exercise 10

来源:互联网 发布:联通客服上门调网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 01:22
print "I am 6'2\" tall."  \" to mean" in case mistake with ending
print 'I am 6\'2" tall.'tabby_cat="\t I'm tabbed in." persian_cat="I'm split\non a line."backslash_cat="I'm \\ a \\ cat."fat_cat = """I'll do a list:\t* Cat food\t* Fishies\t* Catnip\n\t* Grass"""print tabby_catprint persian_catprint backslash_catprint fat_cat

Here's a tiny piece of fun code to try out:

while True:    for i in ["/","-","|","\\","|"]:        print "%s\r" % i,
解释:\r表示回到行首 所以循环输出 | // | - / 上面倒着顺序?????
persian_cat = "I'm spliton\v %s line." % "a"
persian_cat = "I\'m spliton \"%s\" %r." % ("a", "line")
I'm spliton "a" 'line'.
\(在行尾) 续行,表示不换行
\\ 反斜杠
\' 单引号
\" 双引号
\a 响铃
\b 退格,表示删除前面一个字符
\t 水平制表符
\v 垂直制表符,表示换行,然后从\v的地方开始输出。
\n 换行
\f 换页
\r 回车 回到行首
EscapeWhat it does.\\Backslash (\)\'Single-quote (')\"Double-quote (")\aASCII bell (BEL)\bASCII backspace (BS)\fASCII formfeed (FF)\nASCII linefeed (LF)\N{name}Character named name in the Unicode database (Unicode only)\rCarriage Return (CR)\tHorizontal Tab (TAB)\uxxxxCharacter with 16-bit hex value xxxx (u'' string only)\UxxxxxxxxCharacter with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx (u'' string only)\vASCII vertical tab (VT)\ooo
Character with octal value ooo
\xhhCharacter with hex value hh
0 0