struct _TBBUTTON 结构;在win32和win64下进行条件编译

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上的gucci是真的吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 13:55

struct _TBBUTTON 结构

struct _TBBUTTON 结构是一个定义按钮相关信息的结构;具体原型为:
typedef struct _TBBUTTON {int iBitmap;// zero-based index of button image 从0开始的按钮图标索引int idCommand;  // command to be sent when button pressed 按钮按下时发送的命令BYTE fsState;   // button state--see below 按钮状态BYTE fsStyle;   // button style--see below 按钮风格DWORD dwData;   // application-defined value 用户自定义数据int iString;// zero-based index of button label string 从0开始的按钮标签索引} TBBUTTON;

The members are as follows:


Zero-based index of button image. NULL if no image for this button.


Command identifier associated with the button. This identifier is sent in aWM_COMMAND message when the button is chosen. If the fsStyle member has theTBSTYLE_SEP value, this member must be zero.


Button state flags. It can be a combination of the values listed below:

  • TBSTATE_CHECKED   The button has theTBSTYLE_CHECKED style and is being pressed.

  • TBSTATE_ENABLED   The button accepts user input. A button that does not have this state does not accept user input and is grayed.

  • TBSTATE_HIDDEN   The button is not visible and cannot receive user input.

  • TBSTATE_INDETERMINATE   The button is grayed.

  • TBSTATE_PRESSED   The button is being pressed.

  • TBSTATE_WRAP   A line break follows the button. The button must also have theTBSTATE_ENABLED state.


Button style. It can be a combination of the values listed below:

  • TBSTYLE_BUTTON   Creates a standard push button.

  • TBSTYLE_CHECK   Creates a button that toggles between the pressed and unpressed states each time the user clicks it. The button has a different background color when it is in the pressed state. 

  • TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP   Creates a check button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed.

  • TBSTYLE_GROUP   Creates a button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed.

  • TBSTYLE_SEP   Creates a separator, providing a small gap between button groups. A button that has this style does not receive user input.


User-defined data.


Zero-based index of the string to use as the button’s label.NULL if there is no string for this button.


  typedef struct _TBBUTTON {
        int iBitmap;
        int idCommand;
        BYTE fsState;
        BYTE fsStyle;
#ifdef _WIN64
        BYTE bReserved[6];          // padding for alignment
#elif defined(_WIN32)
        BYTE bReserved[2];          // padding for alignment
        DWORD_PTR dwData;
        INT_PTR iString;

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