
来源:互联网 发布:互助保险 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:33


1 调用Context对象的getSharedPreferences()方法
2 调用Activity对象的getPreferences()方法








/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package android.content;import android.annotation.Nullable;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Set;/** * Interface for accessing and modifying preference data returned by {@link * Context#getSharedPreferences}.  For any particular set of preferences, * there is a single instance of this class that all clients share. * Modifications to the preferences must go through an {@link Editor} object * to ensure the preference values remain in a consistent state and control * when they are committed to storage.  Objects that are returned from the * various <code>get</code> methods must be treated as immutable by the application. * * <p><em>Note: currently this class does not support use across multiple * processes.  This will be added later.</em> * * <div class="special reference"> * <h3>Developer Guides</h3> * <p>For more information about using SharedPreferences, read the * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#pref">Data Storage</a> * developer guide.</p></div> * * @see Context#getSharedPreferences */public interface SharedPreferences {    /**     * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a shared     * preference is changed.     */    public interface OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {        /**         * Called when a shared preference is changed, added, or removed. This         * may be called even if a preference is set to its existing value.         *         * <p>This callback will be run on your main thread.         *         * @param sharedPreferences The {@link SharedPreferences} that received         *            the change.         * @param key The key of the preference that was changed, added, or         *            removed.         */        void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key);    }    /**     * Interface used for modifying values in a {@link SharedPreferences}     * object.  All changes you make in an editor are batched, and not copied     * back to the original {@link SharedPreferences} until you call {@link #commit}     * or {@link #apply}     */    public interface Editor {        /**         * Set a String value in the preferences editor, to be written back once         * {@link #commit} or {@link #apply} are called.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to modify.         * @param value The new value for the preference.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor putString(String key, @Nullable String value);        /**         * Set a set of String values in the preferences editor, to be written         * back once {@link #commit} or {@link #apply} is called.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to modify.         * @param values The set of new values for the preference.  Passing {@code null}         *    for this argument is equivalent to calling {@link #remove(String)} with         *    this key.         * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor putStringSet(String key, @Nullable Set<String> values);        /**         * Set an int value in the preferences editor, to be written back once         * {@link #commit} or {@link #apply} are called.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to modify.         * @param value The new value for the preference.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor putInt(String key, int value);        /**         * Set a long value in the preferences editor, to be written back once         * {@link #commit} or {@link #apply} are called.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to modify.         * @param value The new value for the preference.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor putLong(String key, long value);        /**         * Set a float value in the preferences editor, to be written back once         * {@link #commit} or {@link #apply} are called.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to modify.         * @param value The new value for the preference.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor putFloat(String key, float value);        /**         * Set a boolean value in the preferences editor, to be written back         * once {@link #commit} or {@link #apply} are called.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to modify.         * @param value The new value for the preference.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor putBoolean(String key, boolean value);        /**         * Mark in the editor that a preference value should be removed, which         * will be done in the actual preferences once {@link #commit} is         * called.         *          * <p>Note that when committing back to the preferences, all removals         * are done first, regardless of whether you called remove before         * or after put methods on this editor.         *          * @param key The name of the preference to remove.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor remove(String key);        /**         * Mark in the editor to remove <em>all</em> values from the         * preferences.  Once commit is called, the only remaining preferences         * will be any that you have defined in this editor.         *          * <p>Note that when committing back to the preferences, the clear         * is done first, regardless of whether you called clear before         * or after put methods on this editor.         *          * @return Returns a reference to the same Editor object, so you can         * chain put calls together.         */        Editor clear();        /**         * Commit your preferences changes back from this Editor to the         * {@link SharedPreferences} object it is editing.  This atomically         * performs the requested modifications, replacing whatever is currently         * in the SharedPreferences.         *         * <p>Note that when two editors are modifying preferences at the same         * time, the last one to call commit wins.         *         * <p>If you don't care about the return value and you're         * using this from your application's main thread, consider         * using {@link #apply} instead.         *         * @return Returns true if the new values were successfully written         * to persistent storage.         */        boolean commit();        /**         * Commit your preferences changes back from this Editor to the         * {@link SharedPreferences} object it is editing.  This atomically         * performs the requested modifications, replacing whatever is currently         * in the SharedPreferences.         *         * <p>Note that when two editors are modifying preferences at the same         * time, the last one to call apply wins.         *         * <p>Unlike {@link #commit}, which writes its preferences out         * to persistent storage synchronously, {@link #apply}         * commits its changes to the in-memory         * {@link SharedPreferences} immediately but starts an         * asynchronous commit to disk and you won't be notified of         * any failures.  If another editor on this         * {@link SharedPreferences} does a regular {@link #commit}         * while a {@link #apply} is still outstanding, the         * {@link #commit} will block until all async commits are         * completed as well as the commit itself.         *         * <p>As {@link SharedPreferences} instances are singletons within         * a process, it's safe to replace any instance of {@link #commit} with         * {@link #apply} if you were already ignoring the return value.         *         * <p>You don't need to worry about Android component         * lifecycles and their interaction with <code>apply()</code>         * writing to disk.  The framework makes sure in-flight disk         * writes from <code>apply()</code> complete before switching         * states.         *         * <p class='note'>The SharedPreferences.Editor interface         * isn't expected to be implemented directly.  However, if you         * previously did implement it and are now getting errors         * about missing <code>apply()</code>, you can simply call         * {@link #commit} from <code>apply()</code>.         */        void apply();    }    /**     * Retrieve all values from the preferences.     *     * <p>Note that you <em>must not</em> modify the collection returned     * by this method, or alter any of its contents.  The consistency of your     * stored data is not guaranteed if you do.     *     * @return Returns a map containing a list of pairs key/value representing     * the preferences.     *     * @throws NullPointerException     */    Map<String, ?> getAll();    /**     * Retrieve a String value from the preferences.     *      * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.     * @param defValue Value to return if this preference does not exist.     *      * @return Returns the preference value if it exists, or defValue.  Throws     * ClassCastException if there is a preference with this name that is not     * a String.     *      * @throws ClassCastException     */    @Nullable    String getString(String key, @Nullable String defValue);    /**     * Retrieve a set of String values from the preferences.     *      * <p>Note that you <em>must not</em> modify the set instance returned     * by this call.  The consistency of the stored data is not guaranteed     * if you do, nor is your ability to modify the instance at all.     *     * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.     * @param defValues Values to return if this preference does not exist.     *      * @return Returns the preference values if they exist, or defValues.     * Throws ClassCastException if there is a preference with this name     * that is not a Set.     *      * @throws ClassCastException     */    @Nullable    Set<String> getStringSet(String key, @Nullable Set<String> defValues);    /**     * Retrieve an int value from the preferences.     *      * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.     * @param defValue Value to return if this preference does not exist.     *      * @return Returns the preference value if it exists, or defValue.  Throws     * ClassCastException if there is a preference with this name that is not     * an int.     *      * @throws ClassCastException     */    int getInt(String key, int defValue);    /**     * Retrieve a long value from the preferences.     *      * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.     * @param defValue Value to return if this preference does not exist.     *      * @return Returns the preference value if it exists, or defValue.  Throws     * ClassCastException if there is a preference with this name that is not     * a long.     *      * @throws ClassCastException     */    long getLong(String key, long defValue);    /**     * Retrieve a float value from the preferences.     *      * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.     * @param defValue Value to return if this preference does not exist.     *      * @return Returns the preference value if it exists, or defValue.  Throws     * ClassCastException if there is a preference with this name that is not     * a float.     *      * @throws ClassCastException     */    float getFloat(String key, float defValue);    /**     * Retrieve a boolean value from the preferences.     *      * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.     * @param defValue Value to return if this preference does not exist.     *      * @return Returns the preference value if it exists, or defValue.  Throws     * ClassCastException if there is a preference with this name that is not     * a boolean.     *      * @throws ClassCastException     */    boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defValue);    /**     * Checks whether the preferences contains a preference.     *      * @param key The name of the preference to check.     * @return Returns true if the preference exists in the preferences,     *         otherwise false.     */    boolean contains(String key);    /**     * Create a new Editor for these preferences, through which you can make     * modifications to the data in the preferences and atomically commit those     * changes back to the SharedPreferences object.     *      * <p>Note that you <em>must</em> call {@link Editor#commit} to have any     * changes you perform in the Editor actually show up in the     * SharedPreferences.     *      * @return Returns a new instance of the {@link Editor} interface, allowing     * you to modify the values in this SharedPreferences object.     */    Editor edit();    /**     * Registers a callback to be invoked when a change happens to a preference.     *     * <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> The preference manager does     * not currently store a strong reference to the listener. You must store a     * strong reference to the listener, or it will be susceptible to garbage     * collection. We recommend you keep a reference to the listener in the     * instance data of an object that will exist as long as you need the     * listener.</p>     *     * @param listener The callback that will run.     * @see #unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener     */    void registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener listener);    /**     * Unregisters a previous callback.     *      * @param listener The callback that should be unregistered.     * @see #registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener     */    void unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener listener);}
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