2                jmp     short show_str_sshow_str_ok:    pop     si                pop     es                pop     dx                pop     cx                pop     bx                pop     ax                      retcode        endsend     main





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