
来源:互联网 发布:结婚照相册制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/27 20:38
select c.*,max(cb.last_follow_time) as last_follow_time,cb.create_time as block_create_time from c_block cb 
left join customer c on c.id=cb.customer_id 
where cb.staff_id=76 and cb.give_up_time is null and cb.customer_id not in (
    select customer_id from bill_staff bs 
    left join bill_customer bc on bs.b_id=bc.b_id 
    where bs.staff_id=76 and customer_id is not null
) and cb.last_follow_time >-863999998580524166 and cb.customer_type in (1) and (c.tel like '%18846836939%' or c.id in (
    select c_id from c_contact where c_mobile like '%18846836939%' or c_workphone like '%18846836939%'
)) group by cb.customer_id order by max(cb.last_follow_time) desc LIMIT 0,10; # Query_time: 96.351328 Lock_time: 0.000313 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 119820131



ALTER TABLE `c_contact` ADD INDEX(`c_workphone`);ALTER TABLE `c_contact` ADD INDEX(`c_mobile`);


ALTER TABLE `bill_customer` ADD INDEX(`b_id`);ALTER TABLE `bill_customer` ADD INDEX(`customer_id`);


ALTER TABLE `bill_staff` ADD INDEX(`b_id`);


select c.*,max(cb.last_follow_time) as last_follow_time,cb.create_time as block_create_time from customer_block cb left join customer c on c.id=cb.customer_id where cb.staff_id=76 and cb.give_up_time is null and cb.customer_id not in (select customer_id from bill_staff bs left join bill_customer bc on bs.b_id=bc.b_id where bs.staff_id=76 and customer_id is not null) and cb.last_follow_time >-863999998580524166 and cb.customer_type in (1) and (c.tel = '18846836939' or c.id in (select c_id from c_contact where c_mobile = '18846836939' or c_workphone = '18846836939')) group by cb.customer_id order by max(cb.last_follow_time) desc

ps:条件中有last_follow_time >-863999998580524166。很明显这个数值是有问题的,这个是程序逻辑错误,可根据业务逻辑继续优化应用端

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