/lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found问题

来源:互联网 发布:移动宽带网络客服电话 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/28 05:17

今天运行一个例程,出现了/lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found问题,把解决过程简单记录一下。

系统环境: centos6.2 


[root@localhost nvEncodeApp]# ./nvEncoder ./nvEncoder: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./nvEncoder)


[root@localhost build]# strings /lib64/libc.so.6 |grep GLIBCGLIBC_2.2.5GLIBC_2.2.6GLIBC_2.3GLIBC_2.3.2GLIBC_2.3.3GLIBC_2.3.4GLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.5GLIBC_2.6GLIBC_2.7GLIBC_2.8GLIBC_2.9GLIBC_2.10GLIBC_2.11GLIBC_2.12GLIBC_PRIVATE


1. glibc下载

从http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/ 下载源代码。我下载的版本是2.14,链接地址是http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.14.tar.gz。

2. 安装


[root@localhost ~]# tar xvf glibc-2.14.tar.gz[root@localhost ~]# cd glibc-2.14[root@localhost glibc-2.14]# mkdir build[root@localhost glibc-2.14]# cd ./build[root@localhost build]# ../configure --prefix=/opt/glibc-2.14[root@localhost build]# make -j4[root@localhost build]# make install

3. 测试

[root@localhost nvEncodeApp]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.14/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH[root@localhost nvEncodeApp]# ./nvEncoder Error!  Command line paramters -outFile is required in order to run this application[ NVENC 3.0 Command Line Encoder]Usage: nvEncoder -configFile=config.txt -numFramesToEncode=numFramesToEncode -outFile=output.264 <optional params>> Encoder Test Application Parameters   [maxNumberEncoders=n] n=number of encoders to use when multiple GPUs are detected> Optional Parameters to be Set from ConfigFile Or from Command Line   [frameNum]           Start Frame (within input file)   [bitrate]            Video Bitrate of output file (eg: n=6000000 for 6 mbps)   [maxbitrate]         Video Bitrate of output file (eg: n=6000000 for 6 mbps)   [rcMode]             Rate Control Mode (0=Constant QP, 1=VBR, 2=CBR, 4=VBR_MinQP, 8=Two-Pass CBR   [enableInitialRCQP]  Enable Initial Frame RC QP mode setting   [initialQPI]         Initial Frame QP for Intra Frame   [initialQPP]         Initial Frame QP for Inter P-Frame   [initialQPB]         Initial Frame QP for Inter B-Frame   [frameRateNum]       Frame Rate numerator   (default = 30000)  (numerator/denominator = 29.97fps)   [frameRateDen]       Frame Rate denominator (default =  1001)   [gopLength]          Specify GOP length (N=distance between I-Frames)   [profile]            H.264 Codec Profile (n=profile #)                           66  = (Baseline)                           77  = (Main Profile)                           100 = (High Profile)   [numSlices]          Specify Number of Slices to be encoded per Frame   [preset]             Specify the encoding preset                         -1 = No preset                          0 = NV_ENC_PRESET_DEFAULT                          1 = NV_ENC_PRESET_LOW_LATENCY_DEFAULT                          2 = NV_ENC_PRESET_HP                          3 = NV_ENC_PRESET_HQ                          4 = NV_ENC_PRESET_BD                          5 = NV_ENC_PRESET_LOW_LATENCY_HQ                          6 = NV_ENC_PRESET_LOW_LATENCY_HP   [numBFrames]         Number fo B frames between P successive frames   [syncMode]           Run NvEnc in sync Mode if set   [interfaceType]      Run NvEnc at specified Interface                           0  = (DX9)                           1  = (DX11)                           2  = (cuda)                           3  = (DX10)   [vbvBufferSize]      HRD buffer size. For low latancy it should be less or equal to single frame size   [vbvInitialDelay]    Initial HRD bufffer Fullness   [fieldMode]          Field Encoding Mode (0=Frame, 1=Field)   [level])             Codec Level value    [inFile])            InputClip    [enablePtd])         if set picture type decision will be taken by EncodeAPI    [reconfigFile]       Reconfiguration will occur after the frameNum mentioned in reconfig file with specified param
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