
来源:互联网 发布:普通话练习软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 10:43

      1. Runtime类封装了运行时的环境。Runntime类允许Java应用程序在他们运行时可以跟运行的环境交互。

      2. 一个Java 应用程序  只有 一个 Runtime 类实例。

      3. Java应用程序不能实例化Runtime对象,但可以通过 getRuntime 方法获取单例的Runtime对象。

      4. 一旦得到了一个当前的Runtime对象的引用,就可以调用Runtime对象的方法去控制Java虚拟机的状态和行为。 

      5. 当Applet和其他不被信任的代码调用任何Runtime方法时,常常会引起SecurityException异常。

Public MethodsvoidaddShutdownHook(Thread hook)

Registers a VM shutdown hook.
Returns the number of processor cores available to the VM, at least 1.
Processexec(String[] progArray, String[] envp)
Executes the specified command and its arguments in a separate native process.
Processexec(String prog, String[] envp, File directory)
Executes the specified program in a separate native process.
Processexec(String[] progArray, String[] envp, File directory)
Executes the specified command and its arguments in a separate native process.
Processexec(String prog, String[] envp)
Executes the specified program in a separate native process.
Processexec(String prog)
Executes the specified program in a separate native process.
Processexec(String[] progArray)
Executes the specified command and its arguments in a separate native process.
voidexit(int code)
Causes the VM to stop running and the program to exit.
Returns the number of bytes currently available on the heap without expanding the heap.
Indicates to the VM that it would be a good time to run the garbage collector.
InputStreamgetLocalizedInputStream(InputStream stream)
This method was deprecated in API level 1. Use InputStreamReader instead.
OutputStreamgetLocalizedOutputStream(OutputStream stream)
This method was deprecated in API level 1. Use OutputStreamWriter instead.
static RuntimegetRuntime()
Returns the single Runtime instance for the current application.
voidhalt(int code)
Causes the VM to stop running, and the program to exit with the given return code.
voidload(String absolutePath)
Loads the shared library found at the given absolute path.
voidloadLibrary(String nickname)
Loads a shared library.
Returns the maximum number of bytes the heap can expand to.
booleanremoveShutdownHook(Thread hook)
Unregisters a previously registered VM shutdown hook.
Provides a hint to the runtime that it would be useful to attempt to perform any outstanding object finalization.
static voidrunFinalizersOnExit(boolean run)
This method was deprecated in API level 1. This method is unsafe.
Returns the number of bytes taken by the heap at its current size.
voidtraceInstructions(boolean enable)
Switches the output of debug information for instructions on or off.
voidtraceMethodCalls(boolean enable)
Switches the output of debug information for methods on or off.


class MemoryDemo{         public static void main(String args[]){                 Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();                 long mem1,mem2;                 Integer someints[] = new Integer[1000];                 System.out.println("Total memory is :" + r.totalMemory());                 mem1 = r.freeMemory();                 System.out.println("Initial free is : " + mem1);                 r.gc();                 mem1 = r.freeMemory();                 System.out.println("Free memory after garbage collection : " + mem1);                 //allocate integers                 for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) someints[i] = new Integer(i);                    mem2 = r.freeMemory();                 System.out.println("Free memory after allocation : " + mem2);                 System.out.println("Memory used by allocation : " +(mem1-mem2));                    //discard Intergers                 for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) someints[i] = null;                 r.gc(); //request garbage collection                 mem2 = r.freeMemory();                 System.out.println("Free memory after collecting " + "discarded integers : " + mem2);         } }
Total memory is :2031616
Initial free is : 1818488
Free memory after garbage collection : 1888808
Free memory after allocation : 1872224
Memory used by allocation : 16584
Free memory after collecting discarded integers : 1888808


class ExecDemo {         public static void main(String args[]){                 Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();                 Process p = null;                 try{                         p = r.exec("notepad");                 } catch (Exception e) {                         System.out.println("Error executing notepad.");                 }         } }

class ExecDemoFini {    public static void main(String args[]){        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();        Process p = null;        try{            p = r.exec("notepad");            p.waitFor();        } catch (Exception e) {            System.out.println("Error executing notepad.");        }        System.out.println("Notepad returned " + p.exitValue());    }}

Notepad returned 0


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