android 自定义log打印

来源:互联网 发布:linux ipv6 dns设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:51



/*************************************************  * @author SDT13001  * @E-mail   * @date 2016年12月16日 上午11:26:55  * @version 1.0 *************************************************/import android.os.SystemProperties;import android.util.Log;public class SkLog {    private static String tag = "AutoTest";    public static int logLevel = Log.VERBOSE;    public static boolean isDebug = true;    private static SkLog mLog = null;    /*     * the property that control log open or closed:     * Values 'n', 'no', '0', 'false' or 'off' are considered false.Values 'y', 'yes', '1', 'true' or 'on' are considered true.     */    private static String PRO_LOG = "persist.sys.factory_log";    //thr property control log level ,default is 2    private static String PRO_LOG_LEVEL = "persist.sys.factory_log_level";    public  SkLog(){        isDebug = SystemProperties.getBoolean(PRO_LOG,isDebug);        logLevel = SystemProperties.getInt(PRO_LOG_LEVEL, logLevel);    }    public synchronized static void release(){        mLog = null;    }    private  String getFunctionName() {        StackTraceElement[] stacktrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();        if (stacktrace == null) {            return null;        }        /*for (int i = 0; i < stacktrace.length; i++) {            System.out.println("----  the " + i + " element  ----");            System.out.println("isNativeMethod: "+ stacktrace[i].isNativeMethod() );            System.out.println("toString: " + stacktrace[i].toString());            System.out.println("ClassName: " + stacktrace[i].getClassName());            System.out.println("FileName: " + stacktrace[i].getFileName());            System.out.println("LineNumber: " + stacktrace[i].getLineNumber());            System.out.println("MethodName: " + stacktrace[i].getMethodName());        }*/        for(StackTraceElement st:stacktrace) {            if(st.isNativeMethod()) {                continue;            }            if(st.getClassName().equals(Thread.class.getName())) {                continue;            }            if(st.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getName())) {                continue;            }            return st.getFileName()+"(line:"+st.getLineNumber()+")";        }        return null;    }    private static void info(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (logLevel <= Log.INFO) {                     String name = mLog.getFunctionName();            String ls=(name==null?str.toString():(name+" - "+str));            Log.i(tag, ls);        }    }    public static void i(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (isDebug) {            info(str);        }    }    private static void verbose(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if(logLevel <= Log.VERBOSE) {                        String name = mLog.getFunctionName();            String ls=(name==null?str.toString():(name+" - "+str));            Log.v(tag, ls);            }    }    public static void v(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (isDebug) {            verbose(str);        }    }    private static void warn(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (logLevel <= Log.WARN) {                     String name = mLog.getFunctionName();            String ls=(name==null?str.toString():(name+" - "+str));            Log.w(tag, ls);        }    }    public static void w(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (isDebug) {            warn(str);        }    }    private static void error(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if(logLevel <= Log.ERROR) {                        String name = mLog.getFunctionName();            String ls=(name==null?str.toString():(name+" - "+str));            Log.e(tag, ls);        }    }    public static void e(Object str) {         if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();         }         if (isDebug) {             error(str);         }    }    private static void error(Exception ex) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if(logLevel <= Log.ERROR) {            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();            String name = mLog.getFunctionName();            StackTraceElement[] sts = ex.getStackTrace();            if (name != null) {                sb.append(name+" - "+ex+"\r\n");            } else {                sb.append(ex+"\r\n");            }            if(sts != null && sts.length > 0) {                for(StackTraceElement st:sts) {                    if(st != null) {                        sb.append("[ "+st.getFileName()+":"+st.getLineNumber()+" ]\r\n");                    }                }            }            Log.e(tag, sb.toString());        }    }    public static void e(Exception ex) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (isDebug) {            error(ex);        }    }    private static void debug(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if(logLevel <= Log.DEBUG) {            String name = mLog.getFunctionName();            String ls=(name==null?str.toString():(name+" - "+str));            Log.d(tag, ls);        }    }    public static void d(Object str) {        if(null == mLog){            mLog = new SkLog();        }        if (isDebug) {            debug(str);        }    }}
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