
来源:互联网 发布:算法导论 视频 中国 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 19:04
今天总算把Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6下载完成了,顺带重新安装了Microsoft的Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprice。编程工具都安装完了,然后参照前面2月份里的几篇文章把NT环境下的并行环境搭建起来了,偶然发现,最新版本的MPICH2于2004年11月9日正式发布了:The current version of MPICH2 is 1.0, released on November 9, 2004.官方地址是:http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich2/index.htm。不成想到的是MPICH2的项目已经很多了:Cray Red StormIBM BlueGene/LightOSU InfiniBand MVAPICH2 is a high performance implementation of MPICH2 for the emerging InfiniBand interconnect standard. Current implementation is based on support at the RDMA channel interface level. This implementation is developed at the Ohio State University. Chemnitz InfiniBand MPICH2-CH3 Device for InfiniBand is based on the Verbs interface, currently using the Mellanox Verbs implementation VAPI. This implementation is developed at Technische Universität Chemnitz. ATOLL ATOLL is a high-performance interconnect and has an MPI based on MPICH2.所以,我又重新安装了MPICH2(原先是MPICH1.2.5),在Compaq Visual Fortran下调试通过,Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0下调试通过了MPICH1.2.5。也算是小有所成。下一步计划,找找资料,把linux平台下的并行环境搭建起来。