
来源:互联网 发布:kvm虚拟机网络配置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:35

1 简介

HAProxy 是单线程,事件驱动架构。


2 haproxy的工作模型图



3 haproxy与各负载均衡器的区别?


roundrobin 动态,加权轮询,所谓动态就是可以实时生效,不用重启服务,但是连接数受限,最多支持4128
static-rr 静态轮询,需重启服务
leastconn 动态,根据后端主机的负载数量进行调度
source 类似源地址hash,可以指定hash-type ,有map-based(取膜法,静态), consistent(一致性哈希,动态)
uri 类似于DH算法,目标地址哈希,可以指定hash-type ,有map-based(取膜法,静态), consistent(一致性哈希,动态)
hdr():根据请求报文中指定的header(User-agent,referer,hostname,cookie)进行调度,把指定的header的值做hash计算;可根据header首部来进行调度,非常强大,比如根据User-Agent浏览器类型来进行调度,可以指定hash-type ,有map-based(取膜法,静态), consistent(一致性哈希,动态)

4 Companion products and alternatives**

HAProxy integrates fairly well with certain products listed below, which is why
they are mentionned here even if not directly related to HAProxy.
4.1. Apache HTTP server
Apache is the de-facto standard HTTP server. It’s a very complete and modular
project supporting both file serving and dynamic contents. It can serve as a
frontend for some application servers. In can even proxy requests and cache
responses. In all of these use cases, a front load balancer is commonly needed.
Apache can work in various modes, certain being heavier than other ones. Certain
modules still require the heavier pre-forked model and will prevent Apache from
scaling well with a high number of connections. In this case HAProxy can provide
a tremendous help by enforcing the per-server connection limits to a safe value
and will significantly speed up the server and preserve its resources that will
be better used by the application.

Apache can extract the client’s address from the X-Forwarded-For header by using
the “mod_rpaf” extension. HAProxy will automatically feed this header when
“option forwardfor” is specified in its configuration. HAProxy may also offer a
nice protection to Apache when exposed to the internet, where it will better
resist to a wide number of types of DoS.
4.2. NGINX
NGINX is the second de-facto standard HTTP server. Just like Apache, it covers a
wide range of features. NGINX is built on a similar model as HAProxy so it has
no problem dealing with tens of thousands of concurrent connections. When used
as a gateway to some applications (eg: using the included PHP FPM), it can often
be beneficial to set up some frontend connection limiting to reduce the load
on the PHP application. HAProxy will clearly be useful there both as a regular
load balancer and as the traffic regulator to speed up PHP by decongestionning
it. Also since both products use very little CPU thanks to their event-driven
architecture, it’s often easy to install both of them on the same system. NGINX
implements HAProxy’s PROXY protocol, thus it is easy for HAProxy to pass the
client’s connection information to NGINX so that the application gets all the
relevant information. Some benchmarks have also shown that for large static
file serving, implementing consistent hash on HAProxy in front of NGINX can be
beneficial by optimizing the OS’ cache hit ratio, which is basically multiplied
by the number of server nodes.
4.3. Varnish
Varnish is a smart caching reverse-proxy, probably best described as a web
application accelerator. Varnish doesn’t implement SSL/TLS and wants to dedicate
all of its CPU cycles to what it does best. Varnish also implements HAProxy’s
PROXY protocol so that HAProxy can very easily be deployed in front of Varnish
as an SSL offloader as well as a load balancer and pass it all relevant client
information. Also, Varnish naturally supports decompression from the cache when
a server has provided a compressed object, but doesn’t compress however. HAProxy
can then be used to compress outgoing data when backend servers do not implement
compression, though it’s rarely a good idea to compress on the load balancer
unless the traffic is low.

When building large caching farms across multiple nodes, HAProxy can make use of
consistent URL hashing to intelligently distribute the load to the caching nodes
and avoid cache duplication, resulting in a total cache size which is the sum of
all caching nodes.
4.4. Alternatives
Linux Virtual Server (LVS or IPVS) is the layer 4 load balancer included within
the Linux kernel. It works at the packet level and handles TCP and UDP. In most
cases it’s more a complement than an alternative since it doesn’t have layer 7
knowledge at all.

Pound is another well-known load balancer. It’s much simpler and has much less
features than HAProxy but for many very basic setups both can be used. Its
author has always focused on code auditability first and wants to maintain the
set of features low. Its thread-based architecture scales less well with high
connection counts, but it’s a good product.

Pen is a quite light load balancer. It supports SSL, maintains persistence using
a fixed-size table of its clients’ IP addresses. It supports a packet-oriented
mode allowing it to support direct server return and UDP to some extents. It is
meant for small loads (the persistence table only has 2048 entries).

NGINX can do some load balancing to some extents, though it’s clearly not its
primary function. Production traffic is used to detect server failures, the
load balancing algorithms are more limited, and the stickiness is very limited.
But it can make sense in some simple deployment scenarios where it is already
present. The good thing is that since it integrates very well with HAProxy,
there’s nothing wrong with adding HAProxy later when its limits have been faced.

Varnish also does some load balancing of its backend servers and does support
real health checks. It doesn’t implement stickiness however, so just like with
NGINX, as long as stickiness is not needed that can be enough to start with.
And similarly, since HAProxy and Varnish integrate so well together, it’s easy
to add it later into the mix to complement the feature set.

5 安装


root@haproxy:/opt# apt-cache search haproxyhaproxy - fast and reliable load balancing reverse proxyroot@haproxy:/opt# apt-get install haproxy


6 实例


root@haproxy:/opt# cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg global    log /dev/log    local0    log /dev/log    local1 notice    chroot /var/lib/haproxy    user haproxy    group haproxy    daemondefaults    log global    mode    http    option  dontlognull        contimeout 5000        clitimeout 50000        srvtimeout 50000    errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http    errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http    errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http    errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http    errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http    errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http    errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.httpfrontend loadbalancer    bind *:80    default_backend loadbalancer-serversbackend loadbalancer-servers    balance leastconn    server loadbalancer-server-2    server loadbalancer-server-2


HAProxy is a TCP proxy, not a router.

netstat -ltnp

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1629/sshd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2847/haproxy
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2847/haproxy

root@haproxy:/opt/guestagent/guestagent/haproxy# netstat -antplActive Internet connections (servers and established)Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program nametcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1295/haproxy    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1295/haproxy    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1295/haproxy    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1295/haproxy    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1295/haproxy    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      998/sshd        tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1295/haproxy    

1 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-06/118968.htm
2 http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/intro.html

0 0