
来源:互联网 发布:mysql 忘了密码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 08:44

3.2 Producer Configs

Below is the configuration of the Java producer:



A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the formhost1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is down).


list  highkey.serializer

Serializer class for key that implements theSerializer interface


class  highvalue.serializer

Serializer class for value that implements theSerializer interface


class  highacks

The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent. The following settings are allowed:


  • acks=0 If set to zero then the producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server at all. The record will be immediately added to the socket buffer and considered sent. No guarantee can be made that the server has received the record in this case, and theretries configuration will not take effect (as the client won't generally know of any failures). The offset given back for each record will always be set to -1. ack=0, 如果设置为0,则表明producer不要等待server的任何写入确认。记录会立刻添加到socket buffer,然后认为是发送了。这种情况下,无法保证server是否确实收到了消息,同时retries这个配置不起作用,请求返回应答中的offset通常设置为-1
  • acks=1 This will mean the leader will write the record to its local log but will respond without awaiting full acknowledgement from all followers. In this case should the leader fail immediately after acknowledging the record but before the followers have replicated it then the record will be lost.只要leader确认写入本地日志了就可以返回应答了,不需要等待所有follower同步成功。这种情况下,如果leader写入本地之后立马返回确认应答,但是此时follower没有同步这条消息,同时leader如果挂掉,则这条消息丢失了
  • acks=all This means the leader will wait for the full set of in-sync replicas to acknowledge the record. This guarantees that the record will not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica remains alive. This is the strongest available guarantee. This is equivalent to the acks=-1 setting.这种情况下要求leader在收到所有活跃备份节点确认写入的消息之后才能回馈确认写入的消息给producer。这种方式可以保证只要有一个备份节点活跃,消息就不会丢。这是最强的保证。这个和acks=-1相同
string1[all, -1, 0, 1]highbuffer.memoryThe total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. If records are sent faster than they can be delivered to the server the producer will block for max.block.ms after which it will throw an exception.

This setting should correspond roughly to the total memory the producer will use, but is not a hard bound since not all memory the producer uses is used for buffering. Some additional memory will be used for compression (if compression is enabled) as well as for maintaining in-flight requests.




The compression type for all data generated by the producer. The default is none (i.e. no compression). Valid values are nonegzipsnappy, or lz4. Compression is of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching will also impact the compression ratio (more batching means better compression).


stringnone highretries

Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error. Note that this retry is no different than if the client resent the record upon receiving the error. Allowing retries without settingmax.in.flight.requests.per.connection to 1 will potentially change the ordering of records because if two batches are sent to a single partition, and the first fails and is retried but the second succeeds, then the records in the second batch may appear first.



The password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client.


passwordnull highssl.keystore.location

The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.


stringnull highssl.keystore.password

The store password for the key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured.


passwordnull highssl.truststore.location

The location of the trust store file.


stringnull highssl.truststore.password

The password for the trust store file.


passwordnull highbatch.sizeThe producer will attempt to batch records together into fewer requests whenever multiple records are being sent to the same partition. This helps performance on both the client and the server. This configuration controls the default batch size in bytes.

No attempt will be made to batch records larger than this size.

Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple batches, one for each partition with data available to be sent.

A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce throughput (a batch size of zero will disable batching entirely). A very large batch size may use memory a bit more wastefully as we will always allocate a buffer of the specified batch size in anticipation of additional records.






An id string to pass to the server when making requests. The purpose of this is to be able to track the source of requests beyond just ip/port by allowing a logical application name to be included in server-side request logging.



string"" mediumconnections.max.idle.ms

Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config.


long540000 mediumlinger.ms

The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay—that is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle's algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once we getbatch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting linger.ms=5, for example, would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of load.



The configuration controls how longKafkaProducer.send() andKafkaProducer.partitionsFor() will block.These methods can be blocked either because the buffer is full or metadata unavailable.Blocking in the user-supplied serializers or partitioner will not be counted against this timeout.



The maximum size of a request in bytes. This is also effectively a cap on the maximum record size. Note that the server has its own cap on record size which may be different from this. This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests.



Partitioner class that implements the Partitionerinterface.


classclass org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner mediumreceive.buffer.bytes

The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used



The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted.



The Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as. This can be defined either in Kafka's JAAS config or in Kafka's config.

kafka运行的Kerberos主机名。可以在Kafka's JAAS配置或者Kafka's 配置中定义。

stringnull mediumsasl.mechanism

SASL mechanism used for client connections. This may be any mechanism for which a security provider is available. GSSAPI is the default mechanism.


stringGSSAPI mediumsecurity.protocol

Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL.

brokers之间通信使用的安全协议。正确值为:PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL.

stringPLAINTEXT mediumsend.buffer.bytes

The size of the TCP send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. If the value is -1, the OS default will be used.



The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections.


list[TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1] mediumssl.keystore.type

The file format of the key store file. This is optional for client.


stringJKS mediumssl.protocol

The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities.


stringTLS mediumssl.provider

The name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM.


stringnull mediumssl.truststore.type

The file format of the trust store file.


stringJKS mediumtimeout.ms

The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the server will wait for acknowledgments from followers to meet the acknowledgment requirements the producer has specified with the acks configuration. If the requested number of acknowledgments are not met when the timeout elapses an error will be returned. This timeout is measured on the server side and does not include the network latency of the request.


int30000[0,...]mediumblock.on.buffer.fullWhen our memory buffer is exhausted we must either stop accepting new records (block) or throw errors. By default this setting is false and the producer will no longer throw a BufferExhaustException but instead will use themax.block.ms value to block, after which it will throw a TimeoutException. Setting this property to true will set the max.block.ms to Long.MAX_VALUE. Also if this property is set to true, parametermetadata.fetch.timeout.ms is no longer honored.

This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Parameter max.block.ms should be used instead.


booleanfalse lowinterceptor.classes

A list of classes to use as interceptors. Implementing theProducerInterceptor interface allows you to intercept (and possibly mutate) the records received by the producer before they are published to the Kafka cluster. By default, there are no interceptors.


listnull lowmax.in.flight.requests.per.connection

The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking. Note that if this setting is set to be greater than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled).



The first time data is sent to a topic we must fetch metadata about that topic to know which servers host the topic's partitions. This config specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, for this fetch to succeed before throwing an exception back to the client.



The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven't seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions.



A list of classes to use as metrics reporters. Implementing the MetricReporter interface allows plugging in classes that will be notified of new metric creation. The JmxReporter is always included to register JMX statistics.


list[] lowmetrics.num.samples

The number of samples maintained to compute metrics.



The window of time a metrics sample is computed over.



The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. This avoids repeatedly connecting to a host in a tight loop. This backoff applies to all requests sent by the consumer to the broker.



The amount of time to wait before attempting to retry a failed request to a given topic partition. This avoids repeatedly sending requests in a tight loop under some failure scenarios.



Kerberos kinit command path.

Kerberos kinit命令路径

string/usr/bin/kinit lowsasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin

Login thread sleep time between refresh attempts.


long60000 lowsasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter

Percentage of random jitter added to the renewal time.


double0.05 lowsasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor

Login thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh to ticket's expiry has been reached, at which time it will try to renew the ticket.


double0.8 lowssl.cipher.suites

A list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol. By default all the available cipher suites are supported.

密码套件列表。 这是一种集认证,加密,MAC和密钥交换算法一块的命名组合,用于使用TLS或SSL网络协议协商网络连接的安全设置。 默认情况下,支持所有可用的密码套件。

listnull lowssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm

The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate.


stringnull lowssl.keymanager.algorithm

The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine.

密钥管理器工厂用于SSL连接的算法。 默认值是为Java虚拟机配置的密钥管理器工厂算法。

stringSunX509 lowssl.secure.random.implementation

The SecureRandom PRNG implementation to use for SSL cryptography operations.

用于SSL加密操作的SecureRandom PRNG实现。

stringnull lowssl.trustmanager.algorithm

The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine.


stringPKIX low

For those interested in the legacy Scala producer configs, information can be found here.


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