
来源:互联网 发布:网络喷子 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:20


   百度云gflags-master:  密码:32cg

   百度云CMake:  密码:t9t2


#include "iostream"#include "gflags/gflags.h"#pragma comment (lib,"gflags_nothreads_static.lib")#pragma comment (lib,"gflags_static.lib")#pragma comment (lib,"shlwapi.lib")// 定义对 FLAGS_port 的检查函数static bool ValidatePort(const char* name, int32_t value) {if (value > 0 && value < 32768) {return true;}printf("Invalid value for --%s: %d\n", name, (int)value);return false;}DEFINE_string(host, "", "the server host");DEFINE_int32(port, 12306, "the server port");static const bool port_dummy = gflags::RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_port, &ValidatePort);int main(int argc, char** argv){// 解析命令行参数,一般都放在 main 函数中开始位置gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);std::cout << "The server host is: " << FLAGS_host<< ", the server port is: " << FLAGS_port << std::endl;// 使用 SetCommandLineOption 函数对参数进行设置才会调用检查函数gflags::SetCommandLineOption("port", "-2");std::cout << "The server host is: " << FLAGS_host<< ", the server port is: " << FLAGS_port << std::endl;return 0;}

百度云源程序vs2012编译:  密码:int1

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