mybatis-generator扩展教程系列 -- mapper xml文件增加自定义sql

来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么下载全名k歌 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 22:30


1.打开IntrospectedTable.java找到enum InternalAttribute这个枚举定义增加一行我们的sql id ATTR_SELECT_BY_CONDITION_STATEMENT_ID

protected enum InternalAttribute {                /** The attr dao implementation type. */        ATTR_DAO_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE,                /** The attr dao interface type. */        ATTR_DAO_INTERFACE_TYPE,                /** The attr primary key type. */        ATTR_PRIMARY_KEY_TYPE,                /** The attr base record type. */        ATTR_BASE_RECORD_TYPE,                /** The attr record with blobs type. */        ATTR_RECORD_WITH_BLOBS_TYPE,                /** The attr example type. */        ATTR_EXAMPLE_TYPE,                /** The ATT r_ ibati s2_ sq l_ ma p_ package. */        ATTR_IBATIS2_SQL_MAP_PACKAGE,                /** The ATT r_ ibati s2_ sq l_ ma p_ fil e_ name. */        ATTR_IBATIS2_SQL_MAP_FILE_NAME,                /** The ATT r_ ibati s2_ sq l_ ma p_ namespace. */        ATTR_IBATIS2_SQL_MAP_NAMESPACE,                /** The ATT r_ mybati s3_ xm l_ mappe r_ package. */        ATTR_MYBATIS3_XML_MAPPER_PACKAGE,                /** The ATT r_ mybati s3_ xm l_ mappe r_ fil e_ name. */        ATTR_MYBATIS3_XML_MAPPER_FILE_NAME,                /** also used as XML Mapper namespace if a Java mapper is generated. */        ATTR_MYBATIS3_JAVA_MAPPER_TYPE,                /** used as XML Mapper namespace if no client is generated. */        ATTR_MYBATIS3_FALLBACK_SQL_MAP_NAMESPACE,                /** The attr fully qualified table name at runtime. */        ATTR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_TABLE_NAME_AT_RUNTIME,                /** The attr aliased fully qualified table name at runtime. */        ATTR_ALIASED_FULLY_QUALIFIED_TABLE_NAME_AT_RUNTIME,                /** The attr count by example statement id. */        ATTR_COUNT_BY_EXAMPLE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr delete by example statement id. */        ATTR_DELETE_BY_EXAMPLE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr delete by primary key statement id. */        ATTR_DELETE_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr insert statement id. */        ATTR_INSERT_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr insert selective statement id. */        ATTR_INSERT_SELECTIVE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr select all statement id. */        ATTR_SELECT_ALL_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr select by example statement id. */        ATTR_SELECT_BY_EXAMPLE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr select by example with blobs statement id. */        ATTR_SELECT_BY_EXAMPLE_WITH_BLOBS_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr select by primary key statement id. */        ATTR_SELECT_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr update by example statement id. */        ATTR_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr update by example selective statement id. */        ATTR_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_SELECTIVE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr update by example with blobs statement id. */        ATTR_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_WITH_BLOBS_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr update by primary key statement id. */        ATTR_UPDATE_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr update by primary key selective statement id. */        ATTR_UPDATE_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_SELECTIVE_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr update by primary key with blobs statement id. */        ATTR_UPDATE_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_WITH_BLOBS_STATEMENT_ID,                /** The attr base result map id. */        ATTR_BASE_RESULT_MAP_ID,                /** The attr result map with blobs id. */        ATTR_RESULT_MAP_WITH_BLOBS_ID,                /** The attr example where clause id. */        ATTR_EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE_ID,                /** The attr base column list id. */        ATTR_BASE_COLUMN_LIST_ID,                /** The attr blob column list id. */        ATTR_BLOB_COLUMN_LIST_ID,                /** The ATT r_ mybati s3_ updat e_ b y_ exampl e_ wher e_ claus e_ id. */        ATTR_MYBATIS3_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE_ID,                /** The ATT r_ mybati s3_ sq l_ provide r_ type. */        ATTR_MYBATIS3_SQL_PROVIDER_TYPE,                ATTR_SELECT_BY_CONDITION_STATEMENT_ID // 通过条件查询SQL ID    }

2.IntrospectedTable.java增加sql id的set,get方法用于之后的读取操作

public void setSelectByConditionStatementId(String s) {        internalAttributes.put(InternalAttribute.ATTR_SELECT_BY_CONDITION_STATEMENT_ID, s);    }        public String getSelectByConditionStatementId() {        return internalAttributes                .get(InternalAttribute.ATTR_SELECT_BY_CONDITION_STATEMENT_ID);    }

3.新建一个xml sql生成的实现类

package org.mybatis.generator.codegen.mybatis3.xmlmapper.elements;import static org.mybatis.generator.internal.util.StringUtility.stringHasValue;import org.mybatis.generator.api.IntrospectedColumn;import org.mybatis.generator.api.dom.xml.Attribute;import org.mybatis.generator.api.dom.xml.TextElement;import org.mybatis.generator.api.dom.xml.XmlElement;import org.mybatis.generator.codegen.mybatis3.MyBatis3FormattingUtilities;/** *  * @author Jeff Butler *  */public class SelectByConditionElementGenerator extends        AbstractXmlElementGenerator {    public SelectByConditionElementGenerator() {        super();    }    @Override    public void addElements(XmlElement parentElement) {        XmlElement answer = new XmlElement("select"); //$NON-NLS-1$        answer.addAttribute(new Attribute(                "id", introspectedTable.getSelectByConditionStatementId())); //$NON-NLS-1$        if (introspectedTable.getRules().generateResultMapWithBLOBs()) {            answer.addAttribute(new Attribute("resultMap", //$NON-NLS-1$                    introspectedTable.getResultMapWithBLOBsId()));        } else {            answer.addAttribute(new Attribute("resultMap", //$NON-NLS-1$                    introspectedTable.getBaseResultMapId()));        }        String parameterType;        if (introspectedTable.getRules().generatePrimaryKeyClass()) {            parameterType = introspectedTable.getPrimaryKeyType();        } else {            // PK fields are in the base class. If more than on PK            // field, then they are coming in a map.            if (introspectedTable.getPrimaryKeyColumns().size() > 1) {                parameterType = "map"; //$NON-NLS-1$            } else {                parameterType = introspectedTable.getPrimaryKeyColumns().get(0)                        .getFullyQualifiedJavaType().toString();            }        }        answer.addAttribute(new Attribute("parameterType", //$NON-NLS-1$                parameterType));        context.getCommentGenerator().addComment(answer);        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        sb.append("select "); //$NON-NLS-1$        if (stringHasValue(introspectedTable                .getSelectByPrimaryKeyQueryId())) {            sb.append('\'');            sb.append(introspectedTable.getSelectByPrimaryKeyQueryId());            sb.append("' as QUERYID,"); //$NON-NLS-1$        }        answer.addElement(new TextElement(sb.toString()));        answer.addElement(getBaseColumnListElement());        if (introspectedTable.hasBLOBColumns()) {            answer.addElement(new TextElement(",")); //$NON-NLS-1$            answer.addElement(getBlobColumnListElement());        }        sb.setLength(0);        sb.append("from "); //$NON-NLS-1$        sb.append(introspectedTable                .getAliasedFullyQualifiedTableNameAtRuntime());        answer.addElement(new TextElement(sb.toString()));        boolean and = false;        for (IntrospectedColumn introspectedColumn : introspectedTable                .getPrimaryKeyColumns()) {            sb.setLength(0);            if (and) {                sb.append("  and "); //$NON-NLS-1$            } else {                sb.append("where "); //$NON-NLS-1$                and = true;            }            sb.append(MyBatis3FormattingUtilities                    .getAliasedEscapedColumnName(introspectedColumn));            sb.append(" = "); //$NON-NLS-1$            sb.append(MyBatis3FormattingUtilities                    .getParameterClause(introspectedColumn));            answer.addElement(new TextElement(sb.toString()));        }        parentElement.addElement(answer);    }}


protected void addSelectByConditionElement(XmlElement parentElement) {        if (introspectedTable.getRules().generateSelectByPrimaryKey()) {            AbstractXmlElementGenerator elementGenerator = new SelectByConditionElementGenerator();            initializeAndExecuteGenerator(elementGenerator, parentElement);        }    }

5.在我们之前修改自定义xml sql id的地方增加调用,XMLMapperGenerator.java的getSqlMapElement()方法修改

protected XmlElement getSqlMapElement() {        FullyQualifiedTable table = introspectedTable.getFullyQualifiedTable();        progressCallback.startTask(getString(                "Progress.12", table.toString())); //$NON-NLS-1$        XmlElement answer = new XmlElement("mapper"); //$NON-NLS-1$        String namespace = introspectedTable.getMyBatis3SqlMapNamespace();        answer.addAttribute(new Attribute("namespace", //$NON-NLS-1$                namespace));        context.getCommentGenerator().addRootComment(answer);//        addResultMapWithoutBLOBsElement(answer);//        addResultMapWithBLOBsElement(answer);//        addExampleWhereClauseElement(answer);//        addMyBatis3UpdateByExampleWhereClauseElement(answer);//        addBaseColumnListElement(answer);//        addBlobColumnListElement(answer);//        addSelectByExampleWithBLOBsElement(answer);//        addSelectByExampleWithoutBLOBsElement(answer);//        addSelectByPrimaryKeyElement(answer);//        addDeleteByPrimaryKeyElement(answer);//        addDeleteByExampleElement(answer);//        addInsertElement(answer);//        addInsertSelectiveElement(answer);//        addCountByExampleElement(answer);//        addUpdateByExampleSelectiveElement(answer);//        addUpdateByExampleWithBLOBsElement(answer);//        addUpdateByExampleWithoutBLOBsElement(answer);//        addUpdateByPrimaryKeySelectiveElement(answer);//        addUpdateByPrimaryKeyWithBLOBsElement(answer);//        addUpdateByPrimaryKeyWithoutBLOBsElement(answer);                addResultMapWithoutBLOBsElement(answer);        addBaseColumnListElement(answer);        addInsertSelectiveElement(answer);        addUpdateByPrimaryKeySelectiveElement(answer);        addDeleteByPrimaryKeyElement(answer);        addSelectByConditionElement(answer); // 增加自定义SQL        return answer;    }

6.自定义sql的代码已经差不多这样了,根据之前的示例我们这次改造的地方其实不是很多,但是很实用;对于这个sql的拼写我只是简单的实现一个select all语句,更加复杂的你可以直接修改SelectByConditionElementGenerator.java实现类


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""><mapper namespace="com.test.dao.QfdSketchMapper">        <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.test.domain.QfdSketch">        <!--          WARNING - @mbg.generated          This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.        -->        <id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />        <result column="courseName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="coursename" />        <result column="courseReq" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="coursereq" />        <result column="teaId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="teaid" />        <result column="teaName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="teaname" />        <result column="stuId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="stuid" />        <result column="stuName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="stuname" />        <result column="stuPhone" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="stuphone" />        <result column="textbookId" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="textbookid" />        <result column="creator" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="creator" />        <result column="lastModifier" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="lastmodifier" />        <result column="countDate" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="countdate" />        <result column="countTime" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="counttime" />        <result column="countStu" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="countstu" />        <result column="sketchType" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="sketchtype" />        <result column="courseStyle" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="coursestyle" />        <result column="classType" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="classtype" />        <result column="process" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="process" />        <result column="courseStatus" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="coursestatus" />        <result column="pay" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="pay" />        <result column="perPay" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="perpay" />        <result column="couponPay" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="couponpay" />        <result column="originalPay" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="originalpay" />        <result column="couponRule" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="couponrule" />        <result column="beginDate" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="begindate" />        <result column="endDate" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="enddate" />        <result column="courseNum" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="coursenum" />        <result column="hasNum" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="hasnum" />        <result column="cancelNum" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="cancelnum" />        <result column="courseNumInput" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="coursenuminput" />        <result column="orderNum" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="ordernum" />        <result column="fav" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="fav" />        <result column="vipLevel" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="viplevel" />        <result column="cancelReason" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="cancelreason" />        <result column="createDate" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="createdate" />        <result column="lastModDate" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="lastmoddate" />        <result column="formatter" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="formatter" />        <result column="status" jdbcType="TINYINT" property="status" />    </resultMap>        <sql id="Base_Column_List">        <!--          WARNING - @mbg.generated          This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.        -->        id, courseName, courseReq, teaId, teaName, stuId, stuName, stuPhone, textbookId,         creator, lastModifier, countDate, countTime, countStu, sketchType, courseStyle, classType,         process, courseStatus, pay, perPay, couponPay, originalPay, couponRule, beginDate,         endDate, courseNum, hasNum, cancelNum, courseNumInput, orderNum, fav, vipLevel, cancelReason,         createDate, lastModDate, formatter, status    </sql>        <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.test.domain.QfdSketch">        <!--          WARNING - @mbg.generated          This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.        -->        insert into qfd_sketch        <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">            <if test="id != null">                id,            </if>            <if test="coursename != null">                courseName,            </if>            <if test="coursereq != null">                courseReq,            </if>            <if test="teaid != null">                teaId,            </if>            <if test="teaname != null">                teaName,            </if>            <if test="stuid != null">                stuId,            </if>            <if test="stuname != null">                stuName,            </if>            <if test="stuphone != null">                stuPhone,            </if>            <if test="textbookid != null">                textbookId,            </if>            <if test="creator != null">                creator,            </if>            <if test="lastmodifier != null">                lastModifier,            </if>            <if test="countdate != null">                countDate,            </if>            <if test="counttime != null">                countTime,            </if>            <if test="countstu != null">                countStu,            </if>            <if test="sketchtype != null">                sketchType,            </if>            <if test="coursestyle != null">                courseStyle,            </if>            <if test="classtype != null">                classType,            </if>            <if test="process != null">                process,            </if>            <if test="coursestatus != null">                courseStatus,            </if>            <if test="pay != null">                pay,            </if>            <if test="perpay != null">                perPay,            </if>            <if test="couponpay != null">                couponPay,            </if>            <if test="originalpay != null">                originalPay,            </if>            <if test="couponrule != null">                couponRule,            </if>            <if test="begindate != null">                beginDate,            </if>            <if test="enddate != null">                endDate,            </if>            <if test="coursenum != null">                courseNum,            </if>            <if test="hasnum != null">                hasNum,            </if>            <if test="cancelnum != null">                cancelNum,            </if>            <if test="coursenuminput != null">                courseNumInput,            </if>            <if test="ordernum != null">                orderNum,            </if>            <if test="fav != null">                fav,            </if>            <if test="viplevel != null">                vipLevel,            </if>            <if test="cancelreason != null">                cancelReason,            </if>            <if test="createdate != null">                createDate,            </if>            <if test="lastmoddate != null">                lastModDate,            </if>            <if test="formatter != null">                formatter,            </if>            <if test="status != null">                status,            </if>        </trim>        <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">            <if test="id != null">                #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="coursename != null">                #{coursename,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="coursereq != null">                #{coursereq,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="teaid != null">                #{teaid,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="teaname != null">                #{teaname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="stuid != null">                #{stuid,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="stuname != null">                #{stuname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="stuphone != null">                #{stuphone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="textbookid != null">                #{textbookid,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="creator != null">                #{creator,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="lastmodifier != null">                #{lastmodifier,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="countdate != null">                #{countdate,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="counttime != null">                #{counttime,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="countstu != null">                #{countstu,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="sketchtype != null">                #{sketchtype,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="coursestyle != null">                #{coursestyle,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="classtype != null">                #{classtype,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="process != null">                #{process,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="coursestatus != null">                #{coursestatus,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="pay != null">                #{pay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="perpay != null">                #{perpay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="couponpay != null">                #{couponpay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="originalpay != null">                #{originalpay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="couponrule != null">                #{couponrule,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="begindate != null">                #{begindate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="enddate != null">                #{enddate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="coursenum != null">                #{coursenum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="hasnum != null">                #{hasnum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="cancelnum != null">                #{cancelnum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="coursenuminput != null">                #{coursenuminput,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="ordernum != null">                #{ordernum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="fav != null">                #{fav,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="viplevel != null">                #{viplevel,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="cancelreason != null">                #{cancelreason,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="createdate != null">                #{createdate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="lastmoddate != null">                #{lastmoddate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="formatter != null">                #{formatter,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="status != null">                #{status,jdbcType=TINYINT},            </if>        </trim>    </insert>        <update id="update" parameterType="com.test.domain.QfdSketch">        <!--          WARNING - @mbg.generated          This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.        -->        update qfd_sketch        <set>            <if test="coursename != null">                courseName = #{coursename,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="coursereq != null">                courseReq = #{coursereq,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="teaid != null">                teaId = #{teaid,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="teaname != null">                teaName = #{teaname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="stuid != null">                stuId = #{stuid,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="stuname != null">                stuName = #{stuname,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="stuphone != null">                stuPhone = #{stuphone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="textbookid != null">                textbookId = #{textbookid,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="creator != null">                creator = #{creator,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="lastmodifier != null">                lastModifier = #{lastmodifier,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="countdate != null">                countDate = #{countdate,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="counttime != null">                countTime = #{counttime,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="countstu != null">                countStu = #{countstu,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="sketchtype != null">                sketchType = #{sketchtype,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="coursestyle != null">                courseStyle = #{coursestyle,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="classtype != null">                classType = #{classtype,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="process != null">                process = #{process,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="coursestatus != null">                courseStatus = #{coursestatus,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="pay != null">                pay = #{pay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="perpay != null">                perPay = #{perpay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="couponpay != null">                couponPay = #{couponpay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="originalpay != null">                originalPay = #{originalpay,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="couponrule != null">                couponRule = #{couponrule,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="begindate != null">                beginDate = #{begindate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="enddate != null">                endDate = #{enddate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="coursenum != null">                courseNum = #{coursenum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="hasnum != null">                hasNum = #{hasnum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="cancelnum != null">                cancelNum = #{cancelnum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="coursenuminput != null">                courseNumInput = #{coursenuminput,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="ordernum != null">                orderNum = #{ordernum,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="fav != null">                fav = #{fav,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="viplevel != null">                vipLevel = #{viplevel,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="cancelreason != null">                cancelReason = #{cancelreason,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="createdate != null">                createDate = #{createdate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="lastmoddate != null">                lastModDate = #{lastmoddate,jdbcType=BIGINT},            </if>            <if test="formatter != null">                formatter = #{formatter,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="status != null">                status = #{status,jdbcType=TINYINT},            </if>        </set>        where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}    </update>        <delete id="delete" parameterType="java.lang.Long">        <!--          WARNING - @mbg.generated          This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.        -->        delete from qfd_sketch        where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}    </delete>        <select id="select" parameterType="java.lang.Long" resultMap="BaseResultMap">        <!--          WARNING - @mbg.generated          This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.        -->        select         <include refid="Base_Column_List" />        from qfd_sketch        where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}    </select></mapper>


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