
来源:互联网 发布:华硕网络视频电话 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 08:03
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.#ifndef STORAGE_LEVELDB_UTIL_ARENA_H_#define STORAGE_LEVELDB_UTIL_ARENA_H_#include <vector>#include <assert.h>#include <stddef.h>#include <stdint.h>namespace leveldb {class Arena { public:  Arena();  ~Arena();  // Return a pointer to a newly allocated memory block of "bytes" bytes.  char* Allocate(size_t bytes);  // Allocate memory with the normal alignment guarantees provided by malloc  char* AllocateAligned(size_t bytes);  // Returns an estimate of the total memory usage of data allocated  // by the arena (including space allocated but not yet used for user  // allocations).  // 返回当前占用的内存,包括block以及std::vector占用  size_t MemoryUsage() const {    return blocks_memory_ + blocks_.capacity() * sizeof(char*);  } private:  char* AllocateFallback(size_t bytes); // 如果旧的block空间不够,则申请一个新的block  char* AllocateNewBlock(size_t block_bytes);  // 申请一个新的block  // Allocation state  char* alloc_ptr_;   //当前空闲block地址  size_t alloc_bytes_remaining_;  //当前空闲的block剩余内存大小  // Array of new[] allocated memory blocks  std::vector<char*> blocks_; //已经申请的block的地址集合  // Bytes of memory in blocks allocated so far  size_t blocks_memory_;   //已经申请的所有block的内存大小  // No copying allowed  Arena(const Arena&);  void operator=(const Arena&);};inline char* Arena::Allocate(size_t bytes) {  // The semantics of what to return are a bit messy if we allow  // 0-byte allocations, so we disallow them here (we don't need  // them for our internal use).  assert(bytes > 0);  if (bytes <= alloc_bytes_remaining_) {//检查当前的block是否可以分配,如果可以,直接分配    char* result = alloc_ptr_;    alloc_ptr_ += bytes;    alloc_bytes_remaining_ -= bytes;    return result;  }  return AllocateFallback(bytes);}}  // namespace leveldb#endif  // STORAGE_LEVELDB_UTIL_ARENA_H_
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.#include "util/arena.h"#include <assert.h>namespace leveldb {static const int kBlockSize = 4096;Arena::Arena() {  blocks_memory_ = 0;  alloc_ptr_ = NULL;  // First allocation will allocate a block  alloc_bytes_remaining_ = 0;}Arena::~Arena() {  for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks_.size(); i++) {    delete[] blocks_[i];  }}char* Arena::AllocateFallback(size_t bytes) {  if (bytes > kBlockSize / 4) {  //Èç¹û´óÓÚkBlockSizeµÄ1/4£¨1K£©£¬ÔòÖ±½Ó·ÖÅäÄÚ´æ    // Object is more than a quarter of our block size.  Allocate it separately    // to avoid wasting too much space in leftover bytes.    char* result = AllocateNewBlock(bytes);    return result;  }  // We waste the remaining space in the current block.  alloc_ptr_ = AllocateNewBlock(kBlockSize);  //°´kBlockSize£¨4k£©·ÖÅäÄڴ棬Ȼºóµ÷ÕûÖ¸Õë  alloc_bytes_remaining_ = kBlockSize;  char* result = alloc_ptr_;  alloc_ptr_ += bytes;  alloc_bytes_remaining_ -= bytes;  return result;}char* Arena::AllocateAligned(size_t bytes) {  const int align = (sizeof(void*) > 8) ? sizeof(void*) : 8;  assert((align & (align-1)) == 0);   // Pointer size should be a power of 2  size_t current_mod = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(alloc_ptr_) & (align-1);  // ¼ì²éµ±Ç°µÄµØÖ·ÊÇ·ñ¶ÔÆä  size_t slop = (current_mod == 0 ? 0 : align - current_mod);  //µ±Ç°µØַû¶ÔÆ䣬ÐèÒªµ÷Õû£¬slopΪÐèÒªµ÷ÕûµÄ×Ö½ÚÊý  size_t needed = bytes + slop; //¶ÔÆäºóÕæÕýÐèÒªÉêÇëµÄÄÚ´æ´óС  char* result;  //内存充足时直接分配  if (needed <= alloc_bytes_remaining_) {    result = alloc_ptr_ + slop;  //ÄÚ´æ¶ÔÆäºóµÄµØÖ·    alloc_ptr_ += needed;    alloc_bytes_remaining_ -= needed;  } else {    //内存不足时重新分配    // AllocateFallback always returned aligned memory    result = AllocateFallback(bytes);  }  assert((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(result) & (align-1)) == 0);   return result;}//分配固定大小的内存放到vector里面char* Arena::AllocateNewBlock(size_t block_bytes) {  char* result = new char[block_bytes];  blocks_memory_ += block_bytes;  blocks_.push_back(result);  return result;}}  // namespace leveldb

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