freemarker 模板生成 文件

来源:互联网 发布:java中bean是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 08:51



package com.cs.qdog.swift.objects;    public class F32B {        private Double amount;      private String currency;        public Double getAmount() {          return amount;      }        public void setAmount(Double amount) {          this.amount = amount;      }        public String getCurrency() {          return currency;      }        public void setCurrency(String currency) {          this.currency = currency;      }  }  


package com.cs.qdog.swift.objects;    public class ${class} {      <#list properties as prop>      private ${prop.type} ${};    </#list>      <#list properties as prop>      public ${prop.type} get${}(){        return ${};      }      public void set${}(${prop.type} ${}){        this.${} = ${};      }    </#list>      }   

java 代码

    package com.cs.qdog.swift.objects;            import;      import;      import;      import;      import java.util.Collection;      import java.util.HashMap;      import java.util.HashSet;      import java.util.Map;            import freemarker.template.Configuration;      import freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper;      import freemarker.template.Template;      import freemarker.template.TemplateException;            public class GenObjects {                public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,                  TemplateException {                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */              /* You usually do it only once in the whole application life-cycle: */                    /* Create and adjust the configuration */              Configuration cfg = new Configuration();              cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(                      "D:/Temp/EclipseWorkSpace/GenSwiftFields/templates"));  //模板父路径            cfg.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());                    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */              /* You usually do these for many times in the application life-cycle: */                    /* Get or create a template */              Template temp = cfg.getTemplate("SwiftFieldClass.");  //模板文件,相对于setDirectoryForTemplateLoading设置的路径                  /* Create a data-model */              Map<String, Object> root = new HashMap<String, Object>();  //注意必须有一个根结点 data-model            root.put("class", "F32B");              Collection<Map<String, String>> properties = new HashSet<Map<String, String>>();              root.put("properties", properties);                    /* subfield 1: currency */              Map<String, String> currency = new HashMap<String, String>();              currency.put("name", "currency");              currency.put("type", "String");              properties.add(currency);                    /* subfield 2: amount */              Map<String, String> amount = new HashMap<String, String>();              amount.put("name", "amount");              amount.put("type", "Double");              properties.add(amount);                    /* Merge data-model with template */              String targetPath="***";//生成的目标文件的父目录            String targetFile="****";//生成目标文件的名字            if (!targetPath.exists())                targetPath.mkdirs();             File targetFile = new File(targetBasePath,targetFileName);                if (!targetFile.exists())                    targetFile.createNewFile();            Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(targetFile), "UTF-8"));              temp.process(root, out);              out.flush();          }            }  

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